Radical economic transformation best for SA post-Covid-19, says Ramaphosa

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President Cyril Ramaphosa says South Africa is witnessing the “total destruction” of its economy due to the Covid-19 coronavirus, and that radical economic transformation must be central to plans to rebuild and repurpose

Ramaphosa made the statements in Durban while addressing the provincial command council, led by Premier Sihle Zikalala, which is coordinating KwaZulu-Natal’s response to the virus.

Radical economic transformation must underpin the economic future that we will need to craft going forward.“Covid-19 is quite frankly giving us an opportunity to relook at our economic side of life to see how we as South Africans reconstruct our economy after coronavirus, knowing that coronavirus has dealt us a huge blow.

He said in the “new economy” the government would identify new sectors while rebuilding ones badly affected. “Radical economic transformation must underpin the economic future that we will need to craft going forward. We should be able to do this through a new compact we are going to build,” said Ramaphosa.


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The flu? It's was ANC and media propaganda

The economy was destroyed well before Covid_19 SouthAfrica

The MYANC destroyed the economy before covid19 We were already down graded to junk, and could already not service debts. Municipalities across the land were already u able to deliver services and SOEs were already bankrupt

Mr president we do understand about corona but now pple a struggling left and right move to level.3 to province like NC let pple work for their families

Omw he started this and zuma stops him to speak....

We prayed for our country for all the wrong to get fixed. Perhaps God's at work.

Nope, it was you mr President. Not a virus

Slaughtered the beloved country since 1994. This government will never ever build up SA ever again. Just like eskom needs white engineers...SA needs....

BlackExcellence has destroyed this country and the economy

Wake up collectively and get an idea of successful economics. Stop making excuses and face up to what the corruption of the ANC has done to SA. Be honest, be brave, be visionary.

zootymanda Do it by unlocking the country. Let the fittest survive !

Jy lieg meneer president

No dear CyrilRamaphosa PresidencyZA it isn’t Covid that has destroyed our country. YOU and your ANC ministers have destroyed the country. Don’t use Covid as the excuse and smokescreen. The people of South Africa are smarter than that

Stop lockdown now

When I was a child I used to like puppet shows. This puppet on a string just don't cut it.

No! Our economy was already in tatters before Covid-19! All due to the corrupt ANC! PresidencyZA

Only registered businesses( paying income tax) can operate. Hawkers n all informal traders hv to be registered, n licensed, to pay income tax. To operated in designated areas. No more pavement tables n shelters.

You Cyril are a fool. Your government has destroyed this country.

This economy was already at junk status before Cov-19 reared it’s head. I’ve said this before, the MYANC are going to blame 26 years of mismanagement and apartheid on this failing economy. useless

Cant fool us anymore. Covid didnt bring it on, it just exposed the ANC for it.

Nooo Don’t try and make that this has happened because of COVID 19. Report the truth it was like this BEFORE the virus! The COVID 19 virus pushed us over the edge!! Finito!!! Be honest and open.

We knew Ramapoesa & MYANC was going to blame this virus for the destruction they caused pre-Covid from the get go.Don't these assholes get tired of spinning their kak stories? We sure are tired of listening to them.

The ANC caused the total destruction of the economy. The virus came for the total destruction of the ANC


viva the African National Covid 19 Looters proudly brought you, the National Covid 19 Command Council of destruction and Poverty creation, the end for South Africa is near. Zimbabwe 2.0

My neighbor called 'Gaily, Im calling because of your music' I said, ' sorry Ill turn it down' He said 'No, play it louder & send me the name' Sir this is how life is. You have to stop blaming J v Riebeeck & Covid19. You have to take action & it might turn out great.

By Covid19 we assume ANC.

When will lockdown 4 end? Why is our president not communicating with South Africans? Open the economy and have less work days. Monday to Thursday and Fridays work from home

CyrilRamaphosa I think when history reflects on covid 19 in SA the story will be about how a group of socialists formed an unaccountable group that destroyed the economy for reasons best known to themselves.

...the ANC will now begin to implement RET, the National Democratic Revolution, a centrally planned Marxist economy, EWC, NHI etc, as the ANC blames COVID19 for the final destruction of what was left of the old economy and begins to 'reconstruct' it...

Every year and close to elections we hear the same old story. Like a broken record. But the plundering of tax payer funding continues

Someone is ignorant of what ? covid-19 arrived on a failed system already

NO! ANC destroyed the economy! BEFORE CONVID 19!

