Xi Jinping faces stumbling blocks, as crucial Communist party meeting looms

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At a time when he wants to project stability, China’s president is grappling with a long-term crisis over Taiwan, a faltering economy and ongoing Covid outbreaks

Ironically, though, Xi’s zero-Covid policy is here to stay – at least for the foreseeable future. As Hu Chunhua, the vice premier, articulated in a follow-up speech to Li’s at the May meeting, China should continue to “unswervingly adhere to the general policy of dynamic clearance” he vowed, according toYang said China was in a dilemma in deciding the next stage of its Covid management.

All of this will set the tone for Xi if he secures a third term later this year. Since presidential term limit was abolished in 2018, a consensus has been formed among Chinese insiders and foreign experts that the 69-year-old leader could continue his rule, in theory, indefinitely – breaking a recent convention. In the next few months, the ruling Communist party is set to hold its 20th party congress, and Xi is expected to be given a renewed mandate.

“From Xi’s perspective, he’s achieved a huge amount over his past decade in power, from anti-corruption domestically to making China more assertive internationally,” said Victor Shih, who teaches Chinese elite politics at the University of California, San Diego. “The question for his third term is: whether he’s happy with consolidating the enormous gains he’s made, or he will venture into major gambles in order to achieve additional policy goals, such as ‘unifying’ Taiwan.”


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