CPM Trade Signal - April 15, 2024

  • 📰 KitcoNewsNOW
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The Kitco News Team brings you the latest news, videos, analysis and opinions regarding Precious Metals, Crypto, Mining, World Markets and Global Economy.

Gold prices reached a record $2,448.80 on Friday 12 April. Prices have since retreated around $80. It would not be surprising to see gold make another $80 to $100 decline or more over the next week or two weeks.

Further upward moves, sooner or later, are expected to be based on another speculative round of buying, and an increase of political tensions, notably in the Middle East and between Russia and Ukraine. However, in our main scenario based view, the potential for another price spike higher in the next two weeks diminishes daily and there is an increased chance of prices spiking lower.

Discretion should be allowed at +/- 0.20% of the price at the time each TR is issued from the target.


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