Senate To Vote On Bills Regulating Social Media For Kids

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Social Media,Chuck Schumer,Aclu

Arthur Delaney started working for HuffPost in 2009. He covers politics and the economy. Previously he wrote for the Washington City Paper, The Hill newspaper, Slate Magazine, and His email is

WASHINGTON ― The Senate is set to vote this week on legislation designed to make social media companies take more responsibility in shielding children from harmful material.

The legislation lacks similar support in the Republican-controlled House. In a statement, Speaker Mike Johnson suggested Tuesday that he was open to it, though he did not commit to holding a vote. “KOSA remains a dangerous bill that would allow the government to decide what types of information can be shared and read online,” the ACLUwhen senators released the latest version of the legislation. The group argued that the “risk of legal repercussions would still incentivize an enormous number of websites, apps, and online platforms to filter and block protected speech.”


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