Opinion | The 2020 election isn’t going to be close

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Opinion: The 2020 election isn’t going to be close

President Trump is shown during a meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at the White House on Friday. By Hugh Hewitt Hugh Hewitt Bio Follow April 27 at 4:55 PM The 2020 election isn’t going to be close.

Small wonder then that Trump dominates the GOP with an approval rating above 80 percent. His administration’s deregulatory push is accelerating. More and more rule-of-law judges, disinclined to accept bureaucrats’ excuses for overregulation, are being confirmed to the bench. Readiness levels in the U.S. military have been renewed. Our relationship with our strongest ally, Israel, is at its closest in decades.

This will come as news to #Resistance liberals, who are certain Trump will lose, because they dislike him so much. They still haven’t figured out that 40 percent of the country love him and at least another 10 percent are very much committed to considering the alternative in comparison to Trump, not reflexively voting against him. That decile is doing very well in this economy. Unemployment remains incredibly low. The markets are soaring.


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I'm not going to let right wing extremists like Hugh Hewitt lull me into complacency.

billandy27 Your right. The left will get steamrolled again.

Landslide? National Landslides don’t happen anymore and probably never will again. We’re far too divided these days.

Biden for President!

Thats a prediction not an opinion

And this is why he must be impeached.

Wow seriously I subscribe for this nonsense from hughhewitt?

Wow! Liberal declaring Trump the winner in 2020!

Probably true !!

Change is the only constant....anything else is unpredictable..

How abt when you post this on Twitter, you put up front that it is an Opinion piece, by no less than the Trumpian hughhewitt. The man is desperate to be relevant and get attention. Wonder what Hugh will do when the 2020 election boots the 'vibrant' orange one out on his keister.

Especially if he’s not on the ticket in 20 States so far.

Opinion: Trump is going to win the 2020 election because the left is giving him a free win.

Economies are temporary. The damage realDonaldTrump is doing to the USA will have lasting damage. Voters are more knowledgeable now and will not allow 4 more years of DerangedDonald

Democracy dies in shitty editorial journalism.

Someone tell Hugh Spewitt to sit the fuck down I’ve had it

Yea ok ....

No it will be a landslide, not in Trumps or any Republicans favor.

I couldn’t get past the claim of 80% approval from Republicans. Does he bother to mention 37% overall?

He is struggling in Texas

I won't click on a headline this stupid (wapo subscriber here) so I'm gonna have to ask who wrote something this stupid?

Saw that headline and instantly thought (which massive gifting hack would write something like that,' and I should've known it was the grifftiest hack of them all!

I stopped reading at 'Kamala Harris is too liberal'

missykender Agreed Hugh, but you still might be surprised.

You're high, dude.

Wonder why

Hugh Hewitt is proof that there is a serious dearth of writing talent on the right side of the spectrum. He and that local yokel dude from Ohio, Gary Abernathy. Unless WaPo is just trollin' us?

“What was an entertaining and amusing aside suddenly becomes a commitment and, with that, well, comes a barrage of attacks. Where Trump deflects incoming with ease, the Democrats scatter, some limping away, some blown out of the picture.” Seriously does he think we fear 45?

pulled an old opinion from 2016

Hugh Hewitt. . . . . . Lol

You obviously aren't paying attention. Trump is a moron and will destroy our economy and our democracy.

Hugh Hewitt is full of shit, but then almost all Republicans don’t have a shred of decency or integrity anymore.

Poor little huey. Our country is starving for moral leadership. Trump has nothing to put on the table.

Get out and vote no matter what the poles say. TRUMP2020

Irony: hughhewitt benefits from media socialism when serious papers have to run columns from partisans. Hewitt never experiences appropriate market forces when his work is consistently wrong and/or poorly reasoned. They HAVE to keep him on, no matter what. socialism

We can only hope!!!

it certainly will be close, one way or another

Yeah you got that rightjustsaying

Awesome example of a tweet that gets ratioed

This is what was said about the last election and SURPRISE.

Hugh Hewitt is a clown. Sincere question for the Washington Post: why would you destroy your own credibility by giving this Trump sycophant a platform?

N'2016 election polls'Trump doesn't win'? FACT' Russia'did more than we know!

What surprised me was that more did not try to throw him out of office in the months prior to inauguration

a Delphic prediction

But every American needs to get out and vote. No more elections decided by American apathy.

Hugh Hewitt: Prognosticator of the Century. The 14th Century.

Finally something interesting and intelligent.

Oh look. An opinion by hughhewitt who was so irrelevant he lost his own show on MSNBC. Next.


Right. Hugh Hewitt. Were he any more marginalized, he would become invisible. Trump himself is barely more despicable than these self-righteous, fake Christians who have shown their true hypocritical colors by supporting him.

hughhewitt? Please. 🙄

Hugh Hewitt=Baghdad Bob

Why does WashPo allow their publication to be polluted by Hugh Hewitt?

