Rex Murphy: Trudeau's 'brutal' attempt to use COVID to push his green agenda

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An ideological fixation — global warming — is taking over genuine efforts to fix the economy

. It is, to revive one of the most depressing utterances in politics, a perfect example of the maxim, “never let a crisis go to waste.”

It is a brutal thing to put ideology over economic security, over jobs and workers and industries; to use the COVID-19 crisis as an “opportunity” to push a predetermined green and globalist agenda. A “green” recovery will, if undertaken, be a conflict in terms. It will stall growth, result in vast “investments” of taxpayer money into ventures that will not succeed and, most deplorably, fully radicalize the distemper already felt out West over how the “East” cares nothing for Alberta and the oil-producing provinces. It is wrong-footed. It will not work. And it will rip our country apart.


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vanos_dave Right on Rex

'their overt, continuous and super-hyped hostility toward the oil and gas industry. And in no country is that hostility more manifest than in Canada.' Canada is exporting a record amount of oil under Trudeau. Look it up.

Poor Justin, so confused 😐

Lumberist Greta looks like a robot . Stepford wives movie in real life

These articles together make the clearest case for separation possible. The west is in an existential fight.

What a terrible article. Rex Murphy and the National Post are out of touch and firmly on the wrong side of history.

In tandem with Gerry Butts new job.

When Alberta and or the west separates the east will know where the money comes from and it will be to late for them.

Wow the trolls are out today Rex! Don’t worry your article went way over their heads in the first paragraph. I doubt their level of literature has gone much beyond “See Spot Run”.

Green does not and will not exist without the use of fossil fuels. This is a fact. What else is fact that green is not a reliable source for the demand required. We will all be in the dark if this does not turn around.

drama lessons

Justin is another New World Order puppet like his Marxist Dad who had a Castro infatuation....his famous last words 'just watch me' is coming true in spades but it's the people behind the curtain who are pulling the strings and the superficial son megastar is merely a stage prop

Who cares about what he thinks

Face palm

T. Rex? Who knew that dinosaurs could speak? If only they had bigger brains....

Just retirerex . Enjoy the retirement that younger generations will never get because we will be busy repairing property damage from more severe and more frequent storms from the changing climate.

Green agenda? Lol. A tax grab is coming.

Anthropogenic CO2-driven climate change is the global scam of the millennium. Liberals and their mindless drone followers are perpetuating the global scam of the millennium.

lioness0817 Another great article by Rex. I’m disappointed that so many Canadians appear to support Trudeau. And cannot seem to grasp the simple truth. I fear for this country.

Another day the media is not reporting on the Trudeau’s breach of ethics.

Ignore the brainwashed commies on here Rex. You’re doing great exposing the far lefts hypocrisy and insanity.

It’s not “his” agenda it’s the UN’s agenda 2020.

How did that work out for Ontario ?

Brilliant!! Thanks again Rex!!!

Lumberist previously signed & shared rt'd

Rex wrecked ‘em. Scary to think less then 1/4 of eligible voters got us here. There is no way we can allow this to happen without a vote. 22% of Canadians cannot decide Canada’s fate. That’s unacceptable.

Oh f off.

Here’s the undoctored pic of Skippy and St. Greta:

Thanks Rex for exposing him for his real agenda. Let's remember this in the next election!

I am honestly shocked and horrified that climate change denial can still get 'opinion piece' status in this country. I am a teacher, and if I expressed such unscientific and nonfactual views in the classroom, I would (rightly) be fired. Why is disinformation printed by NP diff?

Rex is bang on, time will tell if he is right. I will bet on it

Report about what is going on in California with the rolling blackouts. Interview Michael Sellenberger the architect of California's Green Energy policy which Ontario copied and why he wrote his new book, Apocalypse Never. It is a must read.

And f**ked over millions of Canadians without a thought. This is how disgusting Trudeau is. He doesn’t have to worry about paying bills, especially when his hand is in the treasury.

realclearisrael you know Im a school teacher right



Sexy Rexy has been trending all He must have really struck a nerve this time.

Elizabeth May NAILED IT accurately labeling Trudeau's carbon emissions reduction targets a 'COMMITMENT TO FAILURE' that doesn’t do enough to address the impacts of ClimateChange It's LibCon faux war games to distract us, while EACH do NOTHING. cdnpoli

Well said Rex!

realTracyBarron this Greta looks like a robot

Bye Justin.... lost my vote Doug Ford for prime minister

First thing he did was spend 4.7 billion dollars on a sixty year old pipeline that regularly ruptures from deregulated kindermorgan, I wouldn’t call Trudeau green

Thirty years ago RexMurphy was an interesting Canadian. Now it is just okboomer or okgrandpa

Move over Rex Murphy. It is time to give real journalists a job.

