The Government Shutdown Cost The U.S. Economy $11 Billion [Infographic]

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An analysis has found that the record-breaking shutdown has cost the U.S. economy an estimated $11 billion, $3 billion of which has been lost permanently


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Not a problem for Trump who has experience in bankrupting why stop wasting taxpayer money for his childish temper tandrums and pointless projects.

Thanks democrats, wasted 11 billion!!

On the upside however Pelosi and the Democrats got another 50,000 voters, I mean illegal aliens, in the country. And the steady supply of slave labor for her family grape farm remains in place.

this is maina prblm in Democratic countries who elected can't take decision unanimously...which is sometimes good nd bad....this time its clearly bad...if it was communist this wouldn't have had happened.

And then blame his self-inflicted breakdown to the other side. 'Trump is the best President!' 😂😂😂

Tell Nancy Pelosi

Nothing is lost permanently. An analyst, properly motivated, can show the shut down saved $11 billion.

Thanks SpeakerPelosi , just give Trump the freaking money or you’re gonna cost the taxpayer another $11 billion.

Crypto_News___ WOAW ☹️

What is that as a percentage of the budget?

Trump is a chump.

Chump change

An analysis found that you should follow me

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The shutdown cost the economy $11 billion – including a permanent $3 billion loss, government saysOverall, the CBO projected economic growth will slow this year to 2.3 percent, compared to the 3.1 percent rate last year, as the benefits of the new tax law begin to fade. So, if Pelosi had given President Trump the $5 billion he wanted for the wall, we would have saved $6 billion. So much winning Build the wall, please !!
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The Government Shutdown Cost The U.S. Economy $11 Billion [Infographic]An analysis has found that the record-breaking shutdown has cost the U.S. economy an estimated $11 billion, $3 billion of which has been lost permanently. so much winning 🧐Well...can't blame Wall street for this one You can thank the democrats!
Source: Forbes - 🏆 394. / 53 Read more »

CBO says economy lost $11 billion during shutdownDelayed paychecks, reduced working hours, and stalled contracts led to a loss of about $11 billion in gross domestic product over the five-week partial government shutdown, according to a Congressional Budget Office report Well,Good 11 billion for nothing just to not give trump a victory lol Explain to me how this is possible? I would think a limited work force would bring down the cost
Source: CNN - 🏆 4. / 95 Read more »

Shutdown cost economy $11 billion, report estimatesNEC Dir. Larry Kudlow on new CBO report that shutdown cost U.S. economy billions: 'No, I won't acknowledge any of that right now...Let's see how it rolls out.' 'There's certainly no permanent damage to the economy.' He's lying So, what you're saying is that Kudlow is actually only a TV personality? And doesn't actually understand how all of this *waves hands* economics stuff happens? These people will LIE straight in the faces of the American people!!!!!
Source: ABC - 🏆 471. / 51 Read more »