Launching a startup in Africa: OX Delivers

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Finance Finance Headlines News

Finance Finance Latest News,Finance Finance Headlines

LONDON, England, 27 May 2024, /African Media Agency/-At AFSIC – Investing in Africa 2024 dialogue focuses on nurturing investment and collaboration across the investment value chain and driving sustainable growth in Africa.

WIN BIG with Horizon Shopping Centre’s Deal of the Month Competition…Revolutionizing the Digital Landscape: Our CEO’s Vision for Unlimited Web Hosting… With a wide variety of industry sectors attending and many of the key financial sector participants present, investors attend AFSIC looking for new investment ideas or looking to raise capital for their own funds.

“The big opportunity for Africa is the huge growth—you’re in a market that is expanding rapidly and seeking new solutions. As a startup in Africa, you are not really competing with large legacy industry or corporate inertia. Instead, you are competing against no solution, or an ineffective solution. Africa also brings the opportunity to build right from the start. We’re not dealing with legacy infrastructure and business models. Fresh solutions are welcomed.

How have you navigated regulatory and bureaucratic hurdles specific to the countries in which you operate? We have received strong support from governments to date as there are so many clear and tangible benefits for all the stakeholders.” We emphasise using local language within the business. For example, rather than branding ourselves OX Delivers in Rwanda, we have created a local brand “OX Ntuma”. Ntuma means “send me” in Kinyarwanda, so everyone both in the team and our customers understands what we do.

What are your long-term goals and vision for your startup’s growth and impact in Africa, and how do you plan to achieve them?


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