How Glo will support FG’s push for digital economy

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Finance Finance Headlines News

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Nigeria's independent online newspaper

The Executive Vice Chairman of Globacom, Mrs. Bella Disu, says the company is poised to help drive the realization of the Federal Government’s digitalization agenda.

Mrs Disu, who emphasized the importance of Nigeria continuing to harness the transformative powers of emerging technologies, disclosed Globacom’s plan to enable technological advancement in the country. “Under innovation, we plan to have four innovation hubs, with one to be rolled out in Lagos in the fourth quarter of the year, and three to be commissioned by the second quarter of 2025 in PH, Ibadan, and Abuja. We see these hubs as being an ecosystem and a catalyst for technological advancement where we have hubs for tech enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, incubators and accelerators to really collaborate, thrive and learn”, she added.

“More and Nigerians are going into remote work, and with the right training, they will be able to take up even more lucrative roles in the sector. In entrepreneurship and start-ups, through fintech and content creation and startups, the opportunities are vast,” she pointed out, and pledged Globacom’s continued support for the sector.


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