Liquor Board in bid to address impact of crime on businesses in EC - SABC News

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Crime News

Finance Finance Latest News,Finance Finance Headlines

'Stakeholders met to discuss the impact of crime on businesses and promote responsible trading.

The aim was to address the impact of crime on businesses and to promote responsible trading in a crime-free environment.released in February, indicate that Nelson Mandela Bay contributed the largest to crimes committed in the province between October and December 2023.Meanwhile, Eastern Cape Provincial Legislature Chairperson of Committees Tony Duba says alcohol has been at the centre of almost all criminal activities.

One of the residents, Kholekile Ngqokwana, says the meeting is important for the community to come together to come up with solutions to combat crime which has reached uncontrollable levels. “Our businesses are also affected because people now move to clubs in the suburbs. Because they feel it is safer to attend there than in the townships as there is constant crime here,” he says.


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