US: Democrats banking on undecided Latinos for path to White House

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Finance Finance Headlines News

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With a close presidential election looming, and both parties campaigning hard on immigration issues, she is considering voting for the first time.

This illustration photo created May 20, 2024 in Los Angeles shows a frame from a video posted on Donald Trump's Truth Social account displayed on a smartphone in front of a photo of the former US president. - A video posted May 20 by Donald Trump's Truth Social account shows hypothetical headlines speaking of a"unified reich" if he wins the 2024 presidential election -- language that drew fierce criticism from incumbent Joe Biden's campaign.

Some 36.2 million Latinos are eligible to vote this election — 14.7% of all potential voters — according to the Pew Research Center. But his candidacy could now be on borrowed time, with party heads and donors calling him to step down. But, the Democrat added, his party may struggle to get these new voters if it is not “paying attention to them until two or three weeks before Election Day.”While Latinos traditionally favor Democrats over Republicans, that margin has shrunk in recent years.

“We pay taxes, start from scratch and work hard for opportunity in this country. We want a government that will help us,” she said.Meanwhile, Trump has promised mass deportations of illegal immigrants and vowed to close the border on his first day as president if reelected.


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