Hewitt is entitled to his own opinion, but you really need to stop letting him publish his own facts.

what a drippy load of cliche GOP BS NOGOP2020

Glad to see this ...Huge Hewitt is never right! A gasbag who just talks..go back and check his passed statements.

A Confederacy of Dunces

If people like Hewitt continue to mislead public, yes, 2020 could be bad. No one wants open borders. And this president could not get an immigration bill from his own party when it held House and Senate. Nor could he get Mexico to pay for a wall. He used US military instead.

who is the economy good for?

Being President is more than a good economy. We have NO new trade deals that have gone before Congress and been approved. We have the largest deficit in history. The largest trade deficit and growing. An unprecedented attack on Social Security, and its OUR money!

I was with him until he said “No obstruction” in the Mueller report. That not an opinion. It’s a lie.

OMFG. Hugh Hewitt? Really ?

Yall still haven't learned..

Go Trump

Trump lives rent free in Bezos' head

Soul selling is so popular with the GOP. Amazing that all they care about now is unemployment. When BarackObama cut it in half they thought differently. Wonder why?

You gonna make the same mistake as last time.

You must be psychic. Trump in a landslide.

You're right it won't be close. Trump will win the electoral, and popular vote.

Hugh Hewitt 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Love to know where Hugh got his numbers. Presumably, not here:

For the love of god the Republican's are bankrupting America. Put down the damn kool aid & look at all the numbers. Our Country will not survive 4 more yrs of Trump and every thinking person on the planet knows that to be a fact.

Opinion: unfollowing the WaPo is a good idea. Done

Is this a hint that they plan to rig it with Russia’s help again?


I am now SO PROUD that I cancelled my online subscription. What pap this is.

$3 gallon for gas, yeah right great economy.!

Mihero Hewitt sums up GOP opinions perfectly. Basically, Republicans care about their selfish asses and the rest of you can suck it.

It’s really embarrassing that you let a nitwit like Hugh Hewitt write for your newspaper. Leave him to the Examiner or the Free Bacon or the Moonie Times to publish.

Hugh Hewitt, Dems are counting on voters being enticed by qualities such as decency, honesty, equality, civility, and a president not ignorant of foreign affairs and the Constitution. Don’t even get me started on rule of law!

Yep, you are looking at the crystal ball.

“More and more rule-of-law judges, disinclined to accept bureaucrats’ excuses for overregulation”. Call me crazy but wouldn’t a ‘rule of law’ judge be inclined to follow the rule of law? Just saying

Hugh Hewitt?

Opinion: Hewitt is wrong.

Close? you mean like Hillary and her 96% chance of winning? you people need to close shop, you're out of touch with reality.

Donald is repulsive. But I think America is just stupid enough to get him re-elected. Don’t discount this article.

Here we go again with these so called “experts” 😂🤣🥳🎉👍👍MAGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸2020

All Dems have is Trump Hate! Can’t win on that!

Oh. It’s Hewitt. Should have known.


You should be a bit more discerning with what you print in the Oped section.

According to 'experts' Netanyahu was supposed to lose bigly in the recent Israeli election.

Isn't that what they said in September 2016?

Written by hughhewitt ... enough said! His opinion

Hewitt - who got the word on the fix a week before the last election. He's right it won't be close, Trump will really have to work to steal this one.

It’s quaint how we all think there will be an election in 2020

hughhewitt supports a criminal, a racist, a sexist and a bigot.

No, it won’t be. Same as 2016, with the same result.

Really? Even as he tears down the Republic? We are lost sheep if that’s the case.

hughhewitt loves attention like trump loves attention. He has been wrong many times before and supports trump even though he pretends to be “outraged” by things that he does. He like many greedy conservatives ONLY care about $. I’ll bet he benefited BIGLY from GOPTaxScam

Finally an opinion from the Washington Post that I can agree with. The more you present both sides of an issue the more journalistic you become.

Unemployment remains incredibly low.' Because Americans are forced to work 2-3 jobs to pay their bills, you Fool!

Bullshit article. Shame on you WP

This is complete bullshit. The economy isn’t even on the table in this election. It’s 100% about giving trump the boot.

Why on earth do you think your readers would be interested in Hugh's opinion? You might as well have just had a cartoon drawn of him kissing trumps ass, that way trump could have understood it too. EpicFail

If a Hugh Hewitt vaccine was developed, it would be designed to give you autism.

It's the economy stupid 2.0

And yet a WaPo poll cites 55% never Trump voters?

This idiot needs to view the polls. Of course, if the Trump campaign colluded with Russia again....

Correct. maga

Hugh Hewitt? Seriously?

Hugh Hewitt is the WaPo's version of Shep Smith.

Lol please please keep making predictions

As long as we can keep the Russians from putting their hands on the scales, sure.

I hope to god this thing had “Advertisement” in the margins. Will you people print anything? Never mind. This answers that question.

