Gambia: IEC Appeals for Extension of Time to Submit Reports

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Officials of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) have appealed for extended time period to be able to complete their ongoing special audit and to reappear for submission of their audited accounts and financial statements before members of the Finance and Public Accounts Committee (FPAC) of the National Assembly.

Officials of the Independent Electoral Commission have appealed for extended time period to be able to complete their ongoing special audit and to reappear for submission of their audited accounts and financial statements before members of the Finance and Public Accounts Committee of the National Assembly.

The Chief Executive Officer of the IEC, SambujangNjie, also told members of FPAC that it is due to the special audit exercise being currently carried out by the National Audit Office, that prevented their external auditors from starting their audit,"as a result of which the Commission is appealing humbly and kindly requesting for more time, and once NAO completes their special audit on the IEC, the external auditors will start as soon as possible".

On this note, CEO Njie clarified that the IEC is very much conscious of the fact that they must submit their annual reports and audited financial accounts to FPAC, and that they have submitted their activity reports up to the year 2021, and are left with the years 2022 and 2023. He added that this is why the activity reports for 2022 and 2023 are not completed, whilst the activity report for 2022 is in compilation stage.


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