Texas politicians weigh in on Biden's decision to exit 2024 presidential race

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Senator Ted Cruz is expected to hold a press conference at the Harris County GOP office on Monday, saying, 'Texas can't afford four more years of open borders and a failed economy.'

Senator Ted Cruz is expected to hold a press conference at the Harris County GOP office on Monday, saying, "We can't afford four more years of open borders and a failed economy."After heavy pressure from congressional Democrats, President Joe Biden dropped out of the 2024 presidential race on Sunday.Vice President Kamala Harris is expected to speak for the first time on Monday since being endorsed by Biden as the Democratic presidential candidate.

On Monday morning, Texas Senator Ted Cruz is expected to hold a press conference at the Harris County GOP office, saying, "Texas can't afford four more years of open borders and a failed economy." The press conference begins at 9:45 a.m. This Week in Texas focuses on the life of Sheila Jackson Lee, Hurricane Beryl's impact, and 'Literally Anybody Else' for President.


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