How It All Started: China’s Early Coronavirus Missteps

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China’s early response to the coronavirus was riddled with errors and delays. “A lot fewer people would have died.”

WUHAN—It was on Dec. 10 that Wei Guixian, a seafood merchant in this city’s Hua’nan market, first started to feel sick. Thinking she was getting a cold, she walked to a small local clinic to get some treatment and then went back to work.

Eight days later, the 57-year-old was barely conscious in a hospital bed, one of the first suspected cases in a coronavirus epidemic that has paralyzed China and gripped the global economy. The virus has spread around the world and sickened more than 100,000.


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y_kitman We should return to call it WuhanCoronavirus

China tried to minimize/cover it up and look what happened. Trump is doing the same thing. It is going to get much worse for the American people. Can we concentrate on the layoffs and financial hardship for people, the lack of tests and cost of care for the thousands of uninsured

China CCP hide the fact of WuhanCoronovirus in the beginning, and condemn other countries to block the entry of China people. Now China CCP has successfully spread the virus to the world and claim it doesn't have any responsibility.

Western media, supremacists, and sadly separatists Hongkies only spit hatred but don't offer better solutions.

This is the truth of the spreading of COVID-19 (WuhanCoronavirus)

so sad to see american people dont get the lesson but repeat the mistake that china once paid

Good to learn from the missteps so as not to mishandle WuhanVirus or other super virus again

China do make some mistakes at early age. but bureaucracy is pain in the ass in every country. any government could make sure that they could do it better

Then they stepped up. America is still botching it up. I’m embarrassed.

But the media will blame Trump.

juliettekayyem 👁👁 Really? We’re going to blame China for how realDonaldTrump has screwed our response to this virus. I call BS. This is on the POTUS and lies on his doorstep.

WSJ has been hysterical after the “real sick man of Asia” asked it to pack and get out. 😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Of course! China did such a terrible job of dealing with this crisis. I think it is time for the US to give China a lesson.

Your president still thinks coronavirus is flu。

How about US to response to the coronavirus now?

Blaming others is more easier than blaming self. Ridiculous media and WSJ

If China was not run by a totalitarian government, the information would have freely flown and WuhanCoronavius would have been known much earlier. Did you know that WHO ?

You mean it’s not realDonaldTrump fault......? Im confused

在中国和世界卫生组织警示两个月之久中 世界第一的美国干嘛呢 什么样的准备准备不完 !!!

Yes indeedie. That helps China's overcrowding!

Now, its your turn, everybody eyes on you, wsj, performance,

What happened in Wuhan is an absolute tragedy, just hope it will not be repeated in any other country. A reminder, this is not a flu, its much more serious than a common flu. Take it seriously

First, the China government obviously did not act fast enough and it even silenced those brave enough to alert others. Second, during the peak of the Wuhan Virus outbreak, many Chinese tourists were still traveling around the world to spread the virus. It's now a global crisis.

China is forever wrong and American is always right. Is that your opinion? The kindergarten journal!

If CCP has reported the outbreak in Dec and not controlling WHO, the world should have better preparation CCP ruins the world, it should apologize to all people in the world for causing the pandemic

If China accepted the help from CDCgov as early as in January, many lives might have been saved.

This is what HongKong happening

chinazi should apologize to the whole world since the WuhanCoronavirus / ChinaPneumonia was came from there country and they did NOTHING to stop it spread over the world. China_is_terrorist

The current situation and its act before global spread of Wuhan Virus should blame on China government (the totalitarian CCP). Their failure of policy and supreesion of mobile information on the society has come to this final situation that all people in the world need to suffer

It is Chinese Chernobyl incident. The main reason of the CoronavirusOutbreak / WuhanVirus Outbreak is that they cover up the information in early stage

If China cared about human lives, they would share the information to the world instead of threatening the doctors. Oh and if WHO wasn’t that corrupt, they would declare emergency back in Jan but what else is new?

Whatever China said, you just don't believe it and mocking all Chinese as the real sick man of Asia, what should we do?😇

True. If China handle the WuhanCoronavirus seriously in last December instead of coverup, they story will be completely different. Don't forget even they still allow 5m Wuhan Citizens escaped in a lockdown after almost 2 months of first case.

China. Not President Trump.

juliettekayyem And this was perpetuated in other countries...

its now more than 3 months since the outbreak. when China faced,it was unknown, and after 3 months lot of information is shared. after this months if its is not controlled or tackled still to blame China? what about those best health systems, what did they do so for?

It is just sad what had become.

China want to destroy the world once and control it.

Well, CCP China spread propaganda said that all fault are made by US 🤷🏻 WuhanVirus outbreak becoz of CCP China covered up in the first place at the first time!!!! Remember the whistleblower Dr Li!!!


A detail report on how the failure of public health system and absence of free flow of information breeds a global epidemic. A very good read. Hope we all learn the lesson

We have face masks, We have totally FREE medical treatment in Mainland China. SOCIAL restarted already, everything goes well.

