The Irish Times view on the Summer Economic Statement: reaching the limits of prudence

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Budget News


A bumper €8.3bn package is planned, with much of the extra cash going to the health service and State investment

Minister for Public Expenditure, Paschal Donohoe and Minister for Finance Jack Chambers at the publication of the Government's Summer Economic Statement 2024. As the general election approaches, the Government is planning to spend an additional €8.3 billion on budget day in permanent tax and spending changes, as outlined in the.. A 6.9 per cent rise in spending again breaks through the 5 per cent limit under the fiscal rules. And this is after an additional €1.

A further test for the Coalition lies ahead on budget day. Last year an additional sum in excess of €2.5 billion was added in a range of cost-of-living measures – if this happens again, and we get a €10 billion plus budget, then the Coalition will rightly stand accused of trying to buy the general election.

Derry winning the All-Ireland was probably the only way the endgame could have played out differently for Harte The issue of getting a return on money spent also applies more widely across the public service and for State investment projects. In areas like housing, for example, the Department of Finance has already raised concerns about the extent of expertise available to the State in managing the massive amounts being spent. And big overruns on major projects create wider concerns.


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