Six Flags CEO draws ire with 'classist' remarks on guest demographics

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Finance Finance Headlines News

Six Flags CEO draws ire over remarks about avoiding attracting 'Walmart customers' and saying discounted tickets turned parks into 'cheap day care for teenagers'

Since taking over as top executive in November 2021, Bassoul has focused on"premium-ization strategy" dedicated to creating a more upscale experience at parks and hiking prices. In a previous earnings call, he referred to"restroom and restaurant upgrade and food upgrade in all our parks."

But the move ultimately has come at a cost to consumers, with higher admission prices and cuts to discounts and coupons, and it appears the strategy may not be working as well as intended: Guest attendance dropped by 22% in the second quarter of 2021 compared to the same period last year, the company reported.

"Our attendance decrease was related to the elimination of free tickets and low-margin product offerings, coupled with increased pricing into a market that had become accustomed to discounts," Six Flags CFO Gary Mick said on the call. But Bassoul doubled down on Six Flags' pricing strategy, stating that while the company's aim"has always been to be a park for the middle-class and even lower middle-class," there was"no point" in trying to recapture lost customers struggling with"They suffered with their utilities at home. They suffered with their pricing at the supermarket. Those people were not able to come," he said.


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We avoid Sick Flags. We could drive 30 minutes to a nearby Six Flags but we never do. We opt to save up and drive the 5 hours to Disneyland. The reason: Discovery Kingdom’s ghetto vibe, seedy atmosphere.

If you disagree with his comments, boycott his parks and he’ll accomplish what they need to without even changing a thing!

draws ire from wealthy liberals who live in safe white areas.

LeChatNoire4 elitist poopface imo no SixFlags for we boycott

People of Walmart - Music Video

I've seen the people of Walmart video.. I understand

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