Backdoor for China? Hong Kong crypto ETFs eye mainland investors via Stock Connect

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Kitco NEWS has a diverse team of journalists reporting on the economy, stock markets, commodities, cryptocurrencies, mining and metals with accuracy and objectivity. Our goal is to help people make informed market decisions through in-depth reporting, daily market roundups, interviews with prominent industry figures, comprehensive coverage of important industry events and analyses of market-affecting developments.

is a Crypto Market Reporter for Kitco Crypto. Coming from a background in Psychology and Human Behavior, he began to focus his attention on the cryptocurrency space in early 2017 after noticing the rapid growth of this emerging market. Since that time, Jordan has worked as a content creator for multiple projects and as a crypto news journalist reporting on the latest developments within the cryptocurrency market.

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- Mining has to do more work to attract investors, said Joanna Ponicka, vice president of exploration at Equivest.In early May Ponicka spoke to Kitco Mining at Deutsche Goldmesse at Frankfurt, Germany.Easy projects are mostly developed, the next are challenged - Neil Adshead on copper pipeline - Tracking a miner's costs are just as important for anticipating stock jumps as keeping an eye on metal prices, said Neil Adshead, consultant analyst at Commodity Discovery Fund. - The gold market just celebrated a major anniversary, even as it now witnesses the start of a paradigm shift in global demand.


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