Trudeau on the attack against Poilievre's 'irresponsible' politics

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Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre's policies on the economy and attacks on Canadian institutions are reckless and irresponsible.

'Charter may quickly become less relevant': Why Canadians outside of Quebec should care about the provincial election

Quebecers will cast their ballots on Oct. 3, with the incumbent Coalition Avenir Quebec expected to win another majority government. With less than four weeks left in the election campaign, here's how the race — and the results — could affect the rest of Canada.


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Liberal 🤡show!

Priceless! Trudeau needs to look at the reflection in the mirror. What do you call SNCLavalinScandal WECharity NSshootings Cronyism Irresponsible politics?' JustinTrudeau

Only Trudeau is irresponsible for 6plus disastrous years. How many times did he black face as an adult anyways?

You mean the little twerp PierrePoilievre who ran away from the press today? The one who stands with extremists, and is constantly attacking our PM but has nothing of substance to offer? The truth is not attack. cndmedia failing again

I remember a few years ago people would first congratulate the new party leader BEFORE going into an unmitigated attack of them so as to dodge being accountable. Politics have become a sad state of affairs...

He's panicking because Pierre4PM is everything he isn't. Smart, articulate and has a solid plan. Trudeau can only attack as he has nothing else to offer

🤣🤣🤣 He needs to take a good look in the mirror. As Trudeau inflates our money away...oh but don't worry, the budget will balance itself...cause we will print more money. Trudeau has been involved in several scandals too...but apparently, it's ok if he is involved.

When Trudeau’s done criticizing PierrePoilievre , can you ask him for the unredacted Winnipeg Lab Docs? Thanks CTV. Appreciate it!

Bye Trudeau. pierrepoilievreforPM

Says the divider in chief

Spare me tour vitriol...

This is hilarious from captain divisive himself! Justin Trudeau has destroyed life savings and made life unaffordable for everyone TrudeauworstPMever TrudeauForTreason TrudeauDictatorship

'do we tolerate these people' - trudeau.

He didn't even say his name lol

F🍁CK TRUDEAU! For the record, I don’t trust Poilievre either but he’s not the tyrant who removed my ability to feed, clothe and shelter my family by taking my job away with a federal mandate. I’ll say it again, F🍁CK TRUDEAU! By the way, you are propagandists for this tyrant.

Look at the state of Canada in the last 7 years. Scary. This guy ruined this country.

Trudeau's reign is coming to an end and the Liberal shills are terrified. I love it.

The only person distorting our country is you JustinTrudeau.


Why isn't CTV condemning Trudeau and his attack dog David Akin for the violent rhetoric they are using?

didnt he just give all goverment workers a taxpayer funded day off? while we all work to pay for it?

It would be good to get back to not always being lectured to and frowned down upon by this leader of a self-assuming superior caste.

Trudeau and Poilievre are extremists playing politics

Richard77172284 Not an attack. Facts matter. NeverVoteConservative


CTV on attack to support JT

LOL. He knows he's going to lose.


Hes talking about everything we need to talk about and which you refuse to address? If the liberals want to save face and keep their integrity its about time they toss this talking contradiction out and bring in somebody who knows how to balance a budget and bring people together

News paid for by Trudeau

Who destroyed Canada's aerospace industry? Who sold off Connaught Laboratories? Who sold AECL to SNC? The Canadian Wheat Board to Saudi Arabia? The 407? The same people want to privatize Healthcare and Education. Conservatives selling Canada piece by piece. It's what they do.

Now let's talk about JT's irresponsible politics. Way worse than Max & PP combined.

I think someone is a little worried!! 🤣😂

Trudeau is a Loser and a 🤡🤡🤡

Canadian taxpayers are paying $24.5 Billion annually on Trudeau’s borrowed money-is that a definition of irresponsibility? Just Curious- Even Alberta can’t support that interest payment for Canada while also paying off the Communist NDP Notley’s $70B borrowed debt interest load

Wow, just wow.

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Wow CTV! Irresponsible politics begins with JT himself. Look deeper. Try harder.

these liberal attacks coming from a proven liar..oooh the hypocrisy

PM Trudeau is telling the truth to the Canadian people.

