How California is building career pathways to its next big economic sector: the ocean

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Finance Finance Headlines News

Finance Finance Latest News,Finance Finance Headlines

The 'blue' economy is one of the fastest growing economic sectors. California community colleges are readying the next generation of workers.

The so-called “blue” economy is one of the fastest growing economic sectors in California. The state’s community colleges have aligned with businesses to prepare the next generation of workers.Terry Tamminen is president and CEO of AltaSea. He served as the secretary of the California Environmental Protection Agency under Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Enter the “blue” economy: one of the fastest growing economic sectors in California. From ocean exploration and regenerative aquaculture to underwater robotics and renewable energy, the blue economy is expected to create new jobs of every kind, bringing opportunities that canJust like what the dot-com boom and rise of the internet did for California, something similar is on the cusp of happening with the blue economy.

Regenerative aquaculture will help ensure that we can meet the growing demand for seafood while preserving ocean ecosystems and biodiversity. It also provides a sustainable alternative to traditional fishing practices, reducing pressure on wild fish stocks and habitats, and a reliable source of protein and other essential nutrients to help contribute to food security worldwide.

This is just one example of how the blue economy and education systems focused on the next generation of jobs can impact every person on the planet. It also demonstrates that economic prosperity and environmental responsibility are not mutually exclusive. For California to maintain its footing, it has to remain on the cutting edge of innovation. We need to start harnessing our greatest assets: our ocean and untapped talent.‘Another attempt to industrialize the coast’: California’s Central Coast residents work to stop — or at least slow down — offshore wind“I am a CalMatters sustaining member because I want unbiased journalism that allows me to make up my own mind.


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