Avocado prices forecast to stay low for five years as production breaks records

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Avocado News

Avocado Glut,Exports,China Trade

Once considered a luxury, avocados have stayed cheap throughout the cost-of-living crisis. But while consumers are cheering, farmers are looking to other markets to absorb an oncoming glut.

Australia is set to produce a record number of avocados this year, and that number is forecast keep growing.Once considered a luxury purchase, avocados have stayed relatively cheap throughout the cost-of-living crisis and are likely to stay that way.

Around the country, videos and photos emerged of growers dumping their produce because no one would buy it.It dropped slightly in 2022/2023, but the 2023/2024 crop was expected to be up by 20 per cent year-on-year, which Rabobank analyst Pia Piggott said was due to 1,500 hectares of plantings coming online.

"But that's definitely something that's going to have to continue to grow because our exports aren't going to be able to grow at that same pace." He has been pushing for the fruit to be included in current market access negotiations for Australian apples and blueberries to be sent to China, with Chinese kiwifruit and jujubes heading to Australia in exchange.Four years ago, Beijing imposed tariffs on several Australian commodities creating a trade war.Growing interest

Currently 90 per cent of Australia's crop is eaten domestically, and the price has stabilised from unsustainable lows. US Secret Service director resigns after conceding agency failed to prevent assassination attempt on Donald Trump


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