More division by the liberals

Ok… TrudeauDictatorship

Media doesn’t question Trudeau, on his failed track record? Weak on policy all his programs helped create inflation and burdening our food banks.

Irresponsible politics is being a dictator and that’s what our PM is. Either get a shot or your rights and privileges are taken away. Welcome to North Korea

His lack of self awareness is unintentional comedy gold 🤣

Trying to save your job?


Scary cat. Using your evil media propagandists that you bought and paid for with my money? your days are number theif.

Irresponsible Trudeau lashes out because Poilievre is right.

Of course he is on the attack and so are his minions such as most mainstream media and his members. All are acting like a pack of rabid dogs, because they are afraid of losing their power.

Trudeau being Trudeau

Anyone who is sticking up for trust fund Trudeau is out of touch with reality. Demonizing Pierre is ridiculous, if he had the 'liberal' button on his jacket, would be a hero to them. Give the man a chance.

Trudeau should look in the mirror.


Facts aren't an attack be better. CdnMediaFailed

Well you won’t hold him accountable and sucks anyways! Bitcoin just dropped again and that really shows you that PierrePoilievre is full of PierreManipulation. We miss you LisaLaFlamme_ you would of held them accountable.

Scripted condescending child who never had an original thought

'On the attack' should be his next campaign slogan

We all should be

It’s not an attack if you’re pointing out the truth.

Mr. Prime Minister, can I request a reply please?

Here we go, anybody but anybody probably even the greens and the scrap scolded NDP can be less 'irresponsible' than Trudeau liberals and I said 'Trudeau liberals' that have transformed 🇨🇦 to a divide country full of hate and on top almost bankruptcy so here you are😆😅🤣😂🤑🤑

Thank you Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for taking the high road of a true statesman. Otherwise politicians in Canada risk falling into the same divisive filthy swamp of American politics.

Trudeau says Poilievre uses buzz words and “dog whistles”! In doing so Justin becomes what he criticizes. Isn’t the latter (“dog whistles”), the former (“buzz words”)? Canada needs a change of government. Any change!

Right🤔 this seven time ethics violator, countless blackface, budget will balance itself, groper, filled with racist, misogynistic & divisive rhetoric, blaming veterans they're asking for too much, censoring & vilifying anyone who speaks against him, should be one to talk at all!

A picture of a hairy ass would suite your article instead of his face.

thought we were wasting all that carbon pollution and cash on planning to make lives better, not attacking a guy in a job for one day, for which there should be no campaigning for a few years? JustinTrudeau

Giving yourself a 21% WAGEHIKE was Not very thoughtful, for the Regular Struggling Hardworking CanadianCitizens UnFair Unbalanced NoRespect or Concern for People. Reflection

“Attack?” 🙄 He was simply stating facts. IStandWithTrudeau

PierrePoilievre has him shaking in his boots!😂

And CTV doesn’t refute or rebut any of it. DefundCTV

There is not one single federal responsibility Trudeau handled professionally. The reason we still have Covid mandates is because he screwed up the vaccine procurement. We were 64th in the world. And still playing catch up hockey. PierrePoilievre JustinTrudeau

Trudeau was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and a hill wing Mercedes. Poilievre was born on our side of the street.

CTVNEWS is another Trudeau’s “press”titutes!!!

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Trudeau should just resign, a disgrace to Canada and what Canada stands for

I could care less for either of them. Throw in Jugmeat as well as they all take their orders from Klaus.

About time.

You mean like this old story!

Well look who's got a fire under his but just now?

look in the mirror JT

A $1.2+ trillion, and climbing, debt is responsible? A massive structural deficit, adding to the debt every day, is responsible? Good thing Trudeau has cbcnews to amplify his talking points.

When you offer nothing - and have provided nothing - all you have left is to attack.

Like this? FLASHBACK: Trudeau: “If you don't want to get vaccinated, that's your choice. But don't think you can get on a plane or a train beside vaccinated people and put them at risk.”