The GOP will cheat. They gerrymander. They WELCOME Russian assistance. Trump will attempt to stop the election if he thinks he’ll lose. Trump will not give up power peacefully. That’s the truth.

Thanks at least for starting this tweet with the word “opinion.” More honesty in tweeting would have been “Opinion: from Hugh Hewit, ultra conservative gop hack” then I wouldn’t have taken the time to open or waste my time reading the 1st paragraph of republican propaganda

Bummer dude

Trump will have a clear win where democrats are sticking the knifes in their candidates.

Trump 2020


That's right Trump garners the pocketbook vote, wins by landslide.

Saw the author and backed away.

Every credible analyst has said the first quarter GDP was due to a surge in inventories and excluding the noisy elements, it wouldn’t be a number to brag about

a booming economy will not matter if the nation goes under which it will with this vile administration in power....

It's 2016 déjà vu all over again.

Yeah- we’ve been saying that for 2 years

Hewitt is a total hack .. I turn the TV off when he’s on.

Endorse this view.

Poor snowflakes.

Trump's already bagged it. The Dem field is full of clowns.

Click vote bait crap

Yeah Trump is going to dominate anyone the Democrats puts forward right now. The Democratic Party is basically a disgrace at this point.

Another agendist 'identifying' as a journalist...

Disagree. The good economy has never translated to popularity for Trump who can boast only barely breaking the low 40’s, but is currently in the high 30’s.

Fake newspaper 📰

What a waste of a minute of my time..

Like the one in 2016

Hugh Hewitt lolololololololololol

If this is true, then the GOP should just sit back and relax. No problemo!

Glad I saw this post. I was thinking of subscribing, but I can now save my money.

Not at all trump doesn’t have a chance ! Taking over the democrats!! Pete for president 2020.

Trump is going to declare as the life long President of US !

Look at the libs all stirred up. Lmao.

President Trump will win again

That was a waste of thirty seconds.

Dear Hugh, first, the current economy is simply a continuation of the recovery begun by a democratic Obama administration. Second, get over yourself.

No one knows how people will vote. But from the looks of the killing lately white nationalist will kill off the Trump supporters. Trump is just a stupid the racist killing ate for him. Than he stated sending our prayers. His rally is just hate speech. Re-elect Hitler.

Unfollowed. Don’t want to be blackmailed into paying for your articles.

The election is 18 months away. A lot can happen by then.


What profiteth America to gain a booming economy and lose its allies, neighbors, friends, and soul, brother? ' No individual can live alone, no nation can live alone, and as long as we try, the more we are going to have war in this world'. Martin Luther King, Jr., 1967

Without reading; is this Don Hewitt? WTF?

Hugh... has no clue... just how much we will do... to vote to insure Trump is thru!!

Why does any legitimate news source give BS like this a platform? Maybe cause the MM likes chaos & confusion.

hi trump sir how are you dear

Wow Sarah Huckabee Sanders gets the next opinion piece or what?

How do trump know how the election will turn out already? Does he have a secret?

This from some talk show guy right? Did he do some talk radio in L.A. once upon a time? If its the same guy...its no surprise he holds this opinion.

WAPO, do better. Hugh Hewitt = 0 cred

Pundit predictions, even well thought out ones, which remain rare and mysterious things, have zero credibility with me. The last election began with crowing about Hillary and 80% probabilities, and promptly went to DT

Shouldn’t it be Hugh Hewitt Witt? Or maybe just Nitwitt for short. He’s right about one thing- the election won’t be close. It will be a blue tidal wave of revulsion and Trump will lose the greatest landslide in history, thus making America great again.

The economy isn't 'booming' until real income is going up substantially for people in all income levels. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying.

You should be embarrassed about publishing this trash.

hughhewitt What's not close? Whether you have morals. You don't.


TRUMP 2020

I sincerely hope the 2020 election is not close, I hope the majority of the American people shows Trump that his previous election was a “error” of History and we are ready to go back to normal !

Except growth will not 3% it will be 2% and Hewitt is a SHILL.

Hugh Hewitt is a tool.

Well if you consider the level of leftist brainwashing and the illegals voting they may have a chance.

Only that 30% will vote for the guy. They're just like him. Sad the number is so high. I hate to think that that many Americans have his same character. No decent honest person wants this guy as our president. It's embarrassing and he's destructive.


What your forgetting is most of us working class types got less of out money back this year. Money talks. Bullshit walks.

Reality bites , isn’t it libs?

I thought NOT turning over his tax statements would halt his hat in the ring

HH is a complete moron.

Take it away Don ...

What we call this in the civilized world, This is the style of banditry and the style of fraud and corruption and the threat to get money wrongly and most importantly they applaud the swindler and laugh at the stupidity of the king of Saudi Arabia disgusting video

Hewitt was laughably stupid when he was doing commentary for the local PBS channel back in the 80’s. Still stupid.

Oh, Hugh Hewitt? No thanks.