Such truth Rex 🍻 If Freeland& Carney don't put GreenPlans aside& grasp RealRecovery concepts there is only the pain of ClosingUp🇨🇦 As sjmuir suggests it would take 0$$to RevUp Energy&Mining to bring ⤵️Deficit&⤴️SocialBenefits No Green Subsidie$ for now

It's not really Mr. T's green agenda. 18.06.2020 From Dodgy Dossiers to the Sacking of Whitlam: The British Empire Stands Exposed | The Canadian Patriot Climate and the Money Trail Green Finance Institute

Figures a dinosaur like Rex is afraid of anything with the word ‘new’ or ‘green’ in it.

Rex is on a slow boat to irrelevance with ConradMBlack RexMurphy47 🌲

Oh, FFS. Send this old fart to the dump heap.

It's official: Rex Murphy has become a geyser. He erupts at regular intervals spewing hot air and steam.

That old Curmudgeon needs to retire from 'journalism'.

Wildfires: *burn uncontrollably* Hurricanes: two for one special! Conservatives: the green new deal is evil

Assuming we had money lying around (which we obviously don’t) shouldn’t we use it to ensure that we will never again have to deal with a future pandemic? Once that is accomplished (because pandemic is the larger existential threat) then go nuts with the decarbonization plan.

Old person whose generation accelerated the planet’s path to ruin asks: what’s your fucking problem?

There you go again. He is going to scam ppl an election with social issues

Your out of touch with reality, Rex. Too much conspiracy crap.

yo, this thing where right wingers paint reasonable policy positions and progress by legitimately elected governments as bad like the use of the word 'brutal' here, it didn't work so well in the US, and look where they're at now maybe right-wingers like Rex should dial it back


Like seriously.

Wait ... who's Rex Murphy again?

Breaking: Old crank who won't be alive to experience the worst of climate change thinks efforts to mitigate it are misplaced.

Rex Murphy: Trudeau's brutal attempt to use Science to push the Round Earth Theory despite many evidences of a Flat Earth.

Is Rex Murphy now the one living in Harper's garage instead of the previous boy toy boot licker of the regime of morbid white perverts?

Visionless Rex Murphy probably invested in Blockbuster after Netflix hit the market.

That's rich. Are the CONs peeved PMJT has borrowed one of their tried & true SmokeScreen s? Here in Manitoba BrianPallister is using Covid19 to sneak more AusterityEconomics through to mb_teachers WSD and MBhealth – and the list goes on.

Let's stop amplifying Rex Murphy. Time to make room for other voices

Omg Rex Murphy needs to stop talking. Old guard. Yesterday. Harper type 'old stock'. Yawn.

We hate green agendas!

So bring Trudeau before the international humanrights tribunal and see how that goes. Oh no he wants to brutalize the Canadian population with a diversified economy, cleanenvironment, low emmisions industry and renewableenergy

Serious question: when did conservatives become such pansies?

Rex is trending again. Wouldn't it be nice if it wasn't because he's a horror show?

Imagine thinking rex is relevant in 2020

Purely objective... 🤣🤣🤣

Rex Murphy: Now he's as ugly on the inside as he is on the outside!


It would be great if T Rex Murphy's clearly decomposing body would hurry up and finish so I can fill up the tank of my angry black tailgating Alberta pickup and run over more poor people on my way to the Evilangelical suicide cult meeting.

You know when you see a name trending on Twitter and learn that the person isn't actually dead, but just spewing more nonsense? I confess - that's how I feel every time.

dstaples Murphy is still around thought they got rid of him months ago

Jocelyn37731066 Oh look dumb and dumber

National post is really the white supremacist journal. Rex Murphy is a pure gunt.

Well stated

Omg the liberals tried it here in Ontario and it raised Hydro bills and lost millions of taxpayers money. They know it won’t work. But they are going to put Canada further into debt anyways. Just to try and win votes and avoid the WE SCAM TrudeauCorruption

Most of Murphy’s money is made as a mouthpiece for the oil industry. It’s a conflict of interest and he sure as hell shouldn’t get to write a national column about why he should personally be richer.

Never let a crisis go to waste! cathmckenna JustinTrudeau have no idea how to fiscally balance the revenue (and where it comes from) and expenses!

Murphy’s ‘brutal’ attempt to use Trudeau to push his Big Oil investments agenda

Murphy is a dinosaur.

Most people think that the environment is a very big issue in our Time. Things like pollution and greenhouse gases will very much effect our planet. Green projects allows us to get good paying jobs, and allows for future generations to have a healthy planet. Bring on the future.