This guy should be in jail for obstruction and embezzlement for starters - who's being irresponsible here? ByeByeJustin

Trudeau can run from the truckers but he can’t run from Pierre. He’s shitting his pants.

I smell a 'just watch me' moment (or two) coming. YEH!!!!!!!!

He thanks everyone except the man that's going to take his position. 🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡

He’s the master of irresponsible politics! He forgets that when you point your finger, 3 fingers point back at you!

Wow, he didn’t waste any time,

Trudeau is right. It’s time for responsible leadership. That’s why I’m for Pierre.

Terrified little punk. You've always been out of your league Trudeau.

Any attack on Poilievre by Trudeau and his Regime is an attack on Canadians.

Mask harder, vax harder, soon to eat bugs, and own nothing while being happy! All the while not going anywhere because the power grid to charge cars is shut down!! So blind when it’s punching them right in the face🤦‍♀️ Sock boy is scared and it shows. His narcissism is DONE!

The most divisive, polarizing Prime Minister in Canada's history has spoken.

Trudeau doing what he does best - lying.

Let’s see: SNC Lavalin scandal, India debacle, Aga Khan vacation ethics violation, Black Face photos, Jody Raybould ethics violation investigations, We Charity scandal… I need to continue?

So, when Trudeau is on the 'attack', violent rhetoric and language is acceptable. Glad to see the hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance is alive and well.

The Canadian Press, 'shit-stains.' The same union as CBC (CMG). Here you have Bell media, re-upping taxpayer funded,union arse-holes in media. Paid with your dollars.

Trudope is shiiiittting himself! 🤣🤣🤣

With more lies.

Hahaha! Love it.

Oh now he’s worried! But flys arnd having retreats discussing inflation using taxpayers money! Privileged hypocrite!!!

Are you going to get defunded along with the CBC? Asking for me.

At least someone is reporting on it since you guys don't ever.

Never be fooled by 'experts' again.

Trudeau needs a good opponent. Pierre thinks he's that... but will end up failing.

What a gutless liberal coward

Are there any fools who believe him?

You should probably have an “LOL” after that headline.

What a disgrace BlackFaceHitler

What a hypocritical loser….

Said the guy who wants total power. Well do anything to have it emergency measures act and all. No debate just put through OIC.

Desperation, reigns supreme. 😡

Creepy perv

Only day 2 and the hyenas have started the attacks against PierrePoilievre . They will end up eating each other.


You mean like freezing innocent peoples bank accounts, invoking martial law, trampling grandmas in wheelchairs with riot horses & shooting independent reporters with rubber bullets all because citizens didn’t wanna to be forced into an experimental injection?

Liberals preaching about “irresponsible” politics! 😂😂😂

Let’s hope so …. Canada is under attack from PP and his followers …a populist leader lying his way to power followed by people choosing to ignore his character IStandWithTrudeau cdnpoli


Actually, “on the “ defensive, but you won’t do that to your sugar daddy, keeping him appearing strong when actually weak, art of war style. Why don’t you do your job and report the news ?

Go Pierre Go.

Apparently it’s irresponsible to point out Trudeau’s failures, both political and moral.

600,000 young Canadians join the the Conservative party. That is amazing they want to have a say in government and control their future. Not like now when everyone watches Truedope make a mess of everything!

Justin needs to stop referring to himself in the third person

Trudope is scared and a coward and that’s why he’s smearing Pierre. He’s done! TrudeauResign pierrepoilievreforPM

Trudeau is the most corrupt PM in the history of Canada. He should be worried. He should be rotting in a jail cell for his crimes against society.

Irresponsible? How many ethics violations has Mr Peoplekind been convicted of?

Coming from this fruit cake, it doesn't mean much. Mister 'I don't think of the economy'.

Look who’s talking. A guy who continues to peddle vaccines long after everyone’s dropped them, after their efficacy has been discredited and their dangers have been revealed.

The guy who said he doesn’t think about fiscal policy gets air time from a shitty news organization now that PP is prepared to roast him on a spit.

Weak, corrupt, lies , coercion, will all end soon

The most divisive, hate mongering PM in our history! What an embarassment for our country!