FlyingF14014214 It’s the fault of CCP and its puppet WHO, now the world is taking the toll. Don’t trust them ever again!

China has nothing to do with how US under Trump's leadership mishandled the crisis. China didn't have much time to prepare, whereas America had months. And at the same time 's parent company was spreading lies and misinformation through foxnews to make things worse.


So, reparations for the human and economic losses and suffering? Anyone? Bueller?

IranianGenocide AyatollahsSpreadCOVID19 HelpIranian Ayatollah not care about people who have killed people in many ways during 41 years

And this is sad. But Americans took their businesses over there because America has rules and laws. Now look at them. I wonder how much money the rich are losing? The poor don't have to worry about that so much. What are the rich going to fire the poor to save their own ass?

Again with the fucking lies. Yeah they fucked up in the beginning but it’s a new virus they didn’t fucking know. Once they found out they acted better than anyone ever has in a crisis like this. They gave America and the rest of the world two months to react n wtf they do

Racism. When a virus broke out in China, the western world despised the virus, and there were no strict measures, all of which were caused by your lack of strict measures.

5 Million People Already Left Coronavirus-Infected Wuhan before Imposed Travel Restrictions . DO WE HAVE TO TRUST ANYMORE SUCH SAD PEOPLE WHO RATHER PREFER TO INFECT US AND ALL EARTH ?

Open you eyes please, see what happened in America, what happened in Italy, Then come back to read your report which full of bais, don't you feel any shame?

I head Trump actually was Chinese and him and Bill Gates invented the Corona Virus to hide 5g technology from the Russians

Sure it’s all china...why the fuck is potus sitting on his hands?

WhoDatWarriors What I learned reporting on the coronavirus epidemic in China that could help you

It’s time for the whole world to hold China liable for the widespread of the disease. The government of every country should ask for compensation from China to cover the loss because of Wuhan Virus.

Yeah sure it’s always easier to blame than actually do something. Speaking of suppressing info, wanna talk about switching confirmed numbers to yes/no?

very sorry to hear that

Demonize their government.....not the people..

In fear of Corona, Hunter Biden self quarantined himself in his local C-grade strip club


Excellent reporting.

Are you talking about h1n1 that infected 60.8million American? It has been a month since you shut down flight to China. China nearly don't have new confirmed cases and treated all patient for free. Are CDC starting to do anything for your citizen? Wish you have good April.

juliettekayyem Yes if only they responded as well as Western nations *eye roll* China's efforts almost certainly contained the disease and gave the rest of the world a chance. It is hard imagining another nation responding better. But it's the WSJ so implicit racism/xenophobia is to be expected

You should go tell them that to their face pussys

There are multiple factors contributing to the global pendemic. And Sinophobic WSJ wrote about the one farest in time. I believe 'US totally failed to combat H1N1 and let it to become a global seasonal flu? And Corona is getting there' is more relevant and concerning.

Sound familiar? Trump will kill us all.

Countless of sacrifices were in Wuhan, slowing down the potential spread of an epidemic, while some idiots spreading lies, hatred & discrimination. While trying to gain political and $ mileage, they conveniently forgot about the need of their ppl. What’s goes around comes around.

A global crisis that so far has cost mostly Chinese lives. Imagine if they had followed the American model and only visited misery on other countries. Like Vietnam. And Iraq.

True. But clearly other parts of the world didn’t learn this lesson, except for certain country like Singapore. A shame to all human.

No matter what China did, WSJ just wanna say “you are wrong, China”

This one is so weird. He hides. The other one does not.

And when that doesn't save the Party . . .

They've constructed am hospital in two weeks, put the whole country in quarantine, and the number of cases is also reducing on a daily basis. In Western Countries, Italy took a lot of time to contain the virus and in USA there's not even a sufficient number of tests sample.

It’s a new virus and people needs time to learn everything about it. And China has setup a example to the world, both bad and good. However, US government is still failed to handle this crisis. Are they too stupid to do their job or not?

Don't eat bats.

Fine, WSJ retwitter this again to cover up the failure and inability of our government by blaming China.

It’s your corona flu, wsj ,

juliettekayyem Check out Rupert Murdoch’s zombies, with their huge campaign to blame the Chinese for our own lack of preparedness. REMINDER: Trump fired the pandemic response team.

And the US is doing just leaps and bounds better than this. Like really a case study in efficacy for dealing with a pandemic. Absolutely astounding. Some would say perfect.

China is the only country in the world winning the war against coronavirus.

Blame others will always be easier than blame yourself. 1.initially no one knows what exactly it is. 2.even if the CCP suppress the info,ok,China domestic is more serious than any other areas. However, we controlled the situation finally and gave the world over a month to prepare

China will never be held accountable. China owns UN. Shame.

It is a natural disaster that first hit China and would have spread across the world much earliest if it had taken place in other countries given their poor responses even with the precious two months that China had earned for the world with its decisive measures. Blame yourself

Wuhan Virus. Be specific as to which virus referred to.

The world is paying the price for it.

Wish China would tell the truth about coronavirus

What about the 59,897 recoverd cases!!