Marxism communist agenda!!!

If green futures are so good why do they need so much help from govts all over the world shouldn’t they sell themselves. Why do tax payers need to pay

The Infrastructure is not there for Green Energy, Batteries rely on open pit mining for Lithium which is not renewable and batteries do die. Everything is made from petroleum products/by products. Energey Can not be created out of nothing. Please use logic.

Good work, Rex. You trigger the Liberal Left with the best of them.

Man, I wish the Trudeau of Rex Murphy's fever dreams were PM

Canada is blessed with an abundance of natural resources, to not use them because of a pre determined green agenda is completely stupid.We take for granted being a wealthy nation,forgetting that largely because of these resources we live the way we do!Total stupidity once again!

You always know when Rex has nailed it...the lefties go into full attack mode.

Calling sound and proven science an 'ideological fixation' is both irresponsible and silly. If we didn't already know Mr. Murphy's conflict of interest here, the money he makes doing speaking engagements for the oil industry, this piece would look out of touch with reality.

Rex Murphy lighten up!

I gave Canada an invention on Green Technology if proven would be the first Perpetual Motion Creation able to produce electricity on an industrial scale worldwide. Canada stole this idea and many others, I sent, with not one return call. I wanted to trade that information

The only good thing about Rex Murphy is that he is 73. This guy is invested in Big Oil out the wazoo and his clock is ticking-he doesn't care about the future because he doesn't need to-he won't be around. All the old ijits need to STFU and let the young with a long future talk.

JRobyard In English, he’s talking with someone that has the same intellectual age then him

JRobyard Il discute avec quelqu’un de son âge intellectuelle

Hey National Post. Too bad you're not Canadian owned. Rex Murphy editorials? Really? Can we raise the bar just a little? National Post. Yeah, right.

Rex nails it again and again and again. But we need a Tucker Carlson who has the highest rated television show in America for a reason: He is the voice of the silent majority.

Bravo, Rex!

MTATA - Make Trudeau A Teacher Again.

OMG the naive people on here is astounding. There is no climate crisis. Solar panels aren’t going to heat your home or fly you to Mexico. The entire climate hoax is a well documented wealth redistribution plan. Well documented. Read up, wake up & do better Sheeple. Open your 👀

OK, enough with the 'green agenda' hyperbole. It isn't an 'agenda', it is foresight. It is not 'brutal' to anticipate and respond to climate change. rexmurphy greenagenda ClimateChange ClimateCrisis

It’s more than a green agenda, it’s a socialist agenda. cdnpoli

Good picture of JT and Greta huddled over their smart phones to stay warm. Solar and wind dont have the energy required to heat homes or drive all Canadians cars. The science is there but not the engineering or economics.

Just another Liberal distraction to take attention away from their many scandals and ethics violations. Wake up Canada

richardsyrett The idiot JustinTrudeau pure evil.👎

Go away, dinosaur.

DinoRex who? The climate crisis hasn’t gone anywhere, & green futures were in the making long before CoVID. Do an OPED on jkenney ‘brutal’ attempt to bolster the FF industry during a pandemic-Suspended enviro regulations, protections, monitoring, closing parks, strip coal mines

Trudeau has to go before he completely destroys this country

We should stop listening to Grandpa Rex. He gets cash from oil companies to say things like this. The only people who like his articles are other old people who don't believe in climate change and will be dead when the worse of it hits the rest of us.

The way this year is going, Hurricane Laura probably has Rex Murphy's house in its crosshairs, heading straight for the Maritimes. The cockiness that climate change can't touch him. Well mother nature will have the last laugh.

Rex hits the nail on the head again. Justin demonstrates once more a kindergarten like understanding of economics and willful ignorance of the chaos caused by this ideology to Ontario under butts.

All this and Trudeau insists on Alberta contributing more to Confederation.

I am so very tired of this alt right nutjob. Murphy must be removed from journalism. His toxic, archaic, extreme right wing views are a complete disconnect with Canadians.

pattena1 Trudeau, Greta and Environmentally sound policies aren't not connected to each other in the slightest (in reality)

Jali_Cat Thanks Greta ......😏

If we don’t address climate change and adjust economy according we will see financial ruin akin to the “dust bowl” of the 1930s. The World economy will shift away from fossil fuels while the US keeps pumping out oil and coal to keep its industry going. How else are we to survive?

That’s it! rexmurphy needs a cognitive test!

'Never let a crisis go to waste.' Rex nails the LPC obsession with GlobalWarming & ClimateChange while the vast majority of Canadians are being traumatized by COVID19.