Moderate voters won't be so much voting for POTUS as for voting against the Green New Deal, Socialism, Reparations, Student Loan Forgiveness, Felony Voting Rights, and whatever other expensive pie in the sky ideas the Democrats can come up with before election day.


It is irresponsible for you to be publishing lies, WaPo. No democrat in the running has pushed for “open borders.” Since he can’t win policy arguments on merit all hughhewitt can do is make up silly names to call M4A and GND, sane steps supported by the majority of Americans.

Damn he’s old and ugly. Just like his soul.

Started reading. Read writer’s name. Hugh Hewitt!! Dang! That explains it. Building a rosy fairytale.

BLEXIT WalkAwayFromDemocrats

It's not close? It's a year away

Just the facts. Donald Trump is the Antichrist. Anyone who supports him or his political brand has accepted 666 on his forehead.

Oh, Hugh Hewitt. Figures.

Democrats are going to win the popular vote but may lose the election. Fewer people are actually benefiting from the economy doing well anymore. Not to mention the unpopular tax cut, his support of white supremacists and his vile and false commentary on abortion.

Trump held a rally in Green Bay. 69,000 people showed up. Bidden held his first rally. He had around 20 people show up. Beto held a rally on the same night as Thump. 31 people showed up. I think we all know, Trump is going to win by a landslide.

feels like a lot of bait and switch last few days a ad or msnbc or cnn video that trump did some thing bad but we gotta set thru a trump claim did something good video too even the washinton post now

How could you give ink to this shill? Nothing he said was an accurate reflection of the state of our Union. Hewitt is parroting all the trumpian sellout lines. Don't publish this trash, and don't give space to hacks.

I don't understand how this paper can give this trash pile a voice. Absurd.

Keep America Great! Trump 2020.

Nope!!!! realDonaldTrump is going to win by a landslide

Do you guys even listen to your audience? There are hundreds of comments on this one article giving you tons of great criticism, yet you never seem to follow a word of it. Why? Why not be better? It would benefit your company financially, benefit the staff, and benefit the public

You’ll get your reality check real soon.

A crazy President is not acceptable. Period.

realDonaldTrump is going to wipe the floor with the clown car of DNC comedians. Trump2020Landslide

I see Hugh Hewitt and run for the rat spray and use accordingly. Thanks but no thanks WashingtonPost I’ll take a hard pass on this idiots opinion.

The economy is actually terrible for most Americans, so there's that.

Economy is great and getting greater, Trump is a buisiness man and good at it. Govt is business he's done alot of good despite the disgraceful interference and sabatage from the demacrats.

Written by a Conservative Pundit. Ignore.

Hugh Hewitt is a hack.

Hugh Hewitt is a silly person with silly opinions. His purpose is nothing but saying stuff that gets a reaction out of liberals. This is stupid because the economy right now is strong, but Trump is about 40% in polls. Trump needs the economy to maintain just to hit 40% in 2020.

He’s correct. Trump is going to get obliterated.

Finally someone with some brains at Fakenews LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder

It’s a trump supporters oped. They believe only trump even when facts r right in frnt of their faces. Just bc GDP & the stock mrkt r good doesn’t mean shit 2 the middle class & poor. Trump has done nothing but allow ppl that belong under rocks 2 come out from under them Shameful

Hugh Hewitt?!?! Bwahahahaaaaaaaa!!!!!!

On point

Washington Post already in the bag for the DNC ....nice job JeffBezos 👍I mean the W. Post doesn't even try to hide their bias and corruption anymore for the Democrats....Democracy dies when the WP prints an edition...👎democrats washngtonpost wapo

Unbelievable adoration of an unhinged, vengeful dictator

What evidence of a crime was used to start the investigation or the counter intelligence operation against Trump&associates? There was none. Obama, Mueller&Democrat Congress were unconstitutionally looking for a crime&found none. HouseGOP HouseDemocrats SenateDems SenateGOP

Trump WILL win in 2020 and I’ll tell you why none of you think that’s possible: YOU- yes you, believe anything and everything you read. You will be floored on election night. BELIEVE THAT! Dems are so off base to average American’s it makes us sick to think of them in power.

Seriously, more crap from Hugh Hewitt?

And hughhewitt is an expert in elections?

Trump is going to resign his last week in office, then have pence pardon him! Then run for office. Is that unprecedented? Yes! So that increases the odds of trump doing it 10 fold!

Mr trump he faked it until he made it he knows he's going to break it and be toast ultimately

This article is from the Onion

When is the media going to get the opinions of people who aren't blowhards.

What utter bull. Fewer than 40% even approve of the worst president this country has ever suffered. The only way he wins is if the Russians sabotage the voting machines.

