Why trading precision solves your reactive trading tendencies

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Strategy News


No is Normal... No, this time your trade won't work. No, the price isn't going to continue going your way.

No is normal No, this time your trade won't work. No, the price isn't going to continue going your way. No, just because you were right moments ago, it’s no longer the case. And until you: Believe this at a deep level, and. Arm yourself with the skills to make pinpoint entries, despite these 'No's, You'll forever be anemotional ticking time bomb, with reactional trades ready to explode.

It can happen sooner or later, for longer or for shorter, or partially or completely—that's the nature of a competitive game. And you never know beforehand what it is going to be like 'this time'. This shows why it's vital to your trading success to know how—using a swimming term—to 'tread water'. Trades that don't take you forward but don't sink you either.


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