It is so typical of China, mindset is for mass production :(

trump isn't handling it any bit better

And Japan still has radioactive shit leaking into the ocean. What else is new!!


China’s suppression of information among its people really came back to bite them.

I need to see you again and i dont care who knows about it

The bad habit of China govt - denial and neglect the fact. It cost the whole world.

How does it work?Fake news

CopSmithTPS Thank goodness for our health care system in Canada Yes it will be tested again like Sars and we will learn from this for the next crisis Thank goodness we're in Canada 🇨🇦🇨🇦

At the beginning of the outbreak, only saw a few cases showed, & no one knew how bad it was ‘cuz this is a completely new unknown disease. It’s understandable that 🇨🇳“botched” the early response. But what excuse do we have to still botch it with plenty of warnings and time?

Tldr, what's the jist.

You people are a disgrace all over the world innocent people are dying because a reclusive government refused to alert the world it’s not America or trump or Italy or South Korea or Iran’s fault visitors to wuhan were allowed to fly all over the world carryimg this virus

what USA has done so for? because when China faced the crises it was new virus, and now everything about COVID-19 is known so lets what USA can do..China has done a wonderful work by locking down all cities.

How it all continued: Europe, USA, EveryoneElse botched their (even later) response to the CoronaVirus dating back to THEIR very first patients. The cause of this is global stupidity. The proof of this is your very WSJ-article.

' a seafood merchant in this city’s Hua’nan market, first started to feel sick....she walked to a small local clinic to get some treatment and then went back to work.' NO. That is not where this started. It is a MAN MADE VIRUS THAT ESCAPED THE LAB.

China is lucky as there are many scientists like Zhong Nanshan who taught public how to deal with the virus and guide the government take action. However, American is told that Coronavirus is just like flu by their president without any correct guidance. People deserves truth!

Half-truth. Yes, China botched its early response to the coronavirus, and still hasn't apologized for that severe error; HOWEVER, China later accomplished a level of containment like no other country could and it would be more widespread if not for that.

CCP wanted to conceal the case early in Dec.

Just call the virus as where it came from, isn't it the easiest way 🤔 Coronavid19 is made in CHINA ChinaCoronaVirus WuhanVirus

XiomaraFung F.. Chinese

This is a good example why WSJ cannot be trusted. China has the quickest and best response to any virus threat in human history. WSJ are still hurling stones while their own country is about to be hit hard due to inaction.

Now do the US

And the WHO further delayed the problems.

CCP's tyrannical China makes the earliest worst move to covering-up and hiding the coronavirus of WuhanCoronavirusOutbreak . The world must pursue the liability for CCP's fault!

Remember. This is all because of China, the sick man of east Asia! The Chinese government and its people are even trying to spread fake news about the source of virus is the US!

The Chinese government punished Dr. Li Wenliang who warned of the outbreak initially and died from the virus later. 👆🏻Evidence

It was first discovered in China. God knows where it started. Fake news. Trump was right about WSJ

And Dr. LiWenliang replace them to alert people, look what happen to him.

It’s all China’s fault

WuhanPneumonia WuhanVirus WuhanCoronavius

WuhanVirus is defining belt and road. CCP_is_Terrorist

To release a deliberately provocative headline like this before the situation is controlled worldwide is irresponsible to the highest degree. It offers no solutions and only serves to incite racism at a time when everyone is on high alert.

Last winter, 10 thousands died in USA, maybe the coronavirus already spread that time and America government....

seriously, China's the only country with an excuse for botching it, they truly had no idea what was going on. everyone else knew something was up and we collectively just ignored things.

In 2003, China hided the truth of SARS which caused a significant outbreak in HongKong. In 2020, CoronavirusOutbreak started in 🇨🇳again. Every time if CCP could be honest and inform countries nearby, less people will get infected and die

And of course you can never miss out the effort of WHO kept praising China from the start when the CCP tried covering the news until now. Every day every single moment as if they will die if stop praising. WHOcares coronavirus

They sure did but the virus can’t be stopped. Humans don’t follow instructions very well. With an incubation period up to 2 weeks, the spread is inevitable.

'One of the first doctors to alert Chinese authorities was criticized for “spreading rumors” ' Criticized How about arrested? Are we just gonna paper over the arrest of doctors on the front lines trying to warn the public

AGHamilton29 Could they really have stopped it if people can spread it without knowing they are sick?

I hope it does not happen but I think if things get worse, people in usa will protest and riot. And nurses and doctors demand more money and go on strike instead of helping coronavirus infected people. That would be one difference between people in usa and china.

Or did they? 🤔

US got informed on Jan 3 by China. That's over two months since then, China locked down Wuhan on Jan. 23, 6 weeks since then. instead of helping its people prevent the outbreak, west media spent all time mocking China, fanning discrimination against chinese.

Canada botched it’s COVIDー19 response as well cdnpoli coronaviruscanada

WSJ the propaganda machine Blame everyone else but won’t criticize the country that hid results, stopped testing and allowed ppl to travel to infect others. Can’t fool the American public for too long

WHOOPIPIE Botched? Any news on those Hong Kong protests?

