Former NRA finance chief agrees to 10-year ban from nonprofit management

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Phillips is banned from serving as a fiduciary of a nonprofit organization in New York for 10 years and must undergo training before returning to any such position, according to the deal.

He was accused of approving invoices for LaPierre’s private jet flights, facilitating payments to contractors linked to LaPierre’s friends, and enabling the NRA to reimburse expenses covered by its advertising agency for LaPierre and his wife. In February, a Manhattan state court jury concluded the trial’s first phase, finding LaPierre misused millions of NRA funds and ordering him to repay nearly $4.4 million to the organization.

Before the trial began in January, Joshua Powell, LaPierre’s former chief of staff, settled with James’s office by agreeing to testify, pay the NRA $100,000, and refrain from further involvement in nonprofit organizations.


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