Chanticleer podcast: Macquarie’s deal drought | AI doubters sell | Michael Milken touts private capital

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This week on the Chanticleer podcast, James and Anthony look at Macquarie’s deal drought, ask why everyone’s suddenly sceptical on AI, and try to fix Australia’s capital markets.

podcast are available every Friday at 5pm AEST.On Thursday morning, we had a June quarter update from the company affectionately known as the “Millionaire’s Factory,” Macquarie Group. What did we learn?Well, we learned that the profit machine is still stuck in second or third gear. I think, James, it’s more of the same. I mean, don’t get me wrong, this thing still makes a ton of money.

James, you were talking to me about this at the start of the week, and then Elon just jumped on the back. What did we learn from Elon Musk?Yeah, well, I think we learned that Elon’s a very blue-sky guy, very big picture. It’s also going to become a humanoid robot company. So, you know, there’ll be human-looking robots in shops and in factories everywhere, maybe even in our houses. So everything else pales in comparison.

Anthony Pratt has a big packaging cardboard group in Australia, it’s now cracked it over in the US too. Now, Anthony Pratt says that they could only expand 20 years ago because of their access to private credit, or basically money out of the pension funds, which was arranged by this financier called Mike Milken, who’s this big-name investment banker leveraged markets guy who’s sort of been doing this stuff for 50 years.


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