Banking sector recapitalisation: A risky trajectory for future mergers, acquisitions

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Finance Finance Headlines News

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Nigeria's independent online newspaper

Guest WriterThe March 28, 2024, circular from the Central Bank of Nigeria , titled ‘Review of Minimum Capital Requirements for Commercial, Merchant, and Non-Interest Banks in Nigeria’,set the stage for significant shifts in the financial landscape since the first quarter of 2024.

The prevailing macroeconomic challenges and headwinds necessitate that banks bolster their resilience, solvency, and capacity to support the Nigerian economy. Consequently, the recapitalization mandate is seen as a move to ensure a safer, sounder, and more stable banking system, in line with Section 9 of the Banks and Other Financial Institutions Act 2020.The CBN’s circular outlines an upward revision of the minimum capital requirements for various categories of banks in Nigeria.

The uncertainties surrounding the recapitalisation exercise and its impact on M&As are influenced by factors such as the willingness of banks to merge, the availability of suitable partners, and the overall economic environment. Banks must also consider the potential for increased competition in the sector.

In addition to regulatory hurdles, the economic landscape poses significant challenges. These include inflationary trends, volatile exchange rates, and other domestic and international economic shocks. The directive aims to ensure banks have a robust capital base to absorb unexpected losses and continue supporting economic growth.Here, we examine several illustrative scenarios to highlight the key legal and regulatory considerations.Investor X acquires a 20 percent stake in Bank C.

Navigating these regulatory and operational challenges requires banks to adopt a strategic and meticulous approach. Engaging in thorough due diligence, seeking expert advisory services, and fostering transparent communication with regulators are essential steps. The process involves regulatory approvals, shareholder agreements, and adherence to stringent disclosure requirements.

2 Currently, Access Holdings has raised N351bn rights issue and Wema Bank has been admitted N8.572bn rights issue amongst others.


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