Fed’s Powell Says U.S. Faces ‘Tragic’ Risks From Doing Too Little to Support Economy

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Fed chief Jerome Powell warned of potentially “tragic” economic consequences if Congress and the White House don’t provide more stimulus—his strongest remarks yet

“The expansion is still far from complete,” Mr. Powell said in remarks to be delivered at a virtual economics conference Tuesday. “At this early stage, I would argue that the risks of policy intervention are still asymmetric.

Too little support would lead to a weak recovery, creating unnecessary...

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His actions are unconscionable. He has no heart or brain. As he's done for nearly a year, he is allowing people to die and suffer in favor of his political and selfish interests.

Stopping negotiations on the coronavirus aid plan is just another trumpertantrum.

Thank you Trump needs to do exidive order you know Nancy she not going to let it fly .I think that if Trump does this and make it big package he will come out on top a lot better .talk to him have him help us .Do exidive order now not later


zackvoell Hi

The White House doesn't care about America!!

senatemajldr what part of what the fed is saying aren’t you getting?Powell isn’t exactly a progressive green new deal guy

Where are the stimulus funds going? Democrats badly run states refuse to open the doors to business and want welfare! Time to go to work socialists the virus jig is up!!!

He needs to stop injecting money into the markets. Inflation is crazy right now, especially for food.

If you apply more liquidity, the dollar will collapse, if you don't, the dollar will collapse. The best investment an American can make today is a wheelbarrow to put your money in to go to the grocery store.



Well kick Nancy Pelosi out, she keeps wanting to inflate the cost so she can steal from the 'kitty,' we all know her well!

How much more tragic can we get? We already have the worst economy if you look at it overall. How many businesses does weinie man want to fail. How many people die, how far does our country have to sink? Weinie man? & we have Ms Pence! Hiding somewhere? Deaf& dumb as usual.

A study by The Journal of Business (Small Business Loan Turndowns) proves blacks, with the same wealth, credit standing, business strength and industry placement as white loan applicants, are not only more likely to be denied, but given worse terms in the event they’re approved!

President Trump this is cruel and unusual punishment you are doing to your people who need this money. And furthermore if you think it’s going to make them vote for you in HOPES that you win and sign ...Nada that’s what we call false Hope.

Donald just took all the attention off his precious daughters tax fraud . And his tax fraud! Lets demand 5 years of tax returns before people can run for the highest position in the 🇺🇸. We the public go through, credit reports for any job.

Tragic consequences result from massive stimulus, or without it. Just the timeline changes.

Hi Mr. Jesus

My husband is a salary mandatory front line employee working the jobs of 3 people without hazard pay or additional pay at all. We can't afford health insurance. The wrong Americans are getting the relief, anyway, so who cares.

lisa_simonetti MORE THEN 1200!

Americans, you have 3 choices: - Open your businesses and try to return to work at FULL capacity - Wait on government officials, the President, or “medical experts” to “grant” you permission to restart YOUR economy - Do nothing and watch everything crumble.

Let Trump Be Trump , We only have a couple more days to deal w/ his bull crap 👋🏾👋🏾

Deaf ears in Washington DC

Blame Pelosi

Trump can't make up his mind. He cancels negotiations then demands PPP and UE be passed. Then comes out and says he's ready to sign off on another round of $1200 checks.

Birtherdent only cares about getting reElected to stay out of Jail!

You need sales funnel?

America is like Rome it too shall fall. If it doesn't fall God owes Sodom and Gomorah an apology.

Potentially is an understatement

Jerome Powell is a GOP RepubliCON puppet. Helping the Republicans steal tens of billions from the Fed.

Jerome Powell is in favor of providing more stimulus but he did not say provide it now.

MarcVegan Pretty Strong Language from the FED! Better listen Up! realDonaldTrump you are totally fu€Ked by your own FED! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

The Deep State talking

Republicans are too busy getting Roe vs Wade overturned by SCOTUS to provide a Stimulus Package. So far Americans have received about $50 a month in stimulus since Covid hit.