Does anyone know what animal it came from or did it come from some Chinese person eating boiled bat shit from a pig...

The US is clown shoesing the crisis. Glass house blah blah.

The whole world is paying the price now for trusting China

China did better than the US. Your Governments position was that it was a hoax perpetrated by CNN and the Democrats

Please read the article before commenting on the article.

usa and europe botched their early response to coronavirus dating back to when the CoronavirusOutbreak was happening in china. Instead of learning from China’s mishap and preparing, the world blamed the Chinese government and Chinese people. The result is a global crisis.

Oh fuck this. The CN gov is response for its early misstep to the CN ppl, and them alone. It’s been 2 month since Wuhan’s lockdown, but other than bashing CN, the US did absolute nothing to protect its citizens. 2 whole months.

US reported it's first infected patient months after China first declared publicly covid 19, yet US is I'll prepared to contain it.

Ugly and politically biased! If China didn’t find out the new virus just in two weeks, report to WHO in time, and apply the effective transmission control policies. The world will be in tragedy now. Sadly, US did nothing during the month. That’s why the crisis begin.🤬

Please stop comparing CDC’s measures with China or SK, we live under fundamentally different systems. One must play by the LOCAL book. In China, govt has unlimited power and liability, hence we are authoritarian. In USA, this is NOT the case.

davidfrum Trump admirers Xi so he follows in his footsteps. StephMillerShow frangeladuo

Stop playing Monday morning quarterback. Everyone's got perfect 20/20 vision after the fact. The Great USofA is supposedly superior in every way from the evil Communists with our Freedoms. And we even had 2 FULL months headstart. Show how Fkn Great we are or just STFU.

By botched you mean, intentionally allowed?

davidfrum This is rich coming from a dying empire that is using denial as their public health response.

NBCInvestigates Indeed point the finger at them msm!!!

China TRIED hiding this shit.They suppressed and censored information about the severity of the virus.

acoyne And the WHO played along.

Trump: “Hold my beer.”

smartdissent Thank the lust for short-term greed Nixon &g0p end run around Union proper regulations environment working conditions you name it that's why they went there billionaire middlemen greed.

It is extremely hard to detect and control a new pandemic disease like COVID19. You can see even with example of China and extensive knowledge now, some countries still misbehave. Indeed, China could have done better given should be immune from 2003SARS, they paid high price.

davidfrum Why put all blame on China. They were ground zero. They were scrambling. Trump had a minimum of 6 weeks notice to respond. Why didn’t he? Because he doesn’t know how to, didn’t want negative publicity, and years ago gutted the CDC section responsible for response to pandemics.

We had 2 months to prepare and failed, miserably. We had time and information on our side. What cities or entire states are we willing to lock down to prevent further spread and save lives? Are we ready to allow the government to infringe upon on our free liberties to save lives?

China botched containment at the research facility.

Hmm, let’s sort out some facts here: China informed US government on January 3rd according to a news conference held earlier in Jan. The US government has not declined that statement. Many days before the lockdown. So what has the government done for the public? Nothing!

China plays an important role in spreading coronavirus to the world. Imagine if she didn't silence the whistle-blowers, has alarmed the world and has taken measures to contain it in Wuhan last Dec. The fact that other nations suck doesn't mean the Chinese way is good enough.

Ok it’s China’s fault we get that now when are going to damn this administrations response ...

Sounds about right.


China, and other dictatorships, have a particular problem with dangerous situations. When speaking the truth can get you imprisoned or worse, the truth becomes guarded. The information flow is not free. Government is a problem in China that can be just as deadly as the virus.

China plays an important role in spreading coronavirus to the world. Imagine if she didn't silent the whistle-blowers, has alarmed the world and has taken measures to contain it in Wuhan last Dec. The fact that other nations suck doesn't mean the Chinese way is good enough.

Where are all the climate activists worried that we’re all going to die? Is the climate more important than people’s health? Where are all the fundraising and pledging efforts to help our country deal with this? All I see is blame being spread.

PFr1end When health care is not free at the point of use, it will be impossible to contain such infections. Low paid people with no health cover will delay seeking medical help for as long as possible. Thank God for the NHS.

Lower your paywall!

It's the U. S media attitude usually to blaming others especially China!What do your U. S do when China facing virus? Now it's your turn to deal with it ,not Mouth Cannon!

China’s censorship and coverup on WuhanCoronavirus is disastrous to the world. China must be held accountable for putting the world in jeopardy.

Cowards in the comments, say the name.

How is this different than what’s happening in the US? The CDCgov has to get approval to share information. Not to mention a lack of test kits and a plan.


If Coronavirus is not a wake up call to detangle ourselves with China then we are fools. 80% of antibiotics made there? What the hell?