More lies, more BS. NeverGOPNeverAgain

this is from Hugh Hewitt, so nothing that he says can be taken as having any basis in fact

Aw you kids are in for a rough two terms

jesus christ, a good economy is not enough for me to not vote against his scum baggery, The GDP may be high, but that’s because he pulled us out of the Paris Agreement and were not producing and polluting more than we should be

hughhewitt Commerce used method of calculation different than what's been used for decades. 1st qtr fcst was1.4%, 3.2% announced with no underlying data that supports that. …

Hugh Hewitt is not a reliable source. Why bother giving him a platform?

At some point Trump has to stop spending tax dollars that don't exist, he can't chap11 the USA.

How depressing. The man is a fraud

Nonsense. 42 approval and a majority who say he lies and don’t trust him.

MrsShelby3 Im surprised WP printed an article based in reality.

hughhewitt loves to idolize criminals. Hewitt is a twit and this piece of garbage should be deleted

Trump in a landslide

Do you people ever learn?

Not buying it. The writer is trying too hard - the spin is too obvious. So I’d call this wishful thinking, not thoughtful analysis.

WaPo Opinions are like a-holes Everybody’s got one and the woman-hating WaPo are full of them

Sounds like an echo chamber in here. Perhaps those who would rather their economy suffer than Trump win in 2020 would be wise to Google “ DNC corruption “ & do their own homework.

I’d bet money that realDonaldTrump wrote this and not hughhewitt

Healthcare will be front and center, or should be. No mention of how Trump wants to take that away.

Right. It’s going to be a Trump Train running wild!

Hugh Hewitt.... 😂. The voice of clarity..... 🥴

An oldie but a goodie...

Hugh Hewitt. Say no more. next!

Don’t do this to your readers again. Don’t mislead them again. I don’t feel like dealing with their screaming at the sky in their *ussy hats when Trump wins.

Sometimes I regret letting my subscription lapse. Then I run across that they published an obvious shitpost from High Hewitt.

HughHewittShow I started reading this article and thought this is BS then I saw you wrote it and it all made sense.

Saw the author and NOPE, not going to waste my time.

hughhewitt Probably noticed that markets barely moved after GDP news. It's because markets know Commerce Dept manipulated the %. They used a calculation method modified from method used the past several decades to make fat-ass and his Administration look better.

You're damn straight it isn't. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Trump wins hands down, no one is buying your paper and fake news.

You’re such a hack. First half of this is bragging about trumps great economic success-yet no mention of HOW he’s got such great growth. 3.2% growth? And what did deficit grow in same time? More than triple that. You know damned well that trump is goosing economy in short term

They cherrypick the quarterly data. 3.2 is likely the best quarter of this year.

You should alert it’s Hewitt so we save time in skipping the article faster

You guys know opinions can be wrong, and that if they're wrong, you don't need to publish them, right?

Hugh Hewitt? really? dear lord. He has become as pernicious as the Measles and just about as contemptible as well.

Omfg. Who wrote this trash?

We need voter ID

well, it probably shouldn't be. but we already know that the gop nominee is going to be a corrupt bigoted horror clown, so all bets are off.

spoiler alert: it's by a right wing commentator

You wish 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Bunch of hooey.

I find it hard to believe Trump will be on any ballot

This is a dogshit piece.

Hugh, again? Figures. 🙄


Hugh may not realize it but there are actually people who care more about democracy and decency than dollars.

.hughhewitt who, on national television, originally called realDonaldTrump unfit to be president (and worse) has become the LindseyGrahamSC (and worse) of journalism.

Hugh Hewitt begs a lot of questions. And can’t think his way out of a paper bag, apparently. Sanders, Hewitt says, can’t win because he is “too left.” In an environment only three years removed from a Trump victory, where distrust of the system is at an all-time high...

I clicked on this just to see how frightened I need to be about 2020 and realized this article was written by Hugh Hewitt. Had I known that, I never would have opened the page.


I’m pretty sure Hugh means Trump wins among people legally allowed to vote.


I'm sorry, who is this idiot?

Only the rich thinks this is a great economy, how they manage to fool the working class who still makes crap wages is beyond me.

I would love to bet Baby Hugh'y on 2020... Repeat of the midterms, nothing has changed since then & nothing will except more peeps will vote & no doubt vote against the clown of them all... Bozo the Trump🤡


You sure do like your opinions! How about some real news?


This economy went up because 1. Gas prices went up 50+ cents in less than two months. Oil prices went up in less than a month, and taxes returns are the lowest in decades. This is like a castle build with poker cards, and the last card is about to bring everything down.

Americans are enjoying financial growth via realDonaldTrump economic policies.

Seriously...I change the channel whatever program he is on...and you think I would waste my time reading ANYTHING Hugh Hewitt writes? Nope.

Hugh Hewitt, ‘nuff said.

Thankfully the good people here warned me that this was another Hugh Hewitt poop.

This would really be something, for the guy who didn't get the most votes in the election he 'won.'

Nope! Biden all the way 👍🏻🙏🏻

You guys said that in 2016 and look where it got us!!!?

What else would a hack like Hewitt say?