The entire mainstream media has tried to spin this as bad news. This is good news. Trump will now bypass the Democrats and use an executive order to deliver big money to the people, and nothing can stop him when Republicans control the Supreme Court.


Let the trump recession continue.

Give it up. No one cares if we suffer...

We all need a good stimulus of some religion. Money and government aren't gonna save us.💯

...cause he doesn't care.

and costly to votes somehow Presidents mistake their power, it belongs to the people, not them. We hold the vote, we hold the power to change this nation. Anyone who doesn't exercise that isn't taking themself very seriously

Hey didn’t Jerome Powell proclaim that no more money would be printed? Moving to digital currency?

Trump. Typical I am alright Jack attitude. Whether his Covid19 was FakeNews or he did receive high level care other people couldn't access, his attitude is still to deny reality.

Can we drop this stimulus wording? We are talking RESCUE and RELIEF in a pandemic! GetSerious folks.

Finally someone speaking out to tell the truth.

Trump doesn't care.

we can wait 4 weeks we waited for pelosi and gang for 5 months

I can prove democrats caused the outbreak of Coronavirus with illegal immigration and Sanctuary cities.

My thoughts: Trump knows he's through & most likely losing election. He's gonna burn the country to the ground on his way out the door, as would any true disciple of Steve Bannon.

There are about to be millions more homeless

Breaking News, Trump after his Disasterous Tweet saying all negotions were off for any Stimulus and Tanking the Markets 600 points from a 300+ high now does a Complete 180 and says he wants Stimulus Deal Done ASAP? Steroids must've worn off and he was told what he did..

smallbusiness needs stimulus support NOW. Not AFTER Nov 4th. It gets harder to fix the longer Trump waits.

We need to open up the economy.

Career politicians are to blame. All of them. Mitch, Nancy, Chuck, just to name a few. If you are a career politician, you should be THROWN OUT OF OFFICE. None of these people represent the interests of their constituents.

lt's the same day President Trump halts talks for us and promises $ fast if he wins kind up holding the help hostage for our vote. And it's a lie. He can't promise that. Disgusted....

Aviation industry is in need of a relief! Thousands of us without Healthcare and income! Mr. President! We can not wait! This is Urgent! realDonaldTrump TeamPelosi stevenmnuchin1 SpeakerPelosi RepPeterDeFazio afa_cwa

JPow run bartertown.

The red danger sign is blinking over the head of this sociopath narcissist - Trump has no limit to the depravity he can exhibit. None of this is about negotiations, because he sucks at those. He’s going down & trying to take us all with him. This is about feeling his power.

crazyOldManTrump strikes again

Powell is Spot On. Trump's $600 per week unemployment benefit supplement is what has kept the economy strong as most all of it went back into the Economy. Now that it's ended, there will be a Huge neg effect on 3rd-4th Qtr earnings. 30+million unemployed now and Growing. NOT GOOD

Trumps America.

They administered steroids and now he's got 'roid rage

Wannabe-dictator-trump is making his hate for everyone but his rich supporters more obvious every day

MontyBoa99 Well.... Trump and his Republican cohorts are burning down the country.... 👎🏻😡

You cannot have a thriving economy during a pandemic. What part of an economic depressions don't the anti-maskers and the GOP get?

It's coming (Tragic Economic Consequences) all because the President and GOP see they are going to lose this election so they want to Bring us all down before they leave office ! Just as Putin would ask for ! Trump is Working for Putin !

Then Pelosi should put her BS aside All we see is TRUMP rejecting her nonsense We as people don’t see the inner Qorkings for Leftist states that have forced shutdowns and pro longing people to get back to work Truthfully just go to work stimulus Pelosi Trump Biden

Keeping those interest rates nice and low for the TRUMP family that lives in debt, how convenient, Wake up voters, vote this crook out in 2020, Real Americans are losing under this crooked Administration.

More for the have yachts and nothing again for the have nots? No thanks!

translation: 'Pump move money into my businesses, crack the cronyism up to 11 and let's party.

What is/are our options? Someone from the WH please answer the people. Not Trump, but someone who cares 🙏 I’ll retweet your Reply 👊🏽

Replace Nancy Pelosi. She doesn’t really care about you!

