PASH Global seeks Egyptian partners, new capital for clean energy projects

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Business News

Lack of established markets for green hydrogen and green ammonia projects is a hurdle to securing offtake agreements.

A needle valve belonging to Electricity Generation Turbines, partially fuelled by green hydrogen, in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, October 20, 2022. REUTERS/Sayed Sheasha

Clean energy investor PASH Global aims to raise at least $150m in equity this year to support expansion, CEO Kofi Owusu-Bempah tellsThe company has “a strong pipeline of opportunities” in Africa and in Latin America and is in discussions with potential financial advisors for the fundraising, Owusu-Bempah says.AfCFTA: Is the common market on the right track?

The African Continental Free Trade Area is entering its test phase and is making progress. But the hurdles are far from being cleared.Ecobank’s strategy of geographic and sector diversification is bearing fruit as the Lomé-based group remains the financial benchmark on the continent.Niger has raised $733m on the West African Economic and Monetary Union’s financial market to pay off its debts. The high interest rates could ...


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