Trudeau will bring Canadians back to the dark ages!

lol old man shouts at the sky.

Telling my kids this is Rex Murphy.

390rocket Justin and the Green Agenda, the Climate Change SCAM was not working canpoli CBCAlerts

Rex Murphy’s petroleum industry bias clearly says it all...


Rex Murphy haha hahahaha.

What green agenda? In terms of policy and resources, the Canadian fossil fuel has received a lot more help during the pandemic (since March 2020) than green energy. Of course your greedy Big Oil benefactors want more cdnpoli ClimateAction

The National Pus's brutal attempt to use the senile, angry Rex Murphy to push their regressive agenda for the 1%. Fixed it for you. cdnpoli

I wonder if Rex will go back and read all his columns, after he sobers up.

What the hell is wrong with Rex? What did the CBC & the liberals do to him? He turned in to a bitter, bitter man.

390rocket These are not Trudeau's policies, they are the bank of Canada's. The Great Reset 'The pandemic, central banks and climate change' •COVID-19 is a shock and an opportunity •Pivot to a greener, smarter economy? •Focus here on climate-related issues

Oil and gas are non renewable. It's going to run out. shouldn't we be prepared? 'Mad Max tells the story of a highway patrolman cruising the squalid back roads that have become the breeding ground of criminals foraging for gasoline and scraps' this is the future CONS want

richardsyrett He should get together with Daniel Andrews for Aus, Victoria they have same things in common.

Everyone: Rex Murphy's brutal attempt to use his 'journalism' to continue to get paid speaker fees from oil companies.

And Rex is afraid the oil industry will stop filling his pockets

The greener, the better! Go “brutal”, go extreme. Do whatever it takes to get Canada so green that we have to change the red in our flag to green. I’m all in. 🇨🇦💚

VirtueSignalle6 I won't be surprised one day the news broke out that Skippy has an affair with AOC. They have too many things in common.

He’s a nutter leftist ideologue but he’s now using Covid and the green agenda to deflect from the obvious corruption and ineptitude of government. Gullible Canadians are going deeeeep down the debt hole.

Can’t we just unplug the internet already, and give JT an allowance and no credit cards already! FFS!

Rex Murphy and 90% of his fans are dinosaurs who need to realize they fucked this world up and now we have to fix it

Climate scientists, 2 new papers Enviro Canada's Climate Model is a joke. “WARNING! This model predicts atmospheric warming roughly 7 times larger than observed trends. Use of this model for anything other than entertainment purposes is not recommended'

Rex either has an incredibly distorted perception of reality or he's knowingly misleading and lying to people. There r so many factual errors in this article. Just sad, really, that *this* is what passes for 'journalism' these days. shameful cdnpoli cdnmedia ClimateAction

You know what’s brutal. This👇

Canadians want jobs, and Trudeau wants to relevant. Trudeau is on a mission to make sure both don’t happen. Deluded narcissist. cdnpoli

Should he have put up hate signs like yahoos in AB.

Can’t wait. The west is teetering on the cliff edge of separation. A radical green policy that further hurts oil resource development could be the final push needed. 33% of Albertans are ready to separate today. 35% are on the edge just needing a little help over. Thanks Trudeau

'Green' has become a toxic religion. It seems that we're heading toward a new Dark Age period

Green scams to benefit Lib friendly firms

Greta Thunberg meets with Prime Minister Trudeau - how 'brutal.'

Rex Murphy is a fossil. Time to put him in a museum.

A failed policy in Ontario but the same guy pushing it behind Trudeau, Gerald Butt's is a economic terrorist

Liberals and Conservatives both need a very long time out in the opposition seats. neither of them being the official opposition party. enough of the switching between these 2 parties.

Oil Shill still digs oil. Big shock there.

Rex, you still alive? I thought you died. How is Herman Cain doing?

Trudeau must go before he really puts us into true depths of despair.

Also, slippery topic because a ‘green’ transformation is never explained or detailed. Will this impact the vast carbon footprint taken by Freelands own constituents in Rosedale. I doubt it.

He is a disciple of eco Marxism.

You lost every bit of respect i had for you since you joined this post .Shame on you.

A grown politician taking national policy advice from an uneducated child. I guess we ought to be thankful that he didn’t dress up as 21 Jump Street for the occasion

Rex have you looked outside lately

Give it up already

I’m looking forward to it. You corporate types have always said to embrace change, so suck it up, buttercup.

Ooops, you mean our green agenda, the population are seeking a progressive economy, progressive leadership big changes, we want bold changes, we want a new formula where we benefit from our tax dollars, all Corp welfare must end

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