Hong Kong residents raid supermarket shelves as COVID surge disrupts supplies

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Finance Finance Headlines News

Finance Finance Latest News,Finance Finance Headlines

Hong Kong residents crowded supermarkets and neighbourhood fresh food markets on Monday to stock up on vegetables, noodles and other necessities after a record number of COVID-19 infections in the city and transport disruptions at the border with mainland China. Several drivers have been forced to isolate but overall fresh food supplies “remained stable”, despite a drop in supply of vegetables to certain markets, it said on Sunday. At a fresh food market in Tin Shui Wai, in the city's northern New Territories, vendors said there would be no vegetables in coming days, prompting customers to buy up produce.

Customers wearing face masks shop at a market, following the outbreak of the coronavirus disease , at Sha Tin district, in Hong KongCustomers shop at a supermarket, following the outbreak of the coronavirus disease , at Sha Tin district, in Hong KongCustomers wearing face masks shop at a market, following the outbreak of the coronavirus disease , at Sha Tin district, in Hong KongCustomer wearing a face mask shops in front of partially empty shelves at a supermarket, following the outbreak of...

Hong Kong imports 90% of its food supplies, with the mainland its most important source, especially for fresh food. Consumers have already seen a shortage of some foreign imported goods, including premium seafood, due to stringent flight restrictions. Several drivers have been forced to isolate but overall fresh food supplies “remained stable”, despite a drop in supply of vegetables to certain markets, it said on Sunday.

"Of course you have to buy. There will be no vegetables from tomorrow. The trucks can't come here...so the vegetables are very, very pricey," said a 50 year old woman surnamed Chow.


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