I love how the comment sections know the truth better than the WSJ


acoyne China botched the early response but reacted vigorously after. USA botched the early response. Will see if they will react vigorously... Until now, no sign of it


acoyne China..lying cheaters abusers ..ask 123 CDns in prison there , ask Hnog Kong , ban huawei , Chinese people are fine ...the CCP/PRC not so much

Wait, China charges for chest scans? Do tell.

And China is still screwing it up.

davidfrum After eating bats and pangolins. Selfish Cruel NoCriticalThinkingSkill

Such an importan5 story one must pay to read thanks wsj never a penny

RedPillMaC The virus is real but the panic is manipulated. Less deadly than flu for anyone under sixty, more risky than flu for elderly with preexisting conditions. Read the data.


China just had a hospital full of coronavirus patients collapse!!! Chinese incompetence is unbeatable.

Maybe we should talk to the people eating bats.

It does a disservice to the Chinese people to equate their government to ours.

To protect her global image, China concealed the truth of the COVID19 by purpose.If the CCP has allowed greater transparency, the world could’ve taken better measures to fight the deadly WuhanVirus. China should take the blame for the widespread community outbreak the virus.

davidfrum WSJ should save this article and reprint it in a couple of months to highlight how trump has handled Coronavirus in the US... the annoying thing is that trump and his followers won’t make the connection... because they’re all so obtuse...

The USA is the biggest threat right now because reported infections cannot be traced to overseas travellers. A National response and preparation for this epidemic is absent. Our must recent case in Canada is a traveller from Las Vegas.

Collectivist governments always seek to protect itself

But the USA and the other countries are doing much worse,even though they knew what coronavirus is

Who knows this WuhanCoronavirus is Xi’s plot 4 not fulfilling the trade deal with Trump as he runs out of trick 2 delay the negotiations! The whole world can C the CCP China ambition 2 ruling the world by infiltrated spies & ‘little Pinkie’ 2 interrupt other countries policy

MonopointAmy There are a lot of evil mofos running countries nowadays, it seems.

davidfrum stop blaming China

WSJ takes donation money away from sick kids at St Judes

acoyne That can only be determined in a relative comparison with countries failing to respond adequately now. If western countries want to get a handle on this they’d better look to China and start copying the copycats in their coronavirus response plans.

davidfrum About two years ago I read an article in Smithsonian Magazine that predicted the next pandemic coming from Chinese animal markets. The all- powerful Xi gov’t ought to clean these places up!

State ran healthcare was gasoline on this fire... how can you people vote for such a moronic idea?

China cannot be trusted and the world must decouple from the CCP !

davidfrum And Trump is doing the same here!

davidfrum I agree. But blaming China won't fix what's wrong in our nation. Trump is making it worse for us and he's lying. Trump is the blame for OUR coronavirus outbreak. BlameTrump TrumpCrash TrumpCoronaDisaster TrumpNotFitForOffice TrumpCoronaCoverUp TrumpIsAnIdiot

davidfrum Golly, I wonder if the botched response — crisis dynamic will replay in the US.

The west must crush China. All goods from China must be rejected. All flights from China must be forbidden. Destroy once and for all their economy. Otherwise, this will happen again and again.

davidfrum China was coping with a new virus of unknown origin, infectiousness and mortality. They made mistakes. What is our excuse?

davidfrum Because authoritarian systems respond slowly to scientific information which conflicts with their ideologies, delusions and egos. The bureaucracy at each level ensures that individuals are not rewarded for disturbing the status quo. Authoritarianism is a formula for failure.

There is a person in my hometown who works in China and was there til December. ( Not sick) He told a co-worker that Chinese were knocking on doors of the sick, taking the sick and executing them. 😱 Have heard no other reports of this. Would explain fatality rates skewed there

davidfrum And now the Trump administration is repeating it.

davidfrum Imagine if it had started in US. We’d be saying to China, You wanna see botched? Hold my beer!

Communism...never disappoints.

Jesus FUCKING CHRIST with the comments about this is the US fault! China did this and all you commies want universal healthcare... look where it’s gotten the world... no thank you!

davidfrum media needs to pivot from the sensationalization of the death rate and case count to focusing solely on reinforcing preventive measures. North American facilities would be overwhelmed if even 0.5% of the population were sick enough to warrant medical care. Margins are that thin.

JonLemire WSJ doing political cover work for the grossly inept Trump administration again The US death toll will exceed China’s, and that is 100% unacceptable and the fault of Trump administration fumbling and bumbling

davidfrum I guess this means Trump is fully implementing the 'China Botched Response' playbook.

How does this compare to the common influenza. Cases mortalities. Just asking

davidfrum And Trump botched the US response, so none of us know who is ill.

davidfrum People in glass houses...

China must be held accountable, upgrade their health system and become transparent on diseases that start in China.

Yep. This is all on China.

AGHamilton29 They isolated full towns! Forced compliance to wear masks or get beat up. Kidnaped people suspected of being sick or just sick of the government! Botched is not the word I’d use! Maybe you’d like to see that here only worse!

Thanks ccp with their slow response and censored media, and help from who,the WuhanCoronavirus is successfully spread to the rest of the world.

