Global Fashion Industry Faces Sweeping Legislative Changes for Sustainability

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New legislation is compelling the fashion industry to embrace circular economy models and stringent supply chain scrutiny.

From the Americas Act in the U.S. to the CSDDD in Europe, legislation is compelling the fashion industry to embrace circular economy models and stringent supply chain scrutiny, with brands and carriers pushing toward greener practices and transparent operations.WWD’s sister publication Sourcing Journal laid out some of the key laws in its recently released Sustainability Report, such as the Americas Act, a landmark legislation harnessing the economic potential of the Western Hemisphere.

Meanwhile, in Europe, one of the biggest and most contentious pieces of legislation is what’s colloquially known as the. This rule would require large businesses to identify, mitigate and remedy environmental and human rights violations in their supply chains. The consistently downward trajectory — barring emissions from 2020, which COVID-19 squelched industry-wide — was the result of a purposeful strategy to “get the greatest reductions in the fastest amount of time,” particularly with the Scope 3 emissions that comprise 99 percent of Everlane’s total greenhouse gas footprint, according to Katina Boutis, director of sustainability at Everlane.


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