Australia news LIVE: Men swing to support Dutton as Labor loses ground; Treasurer promises budget spending as economy slows

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Finance Finance Headlines News

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Polling shows men swing to support Coalition, Jim Chalmers promises budget spending and an Australian helicopter in near miss with Chinese fighter jet.

In state news, every child at Victorian public schools and eligible concession cardholders at non-government schools will be given a $400 payment to assist with cost-of-living pressure.The payment is part of the new School Saving Bonus which is part of the Victorian Budget, which will be delivered today. The bonus will deliver $287 million to help with school uniforms, camps, sports and school costs.

“We won’t let any child miss out on the things that make Victorian education great, so we’re giving families the flexibility to use the School Saving Bonus on the things they need – from sports to camps, excursions and uniforms,” she said. The one-off payment will be delivered through schools to about 700,000 students.The bonus will be applied for each child, but can be spent per family – so a family with three school children will receive $1,200 in support to spend on school costs.


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