FDC and its REIT report lower income - BusinessWorld Online

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Finance Finance Headlines News

Finance Finance Latest News,Finance Finance Headlines

FILINVEST Development Corp. (FDC) on Monday said its third-quarter net income fell by nearly 12% to P1.74 billion, while its real estate investment trust (REIT) unit recorded a 46.8% profit decline to P344.92 million.

In a regulatory filing, FDC said its quarter-on-quarter results improved by 19% driven by its banking, real estate, and power businesses.

In the third quarter, FDC’s topline rose by 16.1% to P16.13 billion from P13.89 billion last year. Its other income totaled P1.95 billion in the third quarter, down by 12.7% from P2.24 billion a year ago. FDC said its banking business accounted for 42% or P3 billion of its income, while its property business contributed 31% or P2.2 billion, and its power unit accounted for 23% or P1.7 billion.


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