Whole premise that the economy will be good in November 2020 because it is good now is horrible. The GDP for one quarter isn't a good predictor of what it will be 6 quarters later. And the economy is good now, and Biden has a strong lead over Trump in the polls. Worst take ever

What the fuck is a good economy when you are scared to death. People wake up everyday in total dread. I am a retiree and I benefit most from a good stock market but I’d trade that in for peace of mind.

Wow. This is absolutely stupid. Why would you publish this man's drivel?

What a depressing thing to read. So I guess our country keeps going down this shithole and democracy dies with it.

It's going to be close because Democrats seem dead-set on losing 2020 and they really should win it.

Guess what? Comey changed an election in a matter of days. This is a lot of old school analysis based on a 7-day news cycle.

It’s true. Trump will win in a landslide because Trump’s America is the best America we’ve seen in decades, if not ever.

Corey Booker!

The GOP always ruins the economy. Always. Check back soon.


Nope. Won't read hughhewitt

Someone really needs to fact-check this thing.

Yang in a landslide

Oh wow, he means for trump. FYI, he's currently underwater in every swing state, most by significant margins.

You're right about that. BlueTsunami2020

It’ll be a landslide.

ReSet of 2016. It should have been a Hilary BLOWOUT. This time it will be with the Democrats saving our country. Zero Pardons afterwards.... just a bunch of Indictments for Republican Traitors

Astounding drivel.

Trump who Americans can’t see his tax return

Hey Hugh, You’re absolutely right!

people not in twitter vote for trump... i kind of agree that he will win easily. im all for bernie but most fake progressives want biden and biden cant win.

And then, quietly, in the coming months, the 3.2% will be revised downwards. I think Hugh misses the point. We shouldn’t re-elect a President who has no respect for the rule of law, and can’t get the best people to work for him.

Hugh Hewitt isn’t worth the paper he’s printed on

Ah, Hugh Hewitt, MAGA Propagandist.

He is at 41 percent approval.

The WPost is better than this drivel. It may be that the outcome is terrible considering the efforts by Hewitts friends to destroy democracy & deconstruct the republic. Dont enable this treasonous activity be giving such jackasses a platform. Do REAL investigative work!

Holy shit was this written by Kellyanne or something?!? Glad I cancelled my post subscription

'For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?'

Missing something, Hugh?

So, you’re saying that Americans don’t give a shit that Trump is destroying America, as long as the economy is good for the rich people that it’s benefiting...is that about it?

What a load of horseshit.

Hopefully convention of selecting the candidate to lead our country Trump forcefully removed from the White House as well as his family. This evil man can’t continue harming our Country with his Rhetoric of hatred no one to blame but Trump a leader of the world words matters


What makes you think that there will be an election?

Come on, stop having Hewitt poison the WP's name. Put a disclaimer on his columns or something

Reading this thread only verifies liberals are immune to the truth and the resist movement is not enough to defeat Trump. Gonna be some very sad Dems in 2020.

Let us know when you come off the high from the MAGA crack

We know 2020 isn’t going to be close, it is going to be a landslide for Republicans and for Trump.

Landslide for POTUS

Is this the WAPO of never ever Trump fame. Or is this sarcasm wrapped in a red bow?

Trump followers loves this evil man then again even Hitler has followers as well as the Devil once an Angel. No suprised!

That may be true but he's still taking money from SSI Medicaid and Medicare people still need it even when you have a job

Truth? Libs can’t handle the TRUTH!!

I started to read this until I saw it was Hugh Hewitt and then I knew i didnt have to read any more. What a moron.

Really ? You have started you false metrics again.

Says Hugh Hewitt.

Hugh kissing the ring

well that settles it then, hughhewitt. everyone just stay home. hugh says the sociopathic, narcissist moron-in-chief has 40% approval 18 months out & the mueller probe is over. no mention of the other stats/fed ongoing probes. thanks, hugh, for setting us straight!

Trump's approval ratings are historically low. That would appear to be a relevant fact. No other President in the history of modern polling has had approval ratings below 45% for the entirety of his first term. Including many who failed to be re-elected.

He forgot the paragraph about Russia doing their thang.

Hugh Jass.

You should change this headline Hugh Hewitt opinion so no one waste time or money.

The headline is correct! And you’re looking st the guy who’ll win. Nice 😉

WAPO doesn’t need to print this garbage.

hughhewitt just another GOP sycophant a good economy does not represent what USA wants a good soul does realDonaldTrump does not have a soul. I want my children to grow up knowing right from wrong & a great economy is not right ruled by the selfish and racist filled with greed

..... correct! BESTPresidentEVER!!!!!

trump is not the one who gets the pat on the back for the economy, democrats also have a hand in that, trump spends most of his time watching tv, tweeting, golf and rallies, the guy has 15 failed businesses nah he of course will take full creidt

. Note to self: Re-read this in 17 months, and then decide how prescient it is. .

This will age well.

