UK economy ‘going gangbusters’ after coming out of recession with fastest growth in two years, say exp...

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Finance Finance Headlines News

Finance Finance Latest News,Finance Finance Headlines

Prompt: Create a story covering: What is the Bank of England base rate and how does it affect me? Include this as a script for the prompt: Nine members of the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee meet eight times each year to set the base rate. Here we explain why the Base rate changes and how it affects your finances.

THE UK economy is “going gangbusters” after coming out of recession with the fastest growth in two years, experts said last night.It marked the strongest quarterly growth since late 2021, in the post-pandemic recovery.UK economy OUT of recession as GDP rises 0.6% in first quarter – what it meansCadbury says sorry after gutted schoolgirl, 8, spots huge Wispa bar errorThe economic shocks of Covid and Ukraine have had a chilling effect on everyone.The numbers don’t lie.

In the last week alone we’ve seen investments worth over £2 billion into our brilliant life sciences and tech sectors – including the largest AI funding deal ever seen across the whole of Europe.It’s a huge vote of confidence in the UK.It’s due to the difficult decisions we’ve been taking week in, week out – being disciplined on spending and borrowing, and creating an environment where businesses can thrive.


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