Dems sweat Trump’s economy: ‘We don’t really have a robust national message right now’

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Dems sweat Trump’s economy: “We don’t really have a robust national message right now” One top Democrat fears that could be “a recipe for disaster in 2020.”

Before a forum on wages and working people here Saturday, Mary Kay Henry, president of the Service Employees International Union, said that despite “good, specific ideas for certain sectors of the economy that have been put forward,” labor organizers still “are looking for a comprehensive response” from Democrats on the economy.

Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper outlined a plan for a nationwide minimum wage of $15, with the wage raised incrementally and indexed to an area’s cost of living to provide for higher minimums in high-cost areas of the country. Former Rep. Beto O’Rourke of Texas promised to undo the “worst excesses” of Republican-passed tax cuts, and his fellow Texan, former San Antonio Mayor Julián Castro, called for an expansion of the earned income tax credit and investments in affordable housing.

The challenge for Democrats, Henry said, is to “unpack that the economy is working for the few,” while “the overwhelming majority of Americans, they’re working two and three jobs and can’t make ends meet.” According to a recent CNN poll, 71 percent of Americans rate the nation’s economic conditions favorably. On an issue that voters reliably say they care deeply about, Trump’s otherwise dismal public approval ratings are holding above 50 percent.


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We don't sweat his economy! We know that President Obama started this turn around and drump is trying to take credit for it! Drump has ruined America and our standing in the world! We are now a laughing stock and are embarrassed by this hateful cretin! IMPEACH NOW!

dems will never in our lifetimes have a decent platform no matter what...because 1 they have no mission statement 2 holding up all the decrepit FDR confabulations into the 21st century sucks away all their energy

just another thing to blame on trump eh

BREAKING: The 2020 election is the tightest horse race in the history of ever. Of Ever! EVAR!!! Democrats in disarray! Trump unbeatable! - Hey, look! I can write headlines, too! You guys hiring?

This economy is only good for one group of people and it ain't you or me.

Two years ago, my Vedic astrologer (Nalini) said that Trump was then in very favorable periods for him but that unfavorable periods would follow in autumn 2019. Stay tuned.

Please stop! This is ridiculous. The rich are benefiting from this economy, the rest of us are NOT, How about climate change, corruption, national security, HEALTHCARE- the list goes on and on.

ask the middle how thats working for them.. its NOT... get an effen clue..

Demonstrate that the economy was headed this way anyway. Just look at the charts. Trump didn't screw it up ...yet. That's his only claim.

I know of at least two candidates who have a robust economic message. It’s just that the rest of the Democratic Party doesn’t want us to hear it.

Oh really? Those Dems didn’t read about “eliminate college debt” or Medicare for all? Do they live under a rock or do they only go to that mayor’s rallies? Maybe you can call those Dems back and let them know there are two candidates who’ve unveiled major platforms and policies.

At Trump's 2nd Inauguration. Let's interview him.

Trump’s inherited a growing economy. Are you selling the tax break for the rich? Trump’s economy increased the deficits, and is based on the stock market, on corporate buybacks which fueled the stock market, creating a false narrative.

Dems are all over the place and a plan for everything but no specifics for the forgotten middle class.

The economy that every major economist says will collapse in 2yrs?

Dems shouldn't 'worry' about the economy. Most voters know it is not Trump's doing. His approval rating is 39% with low unemployment and GDP growth. That should tell us something. We need to focus on the issues important to, fare wages, equality for all.

Economy is slower under trump, he hasn’t kept his promise of bringing back manufacturing jobs, no interest in bolstering clean energy, the deficit and tax scam. THERE ARE YOUR TALKING POINTS!

Also find a way to point to his truckload of flaws and lies.

Keep reminding the public how good the economy was when he was elected. Trump does nothing and had benefitted from Obama's policies.

Democrats haven't had a real message for decades but the liberals keep vote for and hoping that they will figure it out.

Interesting the the tax turd Trump has planted will explode after he's gone.

This administration traded a growing deficit for a higher stock market. This won’t sustain and they know it.

DEBT? Trade DEFICITS? Like running your household; goodies in house but you CONNOT PAY HOUSEHOLD BILLS and CREDIT CARD OUT OF CONTROL!!

This some Bullshit. ClickBait

Oh good grief! Message is Dems will continue building on the Obama policies that have led to the robust economy and re-evaluate the practices by the Trump White House that may not provide long term positive results, like the fast growing deficit.

Sorry not trueListen to Warren , Buttigieg and Harris. Biden just joined he needs to get in the circuit.

1.00 is the new normal. No worries. GOP will remind you of that

Potico, you're just now realizing you fine have a national message for 2020Election LMAO that's dumb

Thanks Obama

ewarren has a plan for that.