Trudeau should have thought about his ‘irresponsible’ politics last year when he asked if we should “tolerate these people” who were vaccine hesitant. What’s the percentage of Canadians that aren’t getting boosters? Do we tolerate those Canadians?

The sooner JT is out, the better! Please call an election now! We are sick and tired of rich trust fund babies of former PMs who don't understand the hardship and realities of everyday Canadians! It's time for one of our own to lead this country! All Hail PM PierrePoilievre

Justin knows he’s never going to win another election and that’s a good thing!!

Huh 🙄

Have you people asked him how he spends $12,000 a MONTH on groceries

What a joke... coming from the unchallenged 'King of irresponsible' in everything he's done in the last few years

Trudeau has zero self-awareness.

Awesome PierrePoilievre has scared JustinTrudeau to work

Did he ever do anything like this vs Erin O'Toole? I'm not even sure Trudeau learned that joker's name. Feeling the need to immediately get so defensive is incredibly weak. Good news.

Trudeau said we shouldn’t let 5million Canadians “take up space” and that they were “putting our kids at risk” how do you treat people who put your kids at risk? He divided Canada in a power grab and it failed. All he got was a divided Canada.

$24B per year now on interest payments on debts- is that irresponsible? Just Curious

Wow..CTV actually reporting the Truth against TrudeauworstPMever

what an absolute I - D -I --- OT!!!!!!!!!

With the MSM…

Can tell who pays the media’s bills

Hahaha look who’s talking

Liberal funded propaganda

That's pretty rich.

CTV is no better than CBC sucking on the teas of Lib handouts. We need honest journalists who park their personal baggage at the door to their office. Enough woke divisive reporting. Facts or Fack OFF

Just because 62% of PierrePoilievre base voted for PierrePoilievre CPC_HQ doesn’t include all Canadians so stop saying Canadians because that’s a lie! Remember that! CanadianPM NDP

........... Mr. Poilievre could bring an end to our interminably woke-nattering government of virtue-signallers and identity-mongers. That would be something as calls of “racists” and “misogynists” and a “fringe minority,” has all become so tiresome, even boring. ...........


What a fucking joke.

Mr. Trudeau. Spare us your presence!

Hahaha. Joke of the day

Hahahahaha rich

Interesting take

nice try CON TV NeverVoteConservative

He's one to lecture people about irresponsible politics? Really? Absolutely amazing how he can be so arrogant and hypocritical to utter such words with a straight face. He's the epitome of irresponsible politics.

NoMorePovertyPWD (Persons With Disabilities) 🇨🇦📢

He’s making his I’m in deep thought and am about to enlighten you face

Spendthrift Trudeau who travels worldwide for photo opps calls Poilievre irresponsible.

Well, well, well. That way very predictable

Really! You're the one who said the budget would balance itself

Yet, media kisses Justins ass & embraces Trudeau government dirty politics! cdnpoli

Bob131313 I agree with Trudeau can’t stand PP 🤮

Shocking, MSM is lying their asses off. But tell me, how will CTV get around Danielle Smith getting elected and instantly declaring Sovereign Association, removing the federal gov. from anything Alberta. Then SK...and finally BC and MAN. All gone from Canada.

What's black face have to say?

JustinTrudeau is attacking with lies as usual. His mrna vaccine is killing people. It's time for it to be stopped. Bodily autonomy is a Charter Right + if Trudeau will not adhere to that he is guilty of treason to Canadians.

Could SandieR_ctv please explain why she called Pierre's campaign 'leveraging divisive and polarizing issues'? Not once did Pierre call Canadians the dismissive names that Justin et al have: racist, UnCanadian, misogynist, neanderthals. WE know who's divisive. CTV TELL THE TRUTH

I could see him doing the little circle dance after viewing her body.

Good -- keep speaking out TeamLiberal

Lol so laughable. CTV you are so so so one sided. Pathetic.

You should have stopped after trudeau on the attack. Period

IMO, sock boy knows all about “irresponsible”.

Trudeau has PPEnvy

They’re scared.

I'm glad we have Trudeau to DefendDemocracy.