Lolololol all the people in the comments giving China (a communist dictatorship regime) a pass just so they can bag on Trump. People are horrible humans.

JonLemire Gee ... that sounds familiar, doesn't it? Kinda like realDonaldTrump liking his phony numbers so much, he leaves people on an infected ship, testing only a few of them.

I bet if the virus happened in USA at the very beginning, you would do way more worse. See now USA how to handle this virus, such a slap in the face

Humans have been fighting viruses for 6 million years, our DNA contains the ancient viruses.H1N1 came from pigs from Mexico and outbreak in the USA affected people all over the world but no one asked the USA to apologize because we know the virus is the enemy of all humanity

so US government didn't botch its early response to the coronavirus now? please take care of you!

However China has dealt with it 100x better than the US when it became a big issue. The US looking like a third world country compared to them in terms of how it’s being handled.

A very contagious virus with a two week incubation period a long period of communicability a large percentage of those infected showing minor symptoms a city of millions with questionable health and hygiene practices and international travel... HOW do you possibly control that ?

Those of you now pointing to the U.S. are absolute IDIOTS. You're missing the point of the article. China was ground zero and it could've been contained. Plus, folks in the U.S. are not eating bats.

And the WHO has been praising the missteps of China, who has contributed to a worldwide coronavirus pandemic. The world should wake up now and say no to WHO and China.

Finger-pointing might not be useful but facts are facts. I don’t want to wake up one day seeing Communist China praise itself as the savior of the global coronavirus outbreak.

It started at the Wuhan P4 Biowarefare lab it is time to investigate it seriously. The CCP must pay for this.


let's see how US can do better, now that it is in US

And American will pay highest fee to test if They have been infected But free in china. Most people just stay at home won't go to hospital because of money in short .What's the human right you always declaimed.

But people still believe what China has to say... no investigations in to human rights violations and press freedom. No sanctions.... why is world so accommodating to China?

The CCP will claim victory over coronavirus in the same way it has changed narrative about Tiananmen Massacre. They made billions of people believe it was right to murder the students and citizens in 1989. China WuhanCoronavirusOutbreak

CCP is not willing to tell you this full WuhanVirus picture.

Most of your media just care the election of president.What you do was report who have win how many voters.Don't care about healty of citizens. You told them needn't wear any tools to protect themself in order to hide the shortage of medical goods.

Experiment virus, still not believe that? WuhanCoronavirus WuhanCoronavirusOutbreak

I can't hold My anger emotion to criticize .We have shared the imformation about coronavirus with WHO.And They also notice every country should concentrate energy on It. Since It was claimed So far total more than 30 days.What have you done for your citizens?

Hatred incited easily by media with identical angle. Sad story because when arguing who is responsible, all humans are paying the price for prejudice and ignorance

Wuhan pneumonia WHO cares

Go clean up your backyard now! You are in no position to criticise China

Swine flu, Bird flu, SARs now Corona China is going to be the end of us all if they are allowed to continue this pattern


We were told it’s Trumps fault. Is all msm lying again?

Blaming China is the cure to any problem!oh,China is super important

Typical western response. Now you are trying to divert the focus of public crisis by blaming other countries. Total loser!

Can any American tell me if WSJ is a government media? Because it's doing the same thing with CCTV, Chinese biggest government media~

...and the US is trying to deplicate that debacle.....

Has the U.S. done a good job of providing lessons from China's mistakes? At least China has the disease under control. What about the U.S.?

Blame others will always be easier than blame yourself. 1.initially no one knows what exactly it is. 2.even if the CCP suppress the info,ok,China domestic is more serious than any other areas. However, we controlled the situation finally and gave the world over a month to prepare

Yes. We all know where it got out. You have wrote dozen articles on how terrible the communist party handling the outbreak. Even cry human rights when they lock the city down. It appears u just hate Chinese in general. But how’s yours doing? any better or learn anything from it?

If China has not change, we will see the second coronavirus and the third coronavirus very soon.

Feels like America is botching its response too.

Really WSJ? You criticising China considering Trump told us all at the beginning it was all a hoax and the shitshow response that makes Hurricane Katrina look like a precision, calculated response is so pathetic. You prove everyday why you are a Trump-supporting Rag.

Do your job to protect the US citizens.Stop blaming. How pathetic

The censorship from ccp definitely turned the whole thing to a global disaster.

Absolutely ! CCP should come out and apologize, not shirk responsibility. An unreliable country ➕ an unreliable leader. Swellhead !

techstartups Fake news ... 100,000s have lost jobs... Chinese people made huge sacrifices to protect the rest of the world

Who would have thunk there is an issue with a socialist government. Shocker.

We have the most expensive healthcare in the world, nearly $4T/year and we do not have proper testing, containment protocols or even reliable information on masks and sanitizers. Plus we have gouging on amazon. US healthcare is a bumbling mess but let's ignore M4A...why?

This is what was said earlier on, but WHO said the opposite.