ONE , ONE Democratic strategist says this and it’s THE WHOLE DEMOCRATIC PARTY? All SEVENTY MILLION of us?

Y? The economy has NOT been beneficial 2 anyone other than the 1% & corporations, so what makes U or ANY politician on either side think that is something we R praising anyone 4?

The Dems don’t have a “robust national message”?!!! How about promoting the idea that they are the only thing that can stop the existential threat to democracy.

That’s why Fox News is hated. The Dems have trouble controlling what Fox reports. So they try to equate opinion shows as news shows knowing that the rest of the media will spread the misinformation and falsely claim that Fox News is not fair and balanced.

See deficit. Tax cut good for rich only. Healthcare costs. College costs.

They need people to give up so they can sell them the socialism pipe dream.

the dems need to get together same message sb from all on top issues-immigration infrastructure intlpolicy get united😾🗽🌈

This is a stupid article

What a crock of dog poop. The economy is great for the top one percent and sucks for the bottom 99%. Not a tough message to sell. Cut the crap and the made up stories.

Wrong. But keep telling yourself that, Politico.

The message is simple: “there are two economies.” One economy has fully recovered from the crash and another that is still struggling. Dems need to focus on the recovery that has yet to happen.

40% approval ratings, and the problem is Democrats. Project much?

it is pres Obama's economy

Oh bullshit. 👎

I have a message: a comfortable economy, life NEVER excuses EVIL. Ethical people will not be bribed.

MAGA 2020😃😃😃

Castro paying his interns $15 hr which is government funded. Try being small business owner and pay everyone that.

The recovery that took place for 8 years under Obama, who handed over an economy with a 4.5% unemployment is suddenly Trump’s economy? Guess it’s in line with Trump inheriting the fruits of other’s hard work.

Well Dems, get busy and put a strong message together. Sounds like whining and excuse making to me.

Trump lies to his base at rally’s and this is the headline?

She lies too? Wow

Dems may want to go back and review Bill Clinton's campaign focusing on the nationsl debt.

Trump's economy is Obama's economy.


Standing for morals, ethics, Patriotism and truth doesn’t amount to anything anymore?

Bernie does. Stop hampering and obstructing him.

Voters top concern is the Economy & Affordable Healthcare

Isn't it about time the American people get a little of what Politicians have been getting by selling the American people out to lobbyists? Without American taxpayers there is no government.. It's time we get our cut for life, Liberty&Jobs


That is a fake story. Democrats are not sweating 'As you stated,' Trump's economy. It is more to it than just that, it is making sure that the Constitution is still valuable, and respected as it is followed. That it is worth more than gold.

I sometimes wonder who really writes Politico stories.

I don’t get this. Low unemployment doesn’t mean our economy is that great. 48% of wage earners earn less than $30k/yr. Need two or more jobs to afford a place to live, much less pay for health care, education. Bernie has a plan. If Demos don’t have one, they deserve to lose.

You cannot be serious. Climate change is an economy. Then reinvent healthcare. Public schools. Roads and bridges. Create safety nets for the vulnerable. Raise minimum wage. Take care of people for a change. The economy sucks for Americans. Only corporations and the 1% win.

Open borders/Illegal Immigration, Higher Taxes, Take away guns, defund Military, free this and free that, global warming while contributing to it, blah blah blah is the Democratic National message.

Before Kamala can think to Run for President she needs to clean up the poop that’s piling up on her own state’s cities. Can’t get your state of of bankruptcy & poop, how you gonna run the nation? a lot of it might have been her doing ...she’s full of it.

Oh please. The economy 's don't help trump so why consider them at all?

Why would the Dems preach anything but doom & gloom? They'll say and do anything to get Trump out. It's all about power not necessarily what's right for the country... DNC Election2020

“Trumps swamp is draining America” you’re welcome. It will even fit on bumper stickers.

That’s bullshit

2020 will be 1972. Write that down.

Politico: Where seldom is heard an encouraging word.

gtfoh with this shit

Stop it Politico- Dems have a very robust plan and you know it

How do you run against a man who has created the best economy in 50 years? No wonder the DNC primary is such a circus.

Trump didn't have a Method for an Economic that was in Great Shape,Let him Brag,If the Average person can't see,America is Tanking,Why is Gas prices heading back to 4dollars,Obama ideas and Policy was 8 years of Consistency

No, you do. Hate Trump is dem’s national message. A winning one. Stick to it.

Hey Dems, the economy is getting worse. EX: One would expect the DOW to surge 300 points last Friday, w/a 3.2% Q1 GDP. It was only up 81.25 pts. We are losing Markets: Canada's beef exports to Japan are up 260% since we left TPP. I could do your messaging.