Trump’s going to win easily

Hugh Hewitt proving republicans care NOTHING about morals or ethics.... Sorry Hugh... America is still over 50% that DO care about both and vote for ethics and morals DerangedDonald loses

Landslide victory for trump 👍

Hilarious. What a load of BS. Written by the White House PR office?

Riiiiight. 😂😂😂

Hugh is absolutely correct. I hope the Aden’s ignore this article. It will make Trump’s re-election that much easier.

Since when does the hire realDonaldTrump pundints? hughhewitt is forgetting something important. TrumpLies constantly, favors dictators, and ignores the law. A good economy is worth the loss of our democracy? Hewitt should be lobbying against Trump!

Job creation has SLOWED under tRump. 'As far as hiring under the Trump tenure goes, he’s still playing catch-up to Obama’s last 27 months in office which was higher by nearly half a million workers.' SteveRattner

Let's not forget the economy was 'booming' in 2007 too....and how did that work out?


Nope our great president will win overwhelmingly. In the face of our greatest candle a coup against him he still has achieved greatness for the citizens

That’s right Trump is going to win by a landslide!

A garbage read, hate hearing that all is well and the economy is doing well while the president does and says whatever he wants with careless abandon. Election still 1.5 yr away a lot could happen including a recession

😂 😝 😆


This opinion piece underestimates the impact of 'hate'. Trump spread 'hate' like peanut butter all over his base, but the same 'hate' has rooted in everybody as well. Hatred not for others, but for Trump himself and everything he stands for.

Democratic leadership will TRIUMPH the TRUMP

“clarity about allies and enemies abroad”? You’re joking right? Will mark this tweet to see how it holds up 18 months from now.

Hugh is always wrong 😂

hughhewitt has a very unique worldview. One that almost no one else on the planet shares. fFuckOffHugh

Hugh Hewitt? This subscriber says do better.

What is wrong with the Post? The economy is already factored in when people think about Trump. It isn't his economy. They need a race to make money? Trump is toast.

Doesn’t this guy have enough of a platform already? Don’t you have standards?

He’s right, but not in the way he thinks.

What was your prediction for 2016 ?

Well WaPo? 1)I'm not paying for your firewall- not when I get the same news for free 2)I certainly won't subsidize your opinions, either. While this could be a great article? I don't think it's worth paying for- especially with the 4 trackers Ghostery stopped

The only accurate prediction in this article is the title.

Why do you keep disparging, especially the female candidates? When you give Trump a second term, remember: DEMOCRACY DIES IN DARKNESS DerangedDonald AmericansForImpeachment

I can feel my blood pressure rising. This is not healthy at all. How much do I despise everything about this illiterate. I need to look at pictures of baby animals. ASAP. By the way this climb is temporary it's going down to 2% according to economists who actually know the market

The TrumpEconomy is a lie. Obama saved the economy after Republican Dubya destroyed it. Deregulating Industrial polluters is NOT the way to grow an economy, it's a genocidal crime against Life on Earth. Republicans instilled the GreedIsGod doctrine, RepublicansAreDangerous

asshole. When you’re old...a kid will have developed a “green deal” with his “crayons” so that you’re grandkids can have grandkids and you’ll be remembered as the narrow minded old guy who was afraid of change.

This is legit embarrassing. Even for hughhewitt

Consider the source: author once called on the RNC to withdraw Trump as nominee, week later, reversed position denying he was pressured by his company, in spite of emails showing otherwise. He supported the idea of replacing Donald with Ivanka Trump on the ticket. (Wikipedia)

Your posts should name the author upfront. Hugh Hewitt in this case. Says it all. More useless, partisan spinery from WaPo.

Can we update the quality assurance feature, WaPo? This is lazy.

Trump is HISTORY. Trump is toast. The economy is great and he's stuck with his 41 percent flat-line. Time to him to get fitted out that very-fashionable orange jump-suit that he's gonna wear after he's been dumped.

Trump Landslide TRUMP2020Landslide

The opinion of Hewitt...too damned funny.

Yea. It won’t be close . it will be a Landslide win for Trump... voters vote based on results. .. economy ,jobs ,trade ,security !DIMMs with their platform of Trump hate , socialized medicine and freebies and felons voting won’t stand a chance ! Trump2020 KAG TDS

It was an opinion piece. It was Hewitt's opinion. That doesn't make it true.

Headline is correct. Content of article hilariously mistaken.

'booming economy' yet highest levels of inequality in this country's history 🙄. looks like somebody doesn't understand how govts manipulate statistics.

Remember how Martha McSally beat Kyrsten Sinema in Arizona? Me neither. Shows how well Hugh Hewitt is at predicting elections. Delusional...

It’s funny how is afraid to cite the tax law requiring POTUS to release his tax returns, there’s a blurb that says Trump can tell the committee to FK OFF.

Thank you for making the case for ImpeachmentHearingsNow hughhewitt SpeakerPelosi

Lies and Russian bots worked in 2016. They are not going to work in 2020.

