Hillary Clinton says economy isn't the only reason to elect a president 'or in this case retire one'

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'Yes, maybe the economy is still pumping along, but all of a sudden you've got tens of millions of Americans who are much less secure because their health care is gone.'

"It is the economy, it's always the economy, but that's not the only reason that we should elect a president, or in this case retire one," Clinton said to cheers during an"Evening with the Clintons" in Los Angeles, California.According to data from the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, the last time the unemployment rate was this low, at or under 4%, was from December 1965 to January 1970.

"A good economy is not the be-all and end-all to elections," Princeton political historian Julian Zelizer said when asked about the 1960s vs. today."That was a period when the economy was still doing very well -- even better than today in many ways."Clinton, the 2016 Democratic nominee for president, also weighed in on the Mueller report, reiterating comments she made following the release of a redacted version of the special counsel's findings.


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Haha! That’s all I can say about that. I see is keeping her relevant.

Healthcare is gone because of your dear friend & co-conspirator, John McCain, Hillary. Let’s put blame where blame is due!

The more secure health care would bankrupt me , that's why maybe should fight the insurance companies and hospitals to control cost and lower prices.

Hillary is still delusional thinking that she lost the election because it was stolen know it was because she was arrogant and she didn’t campaign in Michigan and Wisconsin in the Midwest because she has no idea of how to relate to the average American thank God she didn’t win

Those are the millions who lost their health insurance and doctors because of unaffordable Obamacare 😔

A job and a paycheck always make millions of Americans more secure.

Obama Care forced companies to temp agencies and part time workers to avoid penalties and high costs. So more jobs do not offer insurance due to Obama Care.

No hard working citizens are tired of providing healthcare to underachievers.

Nobody cares Hillary!

Like the resist and impede Democrats would let that happen, the border is proof of that, let’s vote out the Dems and the never Trump Reps in control in the congress and make America great again for Americans! Shrink the federal government and give power back to the states

The most effective healthcare is good economy because money answers all things

The one who mistreated her bodyguards and also let the US ambassador to Benghazzi died..shame on you.

She’s like one of those insane Japanese soldiers who were still running around the jungle in the 1960s, unaware WWII had ended.

Well the government agreed to subsidize the healthcare companies, but surprise the losses were astronomical & The government didn’t pay the bill, so the insurance companies sued the government for their money. Obamacare is a complete failure.

Who's healthcare is gone? Nothing has changed with the ACA except the mandate. 3.9% unemployment means most if those workers are getting employer based healthcare instead of having to go on the exchange for it. Maybe if you stop lying for once people would listen to you.

Sorry Hillary you have no credibility. Common DNC we need new blood that is not to left to overthrow the Trumpmiester.

Oh please!

Who lost their health care?

If you got a job you got med insurance. Might be crappy but you got it and for average American it’s good enough.

And do we believe Trumps claim that we are at 3.6 percent?

No they now have jobs that either provide insurance or now they can afford health insurance. You dumb broad.

Has anyone told HillaryClinton that she lost?

Only a network as irrelevant as CNN would give press to HillaryClinton.A discredited,crooked example of everything a government servant should never be.

Why is there healthcare gone? There has been no healthcare legislation passed since Trimp election?

Who listens to this woman anymore (besides the MSM)?

Clinton News Network

The stupidity from the left is bizarre. She still says Russian interference caused her to lose when her own constituents in FBI said they didn’t change one vote. MSM pushes it like the gospel. But of course they don’t even believe in the gospel. VoteGOP and turn off MSM liars.

You r saying that because you know the Dems do not have an Economic plan that is better than Trump. We would lose jobs and have stagnant growth under a Dem President. You know that the Dems economic policies are anti growth and anti wage increase hence the resort to Socialism.

It’s not about the money it’s about SPENDING!!!!

If you ended up with Multi millions of course you do not need to worry about health insurance. Like you Rich over night show us your tax returns for the past25 yrs. and your foundation financial statement


She supports Obama care...millions lost their doctors and their plans...

Hillary lies. Fact is, every American has access to health care. Millions of Americans choose not to buy crappy unaffordable health care INSURANCE that ObamaCare forced them to buy. ObamaCare was a big taxpayer funded give-way to Big Insurance. Insurance is not health care.

30 million before Obamacare, 30 million plus after...hmm.

I sure as heck wish Dems get a new narrative for the economy. The numbers are good..seriously i love it..im blessed with 401k and great healthcare...But a huge % of the nation is working 4 jobs per household..Might be Mary Kay, Avon, PT job on wkends..Speak Truth!!


Remember when Obamacare cost Americans their healthcare and replaced it with more expensive crap that nobody wanted but had to have because they were forced to? Good times. BTW, still waiting on my $2700 in savings he promised.

Absolute LIE!

