Former Columbus Zoo CEO pleads guilty in finance scandal

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Columbus Zoo News


Weeks before his trial was scheduled to start, the former CEO of the Columbus Zoo pleaded guilty Tuesday to 15 felony charges for his role in the theft of nearl

In a surprise move Tuesday, Former Columbus Zoo and Aquarium President and CEO Tom Stalf pleaded guilty to 15 counts in the $2.3M fraud scandal.

y $2.3 million. Tom Stalf admitted to 12 counts of tampering with records, as well as single counts of theft by deception, conspiracy, and telecommunication fraud during a hearing in Delaware County Common Pleas Court, Ohio Auditor Keith Faber said in a statement at about 10:45 a.m. Tuesday. Stalf also agreed to pay restitution surpassing $315,000, over and above funds paid as part of a previous settlement in a civil lawsuit.

The new restitution covers credit card purchases for personal use, tickets to Ohio State and Columbus Blue Jackets sporting events and concerts, personal golf club incidental purchases, and other improper spending while he was CEO.of selling personal cars to the Zoo using a straw seller, helping Stalf spend $45,000 of Zoo money to buy an RV for his personal use; attend events on rare occasions with tickets paid for by the Zoo; and book a party bus for his son's wedding with Zoo resources.


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