At times I seems our handling of this lockdown is informed and influenced not only about we are told!

...Cyril is fooling himself, the ANC destroyed this economy way before covid-19. Further, the ANC does not have the capability to rebuild anything.

The myanc has brought about a total destruction of our economy. As we speak, there [are people] under a great deal of stress and challenge. We collectively, must respond to how we are going to remove them & rebuild this economy - South Africa


Cyril, you’re just another anc liar. South Africa was destroyed by you and your anc way before covid19 comrade. Now sit down, and carry on with your stealing comrades.

How many 'we's' in your Collective? Unathi_Kwaza

The ANC is going be banging this bullshit excuse for a decade. Media organisations like City Press who repeat the lie do themselves no favours.

Ask the thinkers of the NCCC they made the decisions that got us here

The ANC have in effect over a ten year period destroyed the economy through its idiotic self centered ideology. The is now no confidence in this government. The Ramaphosa New Dawn was an election ploy without substance or backing.

Lmao, covid19 has nothing to do with the failed economy, anc has everything to do with it

Minus junk when corona decided to stop humans eating wild animals into distinction.

What a load of bullshit

Dear Cyril!! Be honest about the farce radical economic transformation. In 27 year's you couldn't even transform the pit toilets. Rethink or is it the new Cuba and China transformers to our shores te settle the anc debt score's...they will collect!!

We are being saved here in every way possible ANC Government is trying to save our lives the very same way Oscar tried to save Reeva Steenkamp 🙄

Radical economic transformation for your chinese and russian overlords. That term means nothing to the average tax paying and hard working South African. CR can talk a good game, but he is a politician and trade unionist after all

The destruction of the economy is not due to the virus. It is due to the response to the virus.

Hell no thats nonsense

At his hands, what a legacy that will follow him!

Told u they will blame everything on covid 19..they won't mention the country was on junk status already before the virus..economy in tatters..SOEs looted & ANC comrades & Indian friends stole trillion of rands of taxpayers money..& their dumb followers will believe covid rubbish

With what money are they going to do this with?

Here we go. One step closer to camps.

The ANC has stolen OUR FUTURE !!!!

You know full well there was no 'economy' to begin with. You are trying to milk a dry cow. There were NO milk and honey left.

South Africa was ruined long before

Old PresidencyZA must so happy we have the WHOhan Flu here. Blaming apartheid was getting old even in MYANC circles!!!

Was junk before COVID19 !!

SouthAfrica was destroyed before the CoronaVirus...other agendas are at play here!

Not a virus sir! Your party of incompetent & self-serving socialists. Your collective ideas, polices & draconian measures got us in this mess. Rhetoric like RET, EWC, nationalization just compound our weak economy. True transformation comes from high growth. zeroaccountability

Communisme on our door step !

But we couldn't rebuild even before Corona...

This has been MYANC wet dream for a while. China must be loving this.

Covid-19 not to be blamed...the destruction started 26 years ago...

And there you lie again. The economy was in recession before covid. Recession is as good as destructed. You with your collective destroyed it. Looking for a scapegoat again. If not Jan vR, then apartheid, then covid. But never ever the thieves that stole all the money.

Be careful this country will never recover. Don't let it be destroyed like the farms and don't give it to the few with contacts. The poor black man won't tolerate it for long it will burn this country to ashes.

Sometimes in order to build , you must destroy, the foundation of this country was wrong, the greatest victories are forged through the greatest struggles, maybe we need to collapse this thing and restart it so it can work for everyone,it was going to collapse either ways..

GovernmentZA MYANC PresidencyZA The economy was busted prior to C-19 thanks to an absolutely useless govnin party. Every decision you consciously made pummel'd more nails into its coffin.The sabotage of the economy from the onset of C-19 is yrs and yrs alone. Dont scapegoat.

Very dissapointing from the President! What are you doing Mongameli? What is YOUR role in the destruction. The so called R200bil COVID SMME scheme is still not running....6 weeks after lockdown! Shocking!

Testing with no gloves😳

Pull the trigger😉😉

So the total destruction is following the total destruction. Great plan, Cyril starts sounding like late neighbour Old Bob...

Did he mention the hand of government in that destruction?

COVID 19 isn't the cause for the collapse of the economy. Already SA was in a recession before the pandemic

He means for ANC cadres to loot more.