Not 'China' botched, most probably a mother in Wuhan might have tried to cover up, but China, under Xi Jinping, has reversed it. Stick to facts. Now some people in USA is botching the containment of the virus, but I see so many people denouncing it WashburneMaggie

Chinese officials fired. What about American officials?

Remember coronavirus origins in Wuhan.

Although It's missstep at first.But only shirk the responsibility to China is useless and unfair. In order to remedy, Chinese people, especially Wuhan people paid a high price. Its time to get together all over the world to overcome the coronavirus, instand of blame each other.

And the stable genius your paper supports tries to emulate them. What could go wrong?

Political prodigies are rare in China that grooms top leaders through decades of Communist Party road-testing and pageantry.Mao's cult of personality led the country into extremism,Party spent the next 3 decades engineering its politicians to be as indistinguishable as possible.

They are handling it far better than the USA is though. We saw this coming.. Had time to prepare, they didn't.

We got one of those dictators over here doing the same thing

chenweihua America's fault, right?

.. Corona virUS¿ ...hoax¿ ;-)

We will see how America save the world this time.

It’s time to tell the simple truth.

China gave message to US in Jan 3. So blame China ?

How about the US?so many people cannot get the Virus testing kits ,Mind your own business

Release the demographics of people killed by coronavirus... If I’m not mistaken it’s a more concentrated demographic than the flu

Ditto with the US

Now do the USA...

Putin's supporters fight coronavirus in Russia

What is America doing 😂

Curious how long this responsibility-dodging game will still go... Shame on American media.

Experienced responsibility-dodger, but with softest excuse. Laughing my ass off!


Yes, China and Obama are the ones to blame.

Because they fear their leaders.

please AMERICA GOVERNMENT, The situation in China now is getting better and better. focus on how to save your own people, blame China won't make America any better. spend more time and money on solve the problem. not public opinion control.

送你们句中国的老话“害人如害己” 相信你们很快就懂了

China and leadership don't mix

Very good at not reporting anything true at all, thank you Wall Street journal for your horrible journalism skills!

Finally a story about it, china made so many mistakes and this their 3rd outbreak from the same region in 17 years.



This is laughable, US is a joke

Nobaby is fools. US does not even publish the exact number of patients

And US has over two months to screw up.

This is news?

You have 2 months to prepare and still... C'mon..

China responded appropriately & effectively. We haven’t even begun to understand how poorly the US has handled this situation

How it all ended? Got two months notice in advance, and still do not have sufficient medical supplies and tests in the US?

USA: Hold my beer

Okay, now there's a big loud alarm sounding for 2 months after that, has the US gotten ready? One lab alone in guangdong, China tested 320,000, all free for everyone. How many has the US tested? Are they free for the uninsured?

Government is reluctant to ring the bell subliminally especially when they don’t know what will happen. Sad story but not only in China. Free press helps but personally dubious cuz the mirror reflects in Italy and Korea now

Look at yourself first. You have a garbage president who never care about the lives of all American people. How many covid-19 cases are there in US? The answer is Yes.

As your politicians appear incapable of prioritising people over profit you're back to blaming China 🤦‍♀️? Stop wasting time attacking & start spending time defending; make your politicians protect & support their people. Now that would be newsworthy coronavirus peoplecomefirst

KingJames SteveKerr

It's March 7th. already and the place that needs attention is your own home. Careful how you point your finger because 3 are pointing back at yourself.

Do you have enough mask, test kit and protect suit in US?

The Wall Street Journal is truly evil fake news! Trump was deadly right on this!

The US is taking no action to protect its citizens now. You fake news!

What a load of crap.

It's already 2 months ago. China, whatever it did, for better or worse, had given USA 2 months head start to prepare but failed to do so. And US mainstream media still and keep on China bashing...

Nothing new!!!! Ever heard of Chernobyl!!!!!!!!!! This is the stupidity of leaders

This consistent with Fauci's take on their infectious disease experts...

It is all other's fault. What a loser!

The United States and the world have 2 months to prepare to fight .... but they have failed.

Sounds like what Trump has been doing in the USA.

shelbyholliday potus We must bring back on-shore our Drug/Pharma & critical Medication production. Incentivize Pharma & restructure regulatory environment to produce on-shore/on Continent so we never have to depend on Chinese production in critical Medical/Pharma areas.

Still on China blaming. Why not take a mirror to look at yourself

But but but they have national healthcare don’t they? And Ilhan Omar said the US is in trouble because we don’t have national healthcare. I’m so confused. How could Ilhan be wrong?

Point? Blaming China would definitely help the US to tackle the virus outbreak

Doctors are hero at front line. Fat Communist leaders sit behind to avoid infection.


Despite the early mis-steps, the Chinese government has done a remarkable job in preventing the further spread of the virus. The other countries had a head start by knowing much more about the virus, and yet, they were not able to contain it. All eyes are on the US now.

Trump was running China too?

and yet their population still does NOT shrug off their CommunismKills dictatorship. SocialismDrug.

Sometimes I make myself sick. I don't know why..


thank you So pay more attention to what's happening in your country.

