Removal of banking levy would fuel financial services sector, lobby says

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Financial-Services-Ireland News

Finance Finance Latest News,Finance Finance Headlines

Financial Services Ireland says sector contributes approximately €18.2bn to Irish GDP every year, and €2.7bn in corporation tax

Ireland risks missing out on the possibility of increasing growth and employment in the financial services sector, a lobby for the sector has warned.

Its proposals include the abolition of the banking levy to encourage competition, and developing a robust talent pipeline in sustainable finance, addressing skills gaps through collaboration across third-level institutions, and a mixture of alternative access routes, on-the-job learning, and peer learning.

“The sector is continuing to grow but its success cannot be taken for granted. We have set out a series of measures that will help to increase the talent pipeline, enhance our competitiveness, and support firms of all sizes to boost innovation.” “ an area that has enormous growth potential given the scale of the contribution that financial services will make in funding the transition to net zero.”


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