Singapore’s stakes in India’s election - Will polls bring a surprise?

  • 📰 The Straits Times
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Hear from our guest expert on Singapore’s stakes in seeing a stable government rule the world’s fifth biggest economy.

In this episode, ST's Ravi Velloor speaks with political scientist Associate Professor Iqbal Singh Sevea , director of the Institute of South Asian Studies, a think-tank under the National University of Singapore.

Synopsis: Join The Straits Times’ senior columnist Ravi Velloor, as he distils his experience from four decades of covering the continent. The world’s most populous nation began voting on April 19 in a seven-phase election in which nearly one billion people are eligible to vote, with ballots set to be counted on June 4.

In this episode, Ravi speaks with the political scientist Associate Professor Iqbal Singh Sevea, director of the Institute of South Asian Studies, a think-tank under the National University of Singapore. They discuss the ongoing Indian election marked by a dip in voter turnout, the competing narratives, the improving national profile of Mr Rahul Gandhi, chances of a decisive victory for Mr Narendra Modi and the Bharatiya Janata Party.8:09 Singapore’s stakes in the Indian electionResend verification e-mail


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