The only man in Washington with ANY common sense.

Trump - 'I'd like you to do me a favor though...' QuidProQuo TrumpRecession

75 years later we are going to get an American version of 'Is Paris Burning?': there should be consequences unless the perp intends to end it the same way!

Amen, but they don’t care

Is anyone in the White House even listening?

Pelosi has all the blame She is trying all of her devious ways

A clown made some remarks. OK, but can he juggle too? Any good clown can do something entertaining, otherwise it's just a Democrat and/or CIA clown. Even Schumer's shoes are funny at least.

What do you want the president to do kiss her A$$ , SpeakerPelosi Had no intentions of negotiating with him, unless getting trillions of dollars for her Democrat party for all the cities they’ve ruined, Nancy never wanted to make a deal , RealJamesWoods realDonaldTrump

Not congress... The mad king has made his decision. The art of the deal!

Vote trump out now.

Double_OD Yeah there’s a shakedown in progress

SenateGOP the bills are sitting on your dear leader MoscowMitch desk obstructing the economic recovery of the USA economy. You think we don't know this? You think you will have a job?

Republicans are more concerned with pushing their Supreme Court nominee through than helping the American people.

'This bubble is entirely made of people drunk on zero rate loans and free money from the fed. Without a constant, massive input of taxpayer money it's going to explode like a balloon full of tomato sauce hitting a industrial fan.'


BREAKING: Trump shown analyst’s numbers that stimulus wouldn’t help him win anyways, but stopping it would certainly harm republicans in tight lower races Trump: BORING! DONT CARE, FUCK EM ALL IF I CANT WIN, ITS ALL ABOUT MEEEEEEEEE!

think of it as an experiment where we just keep increasing the amount of unemployed homeless people until 'something happens'..............

Is T stupid or intentionally cruel?

Stock Market meet Main Street. It’s a long ways down.

Tick Tock....Gold backed coming soon... Buh Bye, Central bank.... Trump2020

that didn't go as planned.

All hail Pelosi for this! Another Democratic failure for the people!

So...the fed wants us to borrow more money from them?

Open the country and give people their jobs back. That will stimulate the economy just fine!!!

you wont have any economy if you dont help us.....I'll spend all my money on seeds so i can eat. Its time for Jehovah to remove all your stupid human governments. Dan 2:44

I agree! WTF, realDonaldTrump senatemajldr The people want their stimulus check, now! No Justice, No Peace! No Stimulus, No more 4 yrs! Can you hear me now? SenSchumer SpeakerPelosi If you agree with this message please hit retweet. BLMGreaterNY WarriorsITG iamhawkNewsome

GOP Does he really think that the Republican Party cares about the average person. Good Luck with that senatemajldr

realDonaldTrump maybe have someone read this to you

He said what SpeakerPelosi told him to say - hoping to corner realDonaldTrump into a corrupt scheme of paying off her buddies with COVID relief funds for issues UN-RELATED to COVID. realDonaldTrump PUTS AMERICA FIRST, UNLIKE CORRUPT CAREER POLITICIANS TrumpWarRoom explain it

Yet, Trump stops all stimulus assistance talks. TrumpFailedAmerica

Sadly, Trump was never a fan of Powell. I'm sure he was expecting this kind of reaction fr the President. So much for Trump learning 'a lot' during his brief stint in the hospital :/

What Jerome really meant was: Dire *stock market* consequences due to the our extremely foolish and blind efforts to try to support the stock market, leading to the most overinflated conditions in market history. By the way, we lost the keys to our tool box, oopsies. ~ J Pow

Deliberate sabotage against the people and the Constitution of the United STATES of America. Treasonist VOTEBIDEN EndTheNightmare

Now the downfall vegans👈🏽

He wants to ruin us all.

Trump wont listen. He's not good at math. Hes only good at instigating hate and enabling an 'us v.s them attitude' He will literally sacrifice the lives of millions for his agenda. He will sacrifice Republican and Democrat lives ALIKE because of his dislike of beliefs. Fascist

It’s 100% Nancy’s Fault

Hmm wonder how the President saying he won’t even negotiate until after the election will help the economy?

