Sekou Kaalund's purpose-driven banking: Financial Freestyle

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Sekou Kaalund News

U.S. Bank,Ross Mac,Business Banking

On this episode of, 'Financial Freestyle with Ross Mac,” Sekou Kaalund, head of branch and small business banking at U.S. Bank, discusses his mission-driven ...

, discusses his mission-driven life. He shares his journey from aspiring to hold public office at age five to becoming an influential figure in banking.

I think at the age of five for me, I, I was pretty much blind and then thought that I was gonna grow to be 67 and play in the NBA. I think it's important to always be anchored on your why and purpose because no matter what platform you're on, you could be consistent to who you are and what it is you're meant to achieve on this earth.

But it was the experience that I had in exposure, whether it's my personal experience of friends, that I realized there's a significant opportunity that finance can play in terms of investing uh in the future for communities for the country.So I started my career as a regulator to understand banking.

But the reality is if you don't get people to buy in and come along with you on the journey, there's less that you can get done and is most likely won't be sustained. Uh when I turn on my computer or any of our 13,000 employees we have 70,000, but I lead 13,000 employees.And that just recognizes that you can impact communities that you can impact consumers, but you can also be business savvy.

And so I visited many states to understand and what were the things that were working incredibly well? And because it's a unique opportunity to continue to influence and shape how we show up in communities, how we show up for clients. And hud I was still anchored on this notion that the only way to make a difference was through public service or government.I won this National Business commentary sponsored by the Executive Leadership Council, which is all of the senior African Americans and corporations.

You know, I, I think it's, it's recognizing that making the economy work for more people is not only more obligation but a business imperative. The 33 million small businesses in this country, small businesses are the growth engine of our entire economy. I love that because I know and I don't have the stats right off back, but the average small business is failing within like the 1st 3 to 5 years.Is that, would you say that's a function of lack of access to capital or just not understanding, you know, the correct way to think about business, whether it's marketing or having an effective business plan.So again, you, you will have small businesses, you know, fail.


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