Retirement tips, consumer spending, tech impact: Wealth!

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Investment Strategies News

Consumer Behavior,Bradley Smith,Retirement Savings

Wealth! host Bradley Smith explores retirement planning, investment strategies, and the impact of technology on businesses and healthcare. As Americans face ...

for saving for an extended retirement, while financial expert and author Maddy Dychtwald provides valuable insights on the importance of retirement savings, particularly for women.explores how small businesses are leveraging the evolving tech landscape to improve their companies, highlighting the transformative power of technology.Our community of experts will give you the resources, the tools, the tips and the tricks that you need to grow your money on.

Looking through that, I think the story is continued spending momentum uh not particularly accelerating or decelerating to any great extent. You know, you kind of had that reopening story after the pandemic, lots of jobs in leisure and hospitality also in health care still, uh there's momentum there. So, you know, that gives a little bit of wind in the sales for consumers is receiving those when, uh, with receiving those refunds too.

You know, it's interesting, caution seems like it's gonna be a word that contributes to some of the moderation we might see in spending. And I think that still weighs on confidence and I guess people uh have seen the inflation rate come down but they're still seeing those price increases. We're gonna tell you why on the other side of this short break, let's do a quick check of the market sponsored by Texas de trade here.That's holding on to gains of about 2/10 of a percent S and P 500 flat just barely to the upside here in the NASDAQ composite.

So I've been thinking a lot about this sort of definition of A f if you will, this is a f from a perspective, right?So it's something that everybody is seeming everywhere all at once, very popular, but then a fad tends to fade, right? As you see it here, it's down 95% over the past three years, down 97% since its highs that reached uh back in 2020 beyond meat is another example here.But if you go to your grocery store, you definitely see a lot of different varieties in your freezer, not just a beyond meat.

When you're talking about investing fads, I think you can say meme stocks are one example, here's our heat map of the meme stocks, right?Uh that was more about the stocks themselves than necessarily the underlying products and the popularity of the game stock, for example, A MC or a couple I think of it's not that everybody was all of a sudden going to movie theaters or going into a game stop.You might think of Bitcoin as another type of investing fad.


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