I think he saw the polls and went into roid rage. He's extorting us to vote for him. Fuck him and the helicopter he flew in on, that we all paid for.

Let me sum this up: realDonaldTrump thought he might die. He said - get the stimulus out NOW. He wanted to die w/that being his last legacy. NOW: He’s on steroids w/a false sense of invincibility. His true colors return. He HOLDS America HOSTAGE to vote 4 him OR ELSE no help.

We paid for his golf.

Trump knows he has lost the election and now he is exacting his revenge on the economy and the American people. This fits his profile. 'If I can't win, I am taking the ball and going home.'



Honestly it's time to stop blaming the Pandemic because that's old news while others states and countries are open but America now i see it's about the Election and not what better for the Economy of America

It’s their fault!

Then talk to the Democrats and Pelosi!

45needstogo1 Whoops. Trumpy just pulled the rug out from under the Fed’s Stimulus hopes. Stocks take a dive because Trumpy’s in a Steroid Fever. Buckle up, kids, it’s going to be a bumpy trumpy ride into November and beyond.

It breaks my heart as an Australian, on permanent welfare, to see the US isn’t doing similar to make sure people still eat, still feed their children, keep a roof over their head for their family. If you’re affected badly by this, please know you’re important. Not like Trump.

J67410631 I love it when Trump appointed people actually stand up and talk against Trump. It like they almost know that TraitorsSupportTraitorTrump

Bruh! Doesnt care.

This Show again that liar Corrupt Racist Failure realDonaldTrump & senatemajldr SenateGOP do not care about US People & COVID-19 and The Dugs that Trump taking now for COVID-19, He can't make a good judgment or decision at all!!

I hope the hideous Nancy Pelosi is paying attention. She refuses to negotiate.

Congress doesn't need the president. Its on them if the don't go around him.

He doesn’t like his “Fed owns everything” plan to be even slightly delayed

I believe nothing from Jerome Powell. Always three steps behind.

NotTHATAshanti You mean like an employer of 30k ppl telling us to self check before going to work. That’s it. That’s the entire protocol. Can’t spend a dime it might affect the operating ratio.

Viagra for free? 🤔🤔🤔

A call for Senate leadership to support the small farmers crushing debt relief act!

The left wants the market to crash, it's in their plans. Hello...

It's going to happen anyway so stop burning money.


He will drain the swamp! Where are the sane adults?

UnitedPilots Cue Trump to crush the market.

Don’t worry trump will come along by closing time and make it worse.

Fuck wall street, this man only cares about the rich he doesn't give a shit about main street.

PolitJunkieM Here's a little hint, guys. A malignant sociopathic narcissist who doesn't get his way and sees his world crashing down on him will take everyone else down with him. Considering it's the Market/corporations/billionaires who have the real control over the GOP, you better help.

BREAKING: Ignoring pandemic didn't work so Trump and GOP shift to starving the populace.

How much money will Bonespur and Kushner make when they announce they have reached a deal?

'Oh really, hold my beer 🍺,' says the Fraud realDonaldTrump

Why is this breaking news when the Dems declined 3 versions of the relief bill that would have given us extra stimulus months ago? You people are fakes.

Good thing we don’t have a manic President with steroid rage.


And Trump responds by refusing to give any stimulus. PutinsGOP

Blackmail and retribution RETRIBUTION are TrumpIsANationalDisgrace go to moves. After the election, if he loses he will exact revenge upon the country.

That didnt go well Jerome. Stop propping up WALL STREET

The stock market today. Can you find the point where Tяump tweeted that he was ending negotiations on a stimulus package until after he's re-elected (as if)?

DT twitfarted today, no more negotiating

And yet.... Trump Tells His Team to Stop Talks on Fiscal Stimulus Package until after the election. Trump just doesn't care.

tomcolicchio Well folks here we go, hope everyone remembers who regarded the stimulus for Americans suffering as wasteful spending.

Puritans would be proud that our government would rather send American workforce to their deaths Than shell out money for 'not working'

ClaudiaAKATiggs realdonaldtrump crashes his market b/c he won't listen to people who know what they're talking about. Next tweet from DJT will be to lambaste Powell.