They link to Gallup, but nowhere do I see an 80% approval rating.

It's not the economy anymore, stupid.

Agreed! Ed

Good. I want them feeling confident as sh*t with their 41% approval rating. Democrats will crawl through glass to vote DerangedDonald out. resist

With Trump definitely ahead!

The fantasy is that the economy is going to continue humming along. The tariffs will eventually take their toll on the economy. They think that, since it hasn’t happened immediately, that it won’t happen. It takes a few years to kick in.

Hugh Hewitt is such a hack.

.Nice try...but don't let the election of Nov6 2018 make an azz out of you Hugh and your emphasis on Economics...Just keep denying 2018 ever happened ,,yea,,go ahead and prefer your alt-reality..The rest of us will make 2020 reality like we did in 2018.🤔

I pray to god he is wrong...and I am an atheist

God help America if we re-elect this idiot again. America can course correct. Or side with ignorance, corruption and hatred.

Poor Hugh.

Hugh Hewitt. Enough said.

You ought to put the byline in the tweet so we know how seriously to not take this.

Of course it's hughhewitt. Of course.

Anyway you look at it we the people lose

Lol. Try harder Hugh.

Great. Won’t listen to a word the guy says ever again - Such an embarrassment to this country. Can barely cobble together a coherent sentence. Whoever is running against him will get my vote.

wow....not even close to being realistic. Just....lies, after lies. Most people haven't realized ANY economic gains from this administration. Talk up the numbers, the truth is in the reality.

TL;DR The economy is great, the military is 'renewed', the borders are strong, everything is great, the Dems have no chance, everyone loves Trump (80% approval apparently). Harris is 2 far left, the others are just there to talk.

I’ll save everybody the click: “The economy is great and all the Democratic Presidential candidates are un-electable and I am firmly pretending the 2018 election did not happen. Also Mueller says no obstruction!”

Hugh is sure silent on the strong economy as a result of massive deficit spending


Hugh remains a retard. Congrats wapo.

Hugh Hewitt byline? Hard pass.

they said that the 1st time n he still won, he'll win again cos he's F everything up law voting judges n there's no stopping him, GBA...

hughhewitt Americans will not choose the next POTUS on the current or your crystal ball view of economy, immigration or the Green Deal Congress has yet to review, for the American people the Mueller report The 2020 election will be referendum on how/who we want our future to be

I'm not fucking paying to read your article. Not a dime.

Trump is going to win both the electoral & the popular votes by a landslide! This time Wash Post get your polls right so you won't look so bad! lol

Women will come out in droves and end this corrupt presidency by voting blue. Watch and see. We know Obama gave us this economy and trump's deficit and irrational behavior (see tariffs and midwest farmers) will not keep the economy Obama handed him.

I knew this was Hugh Hewitt before even reading it. Why do you punish this guy? He's a regular taste of bad faith.

The absolute last place we would want to go for any predictions about the 2020 election, would be you folks at FakeNews headquarters.

Hugh Hewitt has shed all pretense of being anything but a total whacked out ultra conservative. They must have dropped him from MSNBC and CNN.


Russian GRU!

So, trump is gonna cheat again.

No, it won’t. Liberals will eat each other alive Trump will do what he does best... WIN

'harris is too far to the left' -aaand done reading.

That’s a spicy take

do not do this again.

I'm supposed to take anything Hugh Hewitt barks as serious analysis? Not bloody likely.

Do we even know if this 'booming economy' is even fact-based?!? It certainly hasn't touched me! Has it touched you?!?

You know this is shit! If you want people to read your tweets than you should back it up with facts that the people reading your tweets can see. Instead you want us to pay money to read. Socially unacceptable! Get REAL!

Another Landslide for the Trump team.....

Agree! Should be a landslide for any Democratic candidate. Will keep this column handy on Election Night.

Says the Rightwing Republican

Not in the electoral college! MAGA

Is trump planning stealing the elections again

And it's almost as if 2018 never happened, where the GOP got shellacked, even with a 'booming' economy.

Hugh Hewitt? ROTFLMAO

Hugh Hewitt is in my newspaper. Why?

The Washington post actually pays this man and I think they deserve a liberal boycott to be honest. No more pro bussiness papers stuffing their op ed sections with pro bussiness conservatives.

More wisdom from the crusty old white dude. Sage. 'Won't be close' = the Dem candidate wins the popular vote by millions (again), but the arcane electoral system installs trump again. That's the best that hugh can hope for.

Not it isn't! TRUMP 2020!

The Rock by a lanslide

Any normal President would be sitting at a 60% approval rating, but Trump has never seen north of 45%. I don't know that I would use Reagan and Clinton as models of what Trump will experience for a good economy.

Whoever the Republicans roll out will be defeated in a landslide. America must be saved and Republicans must be punished for what they've done to this country.

Fuc u

Poke-a-haunt-us for BIG CHIEF !

Bernie/Kamala 2020


You got that one right.

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