Ticketmaster warns of breach affecting customers personal info and credit cards

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The company said customers in the U.S., Canada and Mexico had their name, date of birth and banking details hacked.

Ticketmaster is alerting customers in the U.S., Mexico and Canada about a data breach affecting personal information and encrypted credit cards. In letters send to account holders, the company said the breach took place between April 2 and May 18, 2024, Ticketmaster is alerting customers one by one in the U.S., Mexico and Canada about a previously reported data breach affecting account holders’ personal information, banking details and encrypted credit cards.

The breach affected “some” customers’ basic information, including their name, date of birth, banking information and credit card numbers and expirations dates. The company did not disclose in the email or its notice how many customers were part of the breach.“We take data protection very seriously and have been working with the relevant authorities, including law enforcement, as well as credit card companies and banks,” Ticketmaster stated in its online post.

The lawsuit is looking to break up the alleged monopoly the government argues is hurting smaller promoters, artists and fans.


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