Don’t forget, they still tried to more or less cover up any issues on the outset

Blame is all this administration knows how to do well. Blaming China isn’t going to help the fact that trump knew in December and did nothing to protect America.

Same plot is on display right in U.S.

thanks, now do the US

China delayed for 20 days. How about Trump?3 months?

Now do the United States.

yeah,US got one month to prepare,and still without enough test kits

Cause they want leverage

Now do Trump

🤔🤔🤔Who would think a government run healthcare system would be inept?

and Democrats want to scream about CDC testing kits. would have been nice to have gotten a heads up from China in December.

You don't say

Monkey see monkey do


Sounds like us the US

Now do america.

Kind of like the Trump administration

What about US now? It was a new virus to China, but it’s known deadly to US. Look at what your political leaders are doing. Stupid.

China was the first country faced it and even so, compared to your master, China still did a completely way better job. What a big failure of your article - just read people’s response. I am so glad that there are more conscious people out there compared to idiots

The WHO would disagree.

Shame on you WSJ. Don't talk about China. It started first in China and China shared early data with the US even before the people there knew it. It's already March and you r telling people not to wear masks. People are still commuting through public transportations.

Fruits of authoritarian leadership... Who me? I didn’t do it 🤐 Remember Sergeant Schultz In Hogan’s Heroes? “I know n-o-t-h-i-n-g...!”

Dr Li Wenliang was arrested for whistleblowing the outbreak. He was just expressing his concern towards his colleagues.

Then what did America do? Just do what you should do, and don’t blame others

what's funny about this article is that if you ignore some of the details and replace the 'Chinese government' with 'US government'.. it would still make sense !!! loll

$3600 for a test...

And this leads to the current global pandemic situation


Wish China was telling the truth about Coronavirus

dude..... shouldn’t u start digging the WH test kit horseshit now?

No need be criticized by you WSJ. Watch out your country, may you not be such enigmatical once Covid-19 finally conquer the US.

You're a little genius.


And now we are seeing a replay in more places than one

interestingly, China is the only country that has an excuse for fucking things up. every other country knew something weird was going on and still more or less just ignored things.

You kidding me?! Look now what’s happening in US? Done nothing!

I hope your great president can read your comment area. LMAO. As I commented below Bloomberg, you guys are only good at criticising others but have no f*king clue how to deal with your problem...

Look at US 'early' response... you are just way worse...

NOW YOU KNOW. What genius.

Nope. Don't blame it on China. The minute they realised there was a problem, they shut the airports, and quarantined a whole City. Your airports are STILL open.

ball is in your hand,let's see

Just like its response to its anemic economic growth. Everything about china's contacts with the external world is shrouded in mystery.

Here is my rundown: a. The people have always been exposed, the virus mutated & jumped the genetic fence, a statistical anomaly,b.the contagion kicked in gear at the Chinese New Yr when lots of folks were traveling,c.The overt symptoms are not much more unusual than typical flu

HEY TRUMPLICANS, NOT '15 cases, tops.' then? The point is...listen to the CDC unfiltered and the WHO, not Trump or Pence.

Let's see how it goes in America.

it's new to human being. you might ask for too much. do your test now.

Police permmitted to genocides the Muslims ; minority commission report


how about H1N1?

World is watching U.S. marching into disaster.


“A lot fewer” - journalism.

Lol what bullshit. China has saved many lives by locking down the whole country for a month.

Time to think about compensations?

Another 34 thousand deaths in the US from covid-19, and it will have caught up to the flu virus deaths. Where are we now with coronavirus? 14?

Sure mistakes China has made, but to a certain content it is justifiable cuz no one at that time would know this time it comes so fast and serious. Just watch how other countries respond to the virus right now and would it be different if it outbreaks in another country.

just in time to counter the same issues faced by the US.


So easy to say 'should have' learn, look forward

How dare you! America is making even more mistakes now. Learn the lessons from China. Stop just laughing at them. The majority of this country didn’t use the previous weeks to prepare. ——an angry working from home employee due to exposed workplace.

just error and delay? They blocked the truth, arrested the whistle blowers, cheated to us at least over a month!

give me a break! how many people die from the flu every year! u r all over reacting

And this is what millenials want


Problem one, it was not early. Exacerbated by open travel, lack of transparency, and diversion of facts. You have global late response and crisis brewing.

And why did they create this virus? Shame on them if they know the word.

Look in your own backyard. You don't even have test.

コロナウイルスに対する中国の初期の対応は、エラーと遅延に満ちていました。 「死ぬ人はもっと少なかったでしょう。」

They mustn't take things for granted hear we fighting the great monster.

What should be the punishment for China?

Influenza toll: 10,000 Americans this season, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. At least 19 million have caught the flu, and an estimated 180,000 became so ill they landed in the hospital. There are 12 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the US

Compared to the US, China has done more

AMERICA'S response however has been great! no issues whatsoever. look over here! look over there!

Every country's early response to the coronavirus was riddled with errors and delays.

Wait til the world sees how bad trump has handled it in the US

You don't say?

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