😂Is Justin Trudeau still popular after all his rubbish

Coming from the guy who ruined the country and has been plagued with scandal after scandal…

This man is a train wreck!

What a joke!!! Look whose talking!!!

There you go all this cbc, ctv, Globe an all left socialist media feed by Justina with our money will spread spin and propaganda because they fear Pierre now, well your time is coming to the end too!

Mmm trust the experts!

Well well well, somebody sounds a bit panicked. 😂🤣😂🤣🤣 and so he should be !


TruDope is running SCARED knowing he and the pathetic bunch of morons in the Liberal Party WILL BE DEFEATED next election--- ***REMEMBER***- AS PROVEN OVER AND OVER- IF TRUDOPE'S LIPS ARE MOVING 'HE IS LYING AGAIN'

Extreme wokeism at its finest.

Oh my gd you are such an unethical source of news. It’s pathetic

Now read...

Awe he's scared. Day after and the news is already starting, it's not even election time

Like Trudeau saying the budget will balance itself. Or how about multiple blackface incidents as an adult. Or dressing in traditional Indian gear while visiting India during a ceremony where he clearly didn’t have a clue how wrong he is. Total photo op no substance leader

Snap election JustinTrudeau

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ok Justin!!🤣🤣🤣🤣

Happier days for Canada are just around the corner. Pierre4PM 🇨🇦

He knows about being irresponsible

He should concern him self with his own style of politics.

left wing - right wing - same globalist bird - the theatre continues - keep watching the movie

The Trudeau Liberals are so scared of PierrePoilievre that they're actually considering doing their jobs.

I’m pretty sure we’re going to see a barrage of reminders of PeePee’s blunders. I’m also confident that the EA review has unearthed some nasty stuff about PeePee that the Libs are just holding onto for the right moment. istandwithtrudeau PierrePoilievreIsAFascist

The media again defending their bread ‘n butter no matter how unethical he may have been …. No conscience.

This man is a beta

PM, and admirer of China’s basic dictatorship and who fired his AG, has thoughts on irresponsible politics.

Trudeau in 2016 called construction & energy workers rapists & said they damage & terrorize the communities they go work in, has called millions of Canadians racists, misogynists & extremists for not agreeing with his governments policies. Is attacking farming, O&G, lumber etc.


Please google the definition of attack.

Amazing that PierrePoilievre has shaken trust fund Trudeau to his vapid woke core. TrudeauMustGo TrudeauIsDestroyingCanada pierrepoilievreforPM

Right... as if Trudy has been responsible 100%.😒

🤣🤣🤣. Wait he is attacking already against PierrePoilievre who hasn’t even sat in the house yet as the official leader of the opposition. Makes JustinTrudeau look like a fearful silver spoon drama teacher. Oh waittttt 🤔🤔🤔

Wowww is that kinda like calling the kettle black looks like you Trudeau are the one who proved irresponsible politics !

And of course you're his mouthpiece because he pays your salaries Trudeau is the most irresponsible PM in our history. But it's natural for him to project.

Calling an election, wasting time campaigning during a pandemic and wasting $630,000,000 of our money for self gain is irresponsible.

So much projection!!! 🤣🤣🤣

Pierre better get used to it. Did he think he was going to reiterate his short stories/lies/hyperboles & everyone would sit back quietly listening to him, just like his videos? This is what we call accountability! No more role playing or rehearsing. This is the real job now!

Poilievre is the leader for the bullies and truckers extremists.

Easy to sling accusations of irresponsible politics when you’re guilty of it yourself. A thief thinks everyone’s a thief

The reality is always the exact opposite of what Trudeau says. Trudeau is the most irresponsible, incompetent, and divisive PM in my lifetime.

Trudeau needs to go. Can’t stand to hear him talk or see his face anymore. And I actually voted Liberal in 2015. So 🤷🏽‍♀️ He has wore out his welcome. Time for a change of government.

Trudeau is on to talk, he's the most corrupt PM Canada has had since his father!

