Sunak insists confidence in economy is growing

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Finance Finance Headlines News

The Prime Minister reiterated his view that the Government’s economic plan was working as he visited a healthcare technology facility in…

Rishi Sunak has insisted that “things are starting to feel better” and that confidence in the economy is growing after the UK economy moved out of recession, although he conceded it would “take time” for people to really feel the benefits.

Mr Sunak was joined by Chancellor Jeremy Hunt and Conservative MP for Witney Robert Courts as he was shown around the Siemens Healthineers factory, which manufactures magnets used inside MRI scanners. But the Prime Minister told the BBC that it would “take time” for people to “really feel better” and that there was “more work to do”.The Prime Minister and the Chancellor were shown around the Siemens Healthineers factory The Prime Minister’s visit came as the Treasury announced more than £2 billion of investment has been secured in the UK by world leading tech companies.


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