Sema better get a message and a plan. Fast. Trump just will co tinue to run his mouth and people accept what he says

Pray for economic collapse.

More crazy. Never ever believe any reports generated by this administration about money, financial gains, unemployment etc. LIARS NEVER STOP. These folks know how to manipulate numbers. It will come out how these thieves steal every day.

Oh shut up

The stock market is not 'the economy'. Wage growth is flat. Gas prices are rising. Many folks can't afford to buy homes. The cost of healthcare is ridiculously expensive.

Jesus, it’s the Trump stupid!

Run. On. Healthcare.

dccc better get your s*** together quickly on messaging and get your anti-trump commercials ready. There is plenty to work with on both fronts.

Democrats are acting like this is a normal election wtf

seriously --it's not about the economy Dems - It's about a tax increase on the middle class, gold star death benefits being taxed higher, healthcare, people working 2 jobs is not the american dream, it's tarriff destroying the middle of the country... that's just off the top of

lol Donald Trump. The end.

Dems need to say that the economy was doing fine under Obama. Right now we have harmful tariffs. We have stagnant wages. We have huge government deficits. Taxes going up for the middle class, and a Republican Party that wants to do away with your health insurance.

I got your GOPTaxScam message right here! SpeakerPelosi RepJeffries LeaderHoyer RepCheri RepLindaSanchez TomPerez RepMGS RepDwightEvans RepBrendanBoyle RepConorLamb RepCartwright RepSusanWild RepHoulahan RepDean USRepMikeDoyle AOC IlhanMN RashidaTlaib

No they aren't! Cooking numbers! Can't Trust any data coming from any branch of 45 government. 500 truckers lost their jobs over the weekend added to 1000s more. Related to Trump TRADE WARS & Tarriffs. Inflation, slow automobile SALES, slow housing & high GAS prices = trouble

Your message so far is that JoeBiden is a trip back to The Age of Misogyny. Well done, TheDemocrats. You’ve handed the GOP a loaded gun.

Dems sweat Trump’s economy: “We don’t really have a robust national message right now”... One top Democrat fears that could be “a recipe for disaster in 2020.” … Ruh Roh! … jaketapper brithume MaddowBlog IngrahamAngle peterbakernyt sbg1 nytimespolitics CNNPolitics

Ya think? The green new deal ain't doing it lol

The economy will keep on being robust. Except for the deficit. Next govt inherits a land mine

Oh I don’t know, how about something catchy like “Save American Democracy”. Is that robust enough?

Dems sweat Trump’s trillion dollar TaxScam economy: “We don’t really have a robust national message about the fascism of the right now” One top Democrat fears that could be “a recipe for holocaust after 2020.”

All Democrats must Say it like it is...Trump is taking away our Constitutional rights!

They interview one Dem pollster and her opinion is presented as if the entire party agrees. In reality I doubt they “sweat” running against the guy with the lowest approval rating in Presidential history, regardless of the economy

DemocRATS should stick to letting terrorists vote 🗳 for 2020

HEALTHCARE IMMIGRATION COLLEGETUITION (not free) SOCIALUNITY There you go. TheDemocrats TheDemCoalition JoeBiden KamalaHarris

Your message so far is that JoeBiden is a trip back to The Age of Misogyny. Well done, TheDemocrats.

TheDemocrats DNC Stick with VotingFelons. It's a winner.

A good economy means nothing when a party obstructs justice, enables foreign actors to screw with our elections, try to dump people off healthcare, praises dictators, turn a blind eye to white nationalism... etc.

I'd say a recipe for disaster right now! Where's that one leader we can all look to for calm, peace and strength! Above all, we need a plan on how to get through this.

When did this become Trump’s economy?

Bernie Sanders has a robust national message for you.

with trump and tariffs and threats I hardly think he should get all the credit, but knowing trump, things will go down hill sorry to say pretty soon, the guy is a liar, bigot and corrupt he needs to go

Health care and taxing the one percent

This is a good point. The Democrats can't run on 'Stop Trump' and expect to win. At some point they need a coherent national message, and they're too fractured right now. As the primary drags on, they should be able to come together, one would hope.

Huh? The gross wage inequality, the scandalous GOP tax scam, the lack of oversight of financial institutions will all be addressed by the Democrats while the GOP continues the flexing of America.

Easy. Economy booming under Clinton - in a national surplus. Desecrated by George W. Brought back again under Obama, the coattails of which Trump has.

Bernie does. So please get out of the way. Hope the DNC doesn’t try to rig the elections again.

Clickbait article.

That's why they won't win in 2020.

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