Trump is deliberately destroying the economy. Why? Is he doing this under the instruction of Putin?

Lol. Like anyone other than realDonaldTrump is stalling this.

Figure he’ll be gone by Thursday

Tell that to beloved nancy

All the indices are UP! Market do not see it as what Powell will have us believe, Socialism for Rich, bond buying needs to stop! There should be no stimulus until markets has dropped 50% or more! Stop thievery & putting our unborn grandchildren in debt!

Division A, Title III provides $540 BILLION to failed Democratic cities and states as bail-outs to be spent 'for any purpose.'

Powell should get on the phone to Mitch McConnell who is blocking the stimulus bill passed by Nancy Pelosi and The House.

...and I'm hearing now that Trump is ordering his negotiators to stop talks - until after the election. Sounds like he's taking (more) hostages to me.

LoriBaggadonuts Duh fuckers!!

Listen to him...AVOID the derailment....

You guys at the top might be fine for a little while longer but you stand on our backs, on our labor, and as we go down (and we are going down—unemployment, underemployment, eviction, food & shelter crisis) you guys will go down too. 😞

Just wear masks and keep at a couple of arms length. Printing money is only going to bite you in the ass in the not too distant future.

but, but Mitch says he needs the SCOTUS judge before any stimulus can be offered, if that isn't a gun to the heads of millions of people, McConnell holding peoples lives in jeopardy over the SCOTUS Judge pick

Artists4Yang The biggest help people need is to stop spreading the virus from the very top. If the virus is under control, the economy will recover soon.

When Republicans say 'stimulus,' doesn't that mean giving government money to people? Like socialism?

senatemajldr doesn’t care

Families Jobless Evicted & Hungry As Trump & Republicans Wealth Soars While Lying Spreading Killing Americans Daily realDonaldTrump GOP

TheeMrsDi Dems to the rescue -- again (and again & again & again).

youbettaresist New Fed Chris in 3,2,1....

The republicans are watching as the economy is tanking under the Trump administration response to the pandemic. They have to start facing reality the economy is in trouble and has been for months.

way too busy ramming the SCOTUS through to care about us, then it is vacation time for them!

The GOP won't approve any stimulus package unless it comes with a corporate immunity agreement

bomani_jones whitejerome

mehdirhasan TRUMP IS A MADMAN! VOTE!

Which means they wont because they hate the FED too.


designmom Which definition of “the economy” are we using here? Some people seem to think the Stock Market is the only part of the economy that counts, others are concerned with the people and small businesses that are really being hurt right now, but difference.

mehdirhasan But..judges.

kimleannelliot Why can't the Fed just give everyone $AAPL bonds instead of buying them from rich people to make rich people richer and poor people poorer?

mehdirhasan Trump does not care about people's health in any way period. He's been promising a plan for YEARS, still has yet to produce one & is at the same time arguing before the courts to take people's needed healthcare away from them. Vote him & the GOP who support him out this November!

mehdirhasan Donald Trump has flat-out admitted one of his goals w/his appointment to the Supreme Court is to steal millions of people's healthcare away from them by getting rid of the ACA, a necessary source of healthcare for millions. This can't be tolerated, at all.

Speaker Pelosi is too busy eating gourmet ice cream to care about the little people.

True story. We need another stimulus package ASAP especially down here in South Florida. Many middle class that were well paid leaving them to live on $275 and 12 weeks at that. We are drowning

Powell (the lastest Fed Head to fck up the US economy), gives backdoor bailouts to Wall Street (again), bailouts out foreign interests; ... and now he skulks into Congress asking for MORE taxpayer dollars to provide more 'stimulus' which will go disproportionately go to the 1%?

I wish they would stop claiming of job growth. $10-$12 an hour jobs are not living wages! When housing is costing American's 70% of their income that's not living, it's surviving. What kind of life is that!

We need trump to sign executive orders for stimulus to the American people.senate and house are gone..we are still hurting and need the stimulus NOW,they only way is for trump to grow a heart and help the people he's asking votes from.sign executive orders today and get it sent

Does he not have senatemajldr Phone number?