When the president nd FinMin say lets lift the ban on Cig to boast the economy nd others within the party say lets continue the ban ,then its no longer about the virus ,it simply means the centre does nt hold.

When will this decieptful bastard tell the truth! The lockdown is destroying the economy! Not the frikken virus!

PresidencyZA MYANC Rubbish government continues to sink our economy and our people🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

No, the world is lying to everyone.

The 'total destruction' of our economy started 26 years ago Radical economic transformation will become the second and final destruction of our economy!! Ramaphosa and his comrades are currently busy doing precisely this!!

Noooo due to you and the rest of the ANC!. No one or thing else has ever been more destructive to a country. Ever .. except Mugabe.. unsurprisingly hailed (not jailed) as a hero buy guess who?

Post covid economic reset

Nope. anc destroyed our economy and COVID buried it.

The destruction is not due to covid, it’s due to the political economic shutdown imposed by idiots like Patel.

Only a matter of time before the virus was the new excuse for a failed economy. Nothing to do with stolen billions

Thing is that the outcome of COVID-19 is most likely to be increased inequality and increased unemployment. A few well connected might also snap up cheap BEE assets. This crises has pushed us sharply backward.

No!! CyrilRamaphosa, government simply getting out the way of the economy would be a great step forward. Your policies are anti-growth. Free up the economy and all SAffers will benefit

Starting with the ridding of the ANC.

RET will destroy what is left of the shrinking tax base. Then what?

no not covid.... the anc yes... not covid

Actually the destruction is due to economic euthenasia as carried out by ANC cronies. NDZ called it “middle class suicide”, but it’s not really suicide when someone else is pulling the trigger now is it? corruptheid lootfreelyhouse idiocracy blatant racism

Yeah yeah yeah blah blah blah... Just open the lockdown we have our own building blocks to put together and build our own personal economy... U can go waste your time with political bullshit lying agendas somewhere else. Basically saying all non black business must become black.

CyrilRamaphosa you are not an honest man if you say this! Shame on you. Do you think we are stupid? The ANC ruined the SA economy. The Covid-19 virus is just giving you the chance to speed up the process. We see through you.

Destruction of SA economy thanks to AfricanNationalCorruption BlackExcellence

The ANC tri-party alliance broke the economy with their insistence on socialism and loyalty to pariah states... They broke it at least 10 years ago already. RET will see further death and destruction, not to mention the utter draconian laws pertaining to the current global crisis

Total destruction was the ANC doing long before covid 19 - however using the pandemic for Racist prejudice against white people is despicable! The ANC must fall for transformation to be complete !

Radical economic transformation will never happen with the ANC at the helm. The government cannot even run SAA, Eskom, Transnet, SANRAL, DENEL, PRASA, SABC, NECSA, SAPO, RAF... how are they going to be able to implement Radical Economic Transformation?

No my Bra.... it's because of the deadliest virus called ANC! Corrupt & incompetent, stealing and brainwashing people for 26 years. Making them believe they are worthless & dependant on the gov for free stuff & empty promises. They have stolen he souls of their voters

He must be so shocked?

It's going to be great. Opportunity, opportunity, opportunity. We now have the means to write off all debt, get rid of troublesome employees with no recriminations and start again. Meaner. Leaner. Less overheads. And no appeasement.

I'd Lolz but it's not funny. Fucking liars. The ANC ruined SA's economy over 25 years, particularly the last 11. Government's response to the pandemic only made matters a lot worse and the pain hasn't even started yet. Predictable though. I called this in February.

Come now! The Ramaphoria drunkards will tell you that Cyril is committed to var reaching structural reforms, and that these outbursts are just to keep AceMagasule and the rest of the RET comrats at LoothuliHouse happy. KnowyourCyril. This Leopard loves changing his spots

The 'total destruction' started before this pandemic. Don't scapegoat.

LMAO! The economy is already radically transformed numbnuts.

CyrilRamaphosa PresidencyZA this is complete bullshit CP!! This economy was destroyed long before the virus. No one believes this crap you are pedaling. We will fight this to the end!! The ANC destroyed this country!!

Oh CyrilRamaphosa, you have strayed so far from the right path. You have taken the hopes of all SA's and dashed it. I am so so sad.

We are all frustrated and very angry with some rules, but I do sallute our government that flattened this curve and bought us time to be better prepared. I also think now is the time to get unions to the table to try and build and not just demand.

