Brazil’s Safra banking family resolve bitter multibillion-dollar estate feud

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Finance Finance Headlines News

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Deceased billionaire’s will had been disputed by his son Alberto and other relatives in a long-running battle

The family of Joseph Safra, the late billionaire who was once the world’s wealthiest banker, have settled a bitter global feud over the Lebanese-Brazilian patriarch’s $25bn estate, ending one of the largest-ever inheritance battles that played out in courts from New York to Geneva. Under an agreement announced on Friday, Joseph’s son Alberto will divest his interests in the dynasty’s business empire.

“The resolution we have reached will allow us to pursue our respective business interests in ways that help ensure that the success of every member of our family is a reason for shared satisfaction.” Alberto Safra said: “I am happy to put that matter behind . After clarifications, I understood that there were no wrongdoings, and that Mr Safra’s estate was properly disposed in accordance to his wishes.


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