UK energy suppliers call on government to scrap levies and charges on bills

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If it were known that non-German Citizens secretly voted and influenced German high politics, there would be a national outcry from all parties. German leaders haven't been head of their own parties for some years now, either - Fancy!

Simply letting non-British Citizens 'Conservatives Abroad' vote in this secret postal ballot and not in any way protest the fact is tantamount to treason, period.

I call for a Profit Cap on Energy companies and an “excess wages” marginal rate of income tax for anyone there earning more than £250K a year

I mean they could just accept lower profits…

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UK energy suppliers call on government to scrap levies and charges on bills\n\t\t\tExpert insights, analysis and smart data help you cut through the noise to spot trends,\n\t\t\trisks and opportunities.\n\t\t\n\t\tJoin over 300,000 Finance professionals who already subscribe to the FT.
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