What Equal Opportunity in the Workplace Means

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Finance Finance Headlines News

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Chevron CEO Mike Wirth said equal opportunity in the workplace is 'always a work in progress. There's never a finish line.'

The Wall Street Journal talked with five executives in banking, energy, education and technology and asked them one question:Here are their responses, condensed and edited:We will know when we have equal representation in the CEO position.

In a company like ours, 50% of our workforce is women, and we’re one of the few companies with six women on our board. But if you look at the composition of offices in various disciplines, women are woefully underrepresented in the highest ranks. It’s time to make some aggressive, appropriate but unexpected promotions. It can’t rest on one single decision.

In financial services, when Beth Mooney retires, her successor is a man, and that is not wrong. The sea change that’s needed can’t rise and fall on one individual position. Also, there’s a big difference between traditional and entrepreneurial business structures. The world could point to [Vista Equity’s] Robert Smith and say, “He’s made it. We have Black CEOs.” But the structure of Robert’s company is a much more entrepreneurial, equity-based environment than a bank.


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So if there are 10 women and only 2 men in the board, is that still considered equal opportunity? Grow up - and choose based on merit

Everything in life is a work in progress. Perfection cannot and does not exist except in the divine.

Am interesting a way to phrase it. It almost mames it seem as though equality were a mysterious, unknown quantity that - of course - will take years, maybe decades to figure out. When the reality is we already know what it looks like. But too many profit too much by ignoring it.

Let people remember what’s been left behind TIME

A civilian was killed in Artsakh due to Azerbaijan's aggressive actions. Azerbaijan's crimes against humanity must be condemned by the international community StopAzeriAggression NKPeace KarabakhNow

1 Man 4 Women in your foto show. MUSLIM LAW IS CORRECT.

Equal = four women and one man


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