Brazil's economy seen growing steadily, fiscal deficit to stay high: Reuters poll

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Fiscal Deficits News

Inflation Expectations,Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva,Reuters Poll

Brazil's economy will continue growing at a steady pace over the medium term thanks to a continuous rise in public spending that is set to keep fiscal...

BUENOS AIRES - Brazil's economy will continue growing at a steady pace over the medium term thanks to a continuous rise in public spending that is set to keep fiscal deficits uncomfortably high, a Reuters poll showed.

"Despite the pause in the central bank's easing cycle, a hot labor market and fiscal stimulus measures will help keep GDP growth close to 2.0%," said Marcela Kawauti, chief economist at Lifetime Investimentos. Asked what was more likely for inflation in the rest of 2024, a slim majority of six of 11 respondents said it could run higher than projected. The other five said lower.


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