JustinTrudeau…..Reckless and irresponsible? So you all go to a luxury retreat in BC on us taxpayers back then immediately to another luxury retreat in NB n that’s NOT RECKLESS nor IRRESPONSIBLE? 🖕

Sounds like the media is in trouble. Good I hope you all fold for what you've done to everyone in Canada

Comrade Trudeau is desperate

Bread went up 50% where I live and he's calling other people irresponsible. I can't move unless I want to pay 3-400 more in rent. Thank god I work for a large rental business that does everything by the book.

Just stating the facts.

Wow he has got no rights to speak about any other politician the corruption, scandalous, lies , cover ups he’s been part of . Breaking ever rule and charter of rights he can get away with, hypocrite!!!!


He should take a long hard look in the mirror.

Why don’t you say the same about Poilievre who’s been attacking him for 7months 🙄

CTV. What happened at the school he was teaching at?

CTV will do it's best to help the attacks on Blackface's behalf.

Lol. Child

Is the saying - “He who lives in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones”…. Trudeaus lack of monetary policy is one of the most irresponsible things that’s happened to this country.

He couldn’t attack a plate of food let alone Pierre! Bias and sad media!

Trudeau is the worst leader in the western world.

Trudeau is hateful and causes division . Trudeau is arrogant and no millennial or Gen Z cares what he states


Sharting himself you mean. 🤡🤡🤡

I am sure we are better off supporting the criminal in charge, Riiiight? Who proved to be so responsible. Indeed responsible for the worst state of this country since it became one.


Canadians are more worried about Trudeau's irresponsible handling of taxpayers dollars🤔

Because calling a few million Canadians racist and misogynist and raising interest rates 3% in 8 months, and pushing for vaccination while catching Covid twice were all responsible

Poilievre is the bullies and extremists leader.

Look in the mirror , stoner JustinTrudeau

lololololololol JT calling another politician irresponsible. Now that’s funny. Oops wait, there he goes got Covid.....again.

of course he is....Trudeau you are a clown

That's about the nicest thing you could say about him. It's also factually correct.

Panic mode in the media and liberal party is a very good indicator that the correct leader was elected.

How many retreats does a liberal party need? On tax dollars?

ThunderBayEd On the attack or just stating truths🤷🏻‍♀️ PP is irresponsible and doesn't give one iota about Canadians.

😿 and the pussy cried.


Only irresponsible ones are Trudeau and those backing his WEF agenda against the will of the Canadian people. A minority government that didn’t even win the popular vote and with undertones of vote fraud to get in power and a dubious coalition with another not majority party NDP.

'He says Canadians would have lost their life savings if they listened to Poilievre...' 'Canadians saw their collective net worth fall by the most on record in the second quarter...' - Globe and Mail today.

This is what I call irresponsible... FLASHBACK: Trudeau: “If you don't want to get vaccinated, that's your choice. But don't think you can get on a plane or a train beside vaccinated people and put them at risk.”


Trudy has the main stream media on his side but his days as PM are numbered.

Hey JustinTrudeau crymore


Justin can’t even answer simple questions in Question Period but he can certainly criticize his new opposition. Sit down.


Banana Pants is capitalizing on the recent popularity of Tom Cruise. Look at the pic. How long do you suppose he and an acting coach stood in front of the mirror practicing the look? Who said his drama education wouldn’t be beneficial!

Good. I had little hope for JT as PM and didn't vote for him. I am pleasantly surprised over and over again. Nice problem to have.

ya right ok 🙄


Like Justy knows how to balance a check book!!😂😂😂

Too little too late & it takes someone else saying they’ll do what you won’t? Pathetic

Confession through projection.

Everyone who competes against Trudeau is a fringe minority and a misogynistic racist.

Smells like fear to me … too bad

Got balls?

❤️🇨🇦JustinTrudeau 🇨🇦❤️

coming from this doucheknuckle who has ruined our country with his irresponsibility, thats a joke

What a clown. trudeau has no idea what responsible leadership is. Guy has racked up more debt than all other PMs’ combined. I’m paying a tax to change the weather, which is driving up the cost of EVERYTHING. This clown is out of touch and needs to resign.

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