POTUS SpeakerPelosi

Do your damn job MoscowMitch !!! StimulusNow senatemajldr VoteHimOut VoteThemAllOut November3rd

tomcolicchio The republicans think that their constituents are not worthy of making $15/hr. Plain and simple

tomcolicchio It will be tragic if CreepyJoe gets elected.

tomcolicchio It’s already happening to a lot of people.

This is so wrong its not funny, a business is too big to FAIL....but the American people who pay the taxes for these bailouts, are able to be FAILED. KEEP SAYING 'LET THEM EAT CAKE...'

It’s already happening, folks.

IAmBut1Voice Featuring Professor of climatology and geophysics, MichaelEMann ALL PROCEEDS go to NCSE ! ONLY $1.19 USD! 'There's still time to make the right choices.' 🔥🌎ClimateActionNow 🌍🔥


tell me why I got bill collectors and navient calling me during a pandemic with historic unemployment rates

kimalyceosteen Hate to say it but this is a loser for the Dems. Pass this before 11/3 and trump make hay. Wait until after 11/3 and McConnell will be in 'Make Biden a 1-term president' mode. After January 3rd, new congress, may be too late for many, many people. Clusterfuk.

senatemajldr refuses to bring the HEROES Act to the floor for a vote! SpeakerPelosi and HouseDemocrats passed a comprehensive relief bill in MAY!!! MAY people!!


In other words the GOP is wrong on the economy again like always. Why am I not surprised. They are a blight on the nation on every single issue and the economy is no exception. The MSM needs to expose the LIE that the GOP is good for the economy and stop letting them spread it.

Yep... tax payer money isn’t going to keep the stock market propped up forever!!

WTF. the markets are up at the same time chaos reigns at the top echelons of the US government. There is nothing stable abt a mentally & physically unfit man in control of the most powerful military in the world.

Tell JeromePowell to fu*king call .senatemajldr and tell him to stop fu*king around...!

It’s the Democrats fault as much as the Republicans fault that a stimulus package can’t be agreed to. They should ALL be ashamed of themselves!! It’s disgusting

boggles my mind why the repub senate doesn't sign off on one of the several bills already passed in the house and just spin it like it was their idea. Something is up. They gonna lose the senate

Don’t worry, when the market starts to drop, the stimulus will come. When Wall Street dipped a bit in March Dems and Pubs agreed on 2 trillion in 10 minutes. When main street was dying at the end of July, they went on Vacation. Stimulus will come once Apple hits 90.

Need a leader...someone has to find common ground and compromise

The Republicans obviously don’t care about the American ppl, they got themselves a judge to confirm. If GOP really cared they would have done this months ago when the first Heroes act was passed but their priority was delaying & packing the courts with more unqualified judges.

Pelosi and McConnell won't even listen to the Fed Chair. Unbelievable. Welcome to The Great Depression Part 2.

But they can't pass stimulus. Because members of the senate have covid. So they are only able to vote in a new supreme court nominee. No time for the American people.

Democrats would be happy with that

Open our country!!!

Don't support the economy. Let the weak companies die.

Nancy Pelosi is to blame. She is holding up bill that the President and Senate will sign.

SMART MAN. You can see what's going on. We can make back that money easily. But first we need help.

lol I think everyone realizes now that Powell is just another Trump loyalist, printing crap load of debt to prop up the market and his stock portfolio

So its a pump and dump scheme...ok

I smell tax break for the rich. Oh boy! I can hear the pennies trickling down now.

Even I can see that this needs to happen. Both parties need to put their partisan egos away & put the hurting public first!

dems have a revised second bill, the redudlicans never passed their first bill..........! just saying______

Moscow Mitch and all his old goats in the Senate are not suffering and will not suffer no matter what happens to the 'economy' they are all zillionaires probably paying next to nothing in taxes

Tell Nancy ‘ batshit crazy ‘ pelosi to do her job . SpeakerPelosi

Tell that to McConnell

dont worry fed got our backs

Pass the stimulus for working Americans! senatemajldr quit putting businesses ahead of individual people! America is watching you.

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