CyrilRamaphosa Now go back to parliament and remember to take those gifts for the others!

Fok, it is the ANC that totally destroyed SA's economy!!!!!!!

Whites are frightened by the idea of radically transforming the economy. The want to forever dominate our economy. Read their comments

Yea right... As if nobody know how their RET agenda destroyed the economy to junk status even before Corona was anything other than a beer. RamaPOSER is not fooling South Africa. The ANC is the cancer killing the SA economy and its people...

Until then Thousands will DIE

Nothing to do with covid. The economy was already destroyed

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I agree. We left the economy in the hands of whites after CODESA and they failed dismally to grow it and create employment , our turn is now

It won’t work Cyril. If 26 years of ANC economic hasn’t worked how r u going to convince us the RET is going to work.

And there it is...... Covid being the excuse for decades of corruption and mismanagement. Covid being the cover for the ‘transformation’ of the economy the ANC way - always party first. Without a care or worry about the citizens of our country. Crisis reveals character........

Thieves stealing from the poor

Wait a second- corona has not done this to us! We have done this to ourselves! We embraced the centrally planned unconstitutional NCC and DECIDED to collapse the economy

Radical economic transformation is going save the SA economy!? It will lead to the total destruction of our economy. None of the ANC's policies has been successful. What makes them think this will work. 1st priority should be to save SOE's!

Pretty clear. Collapse the economy and businesses and government will fund new business and be your 51% partner. Big business has also failed to take government on

Reading the ratings outlook they said COVID-19 have little effects compared to what already has been going on,yes covid-19 will cause some damages but wanting to use it as a permanent scapegoat is dishonest.

The ANC alone destroyed our economy long before the virus arrived. Let's keep the facts in place.

President Ramaphosa is now part of the 1%. They groomed & made him a very wealthy man. What he is saying is that the big corporations will own everything. The end of small & family bizniz. A universal income 4 everyone. We are heading back to FEUDALISM. STATE 2 OWN OUR PROPERTY

We know that our economy was on a downward spiral, however the COVID-19 made it worse. This is the time for bold Governance and robust policy change and action to reform the economy. It is possible to emerge from this disaster.

This was ANC election speech before virus😂. They still promised to pick it up.

It must be recommended that health workers, especially when doing th screening, to cover their arms nd forearms. A short sleeve should be a no no

Plz South Africans let's stand together and vote ANC criminals out of government, they are liars, thieves , looters and they are too relax .South Africa is out of control .

racinefleur Liar. Economy was already 'junk status' before COVID-19 lock down.

I'm here for white people's comments

SA was ALREADY in it's 4th recession & downgrade since 1994 because of the inept and corrupt Kleptocratic ANC regime! They have NO solutions to the chaos and disaster they've created.

Maybe the world will realise later that the lockdown decision was a monumental mistake and that they should have only protected the weak and the old and let the rest take their chances so that life could continue.

1st it was always Apartheids' fault, now it's COVID19, never the inept and corrupt ANC regime? SA loss over R4 TRILLION ALREADY BEFORE COVID19 started. The ANC is to blame for the total destruction of our economy, Noone else.

Destruction of the economy is not caused by covid19 it was caused by ANCParliament

9 wasted years are already forgotten..what a pity

Nah ever since he came in , he’s there to take our Soe’s lnto devil hands

Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, there was jubilation all over at the taste of freedom... until the going got tough, and he was no longer a hero, Egypt was better they said.. most telling though is that Moses never entered the promised land.

Enjoy your ANC South Africa

The South African economy was already on life support when Covid19 showed up.

Many governments will make Covid - 19 the scapegoat for failing economies though it's a known factor that plundering and state capture is the cause

The destruction was all ANC Corruption. Covid19 just caught us pants down

The total destruction is not due to the virus; it is as a result of the decision making associated with the virus. Take responsibility. Improve the situation. You have enough experts (actuaries, economists, doctors, etc.) at your disposal to make informed leadership decisions.

It is not the virus which destroyed the economy, it is the lockdown which did the damage.

By causing millions of ppl to be jobless and offering them R350 p/m That is not how you transform any Country.

He’s lying. We are witnessing a total destruction of our economy because of his evil plans to punish South Africans. Other countries are opening and recovering. We are being abused by the army and police. We are being prevented from feeding our families. That is his going

Jammer mr president jou kop is warm🥱

That is such a lie, the destruction of our Economy is the ANC - always has been

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