Ireland 'feeding' genocide in Gaza as thousands of cattle exported to Israel

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Farming News

Environment,Green Party,Sinn Fein

'To think that we are actually sending in food supplies into Israel to support the economy [and] government of Israel - worse still to feed the soldiers the government are ordering to go in to murder Gazans wholescale'

Ireland has been accused of “feeding” the Palestinian genocide by shipping thousands of cattle to Israel after they started bombing Gaza. The State’s Department for Agriculture admits to the live exports but says “Israel is not the subject of a trade ban at this time”.

“To think that we are actually sending in food supplies into Israel to support the economy government of Israel - worse still to feed the soldiers the government are ordering to go in to murder Gazans wholescale. Ethical Farming director Caroline Rowley says the shipments are “inexcusable”, both in terms of the war and the impact on the animals involved.

“But this doesn’t surprise me,” added Rowley. “It’s the same with Libya, another country in conflict, yet DAFM has been authorising shipments there for years. She added: “The government should enact the Illegal Israeli settlements divestment bill and the Occupied Territories Bill, and the Arms Embargo Bill cease all trade with the genocidal apartheid regime. The EU should immediately suspend all trade with Israel. It’s not tenable for Von der Leyen’s Commission block and provides cover for the Israeli war crimes.”


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