Ripple CTO Reveals How He Bought 40,000 ETH During Ethereum ICO

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Finance Finance Headlines News

Finance Finance Latest News,Finance Finance Headlines

Ripple CTO's revelation of acquiring 40,000 ETH during Ethereum's ICO shines light on potentially lucrative $120 million investment

Ripple CTO's revelation of acquiring 40,000 ETH during Ethereum's ICO shines light on potentially lucrative $120 million investmentRipple CTO David Schwartz's recent disclosure has sparked widespread intrigue within the cryptocurrency community, shedding new light on his early involvement in Ethereum and the significant gains he accrued.

I knew Vitalik. He invited me to participate. I wanted to support him, so went in for 20 BTC. I didn't really ask any questions. It got me 40,000 ETH. I thought of it as helping an acquaintance.add complexity to the narrative. Buterin's stint at the company, cut short due to visa complications, underscores the connections between the two projects. Yet, tensions have arisen in recent years, exacerbated by Ripple's legal battle with the SEC.

Gamza graduated with a degree in finance and credit with a specialization in securities and financial derivatives. He then also completed a master's program in banking and asset management. He wants to have a hand in covering economic and fintech topics, as well as educate more people about cryptocurrencies and blockchain.

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