More lies from the liberals😬🙄🤡🤷🏽‍♀️

Hillary would rather that unemployment numbers be higher. Tells you all you need to know about the democrats

The person with the least amount of credibility in the country gets news coverage? Oh wait, this is CNN, smh.

If you can't afford the deductible of health insurance do you really have it?

“Maybe”. You do not have the experience and expertise to be sure, Hillary?

They we're getting along before Obamacare also.

Where did it go? And they say Trump lies!

lol. Irrelevancy speaks again

That blob needs to retire and leave us alone. She has stolen & tormented for decades!

Actually, because of Obamacare, with the deductions so high, people do not have insurance. Everything is out of pocket.

Its the economy stupid

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤡 funny how much these ppl care about our healthcare during election time. Remember, there was a PENALTY for not having healthcare. If Obamacare was such a great thing for us, why would you have to penalize those without? Use this wonderful thing or pay a fine? Bullshit.

Yeah disability judges being cruel come to them with evidence and twist everything around with a evil denial. After I already been on it four over 6yrs it’s was like me and my attorney never said or presented anything. America need better Instead of just one thing going😒🙄😡

Yes, Obamacare is terrible

I love U

It’s election time again so this crusty old crone comes out of the woods wearing makeup hoping Biden will pick her as a running mate so she can be humiliated again . She lost because people can’t stand her .. she doesn’t get it

It was Obamacare that took it away from them because they couldn’t afford the premiums and almost every state dropped the providers ..Obamacare was nothing but a kickback to insurance companies ..

There’s 3 kinds of lies: lies, damn lies and statistics. Y aren’t we looking at stats Trump is relying on 2 show how great the economy is? Who is it great for? Not me. Maybe old indices r not relevant anymore-the way used to b? Like saying crime is low because jails r full!

CNN you could have said this under Obama. Obama care is still the law of the land.First fix the train wreck before you try to blame President Trump or Republicans

Did you as what Monica Lewinski thought about this? I think she needs to get in on this.

Haha. Still pumping along. Got 2 love this psychotic weapon of a woman.

Whos health care is gone

why are you covering the opinion of the loser of the presidential race that has NO position right now? The is irrelevant and proves why you are simply a terrible source of news. People, keep tuning into FoxNews

Health care was gone when the Democrats passed Obamacare in the darkness of the night...and paid 7 billions to some Canadian friends for a portal that never worked and poured more billions on it including 750 which he stole from Medicare.

Old witch rears her head. Mrs. Irrelevant.

BS from the queen of liars! Queen Hillary of the Democrat liars and Prince Bill, the Duke of hornyville. Both disgusting and they are a disease that won’t go away and there is no cure! Democrats worst!

More total and complete lies!!! No one believes MSNBC hillaryclinton anymore you are all done!!!

But yet we're less secure because of all of the unvaccinated, illegal imagrants spreading sickness.

That can be fixed if both parts work together

Dems need to blame this B for Trump.

She's still running and hiding...

She’s baaack!

Fake News

Remember she lost for a reason.

I am an employer that now has to offer new hires a benefit package that includes a minimum $800 per month premium for a family package. It was around $350 prior to Obamacare. Socialists ruin everything they touch.

It’s not gone. There is pleanty of health care available on market. All people have to do is get one of these good jobs that have been created under Trump leadership and purchase health care just like I am doing and have done for past several decades. Wake up America your future.

Ile ludzi wymordowaliscie Clintonowie? Ty kurwo stara

Who keeps letting her out of the woods!?

Didn’t the Democrats give us a healthcare bill? I believe they call is Obamacare as a nickname? So your admitting the Democrats screwed America over with this bill? Time to get the lobbyist out of healthcare and do a full open market capitalist healthcare bill.

NotTrue but of course the Clinton news network runs with it. Typical.

Still bitter, I see..............

Unconstitutional Obummer Care was never legal and the dumicrats pushed it anyway

'It's the economy, stupid.' 🤔🤔

poor than you did before 2016. No less poor, No less homeless, Your not taking any better care of your handicapped, elderly, mentally ill, any better it seems. Not that were doing any better but our economy hasn't boomed. So who has benifited from your economic upturn?

Typical. When you can’t beat them, try to change the narrative. When you have a complicit press, that should be easy.

She's just bumping her gums and saying nothing

I LOST MY INSURANCE UNDER the ACA. You didn’t care......

Take a good situation and a bad and make them look like they are not related to make the good look not as good.

I was raised on the premise that you have to get a decent education so you can get employment with good healthcare....healthcare is priority over wages...

what is happening in your country now and the deficit your creating expanding your economy how you will maintaine it and pay for it. I hear the same things you do but it doesn't add up. Your grandkids will be stuck with overwhelming debt. You don't seem to have any less working

Thank God you didn’t get in Crooked Hillary! Why don’t you just go away, you are embarrassing yourself

open market healthcare doesn't work, we need medicare for all. You can still have private healthcare for people who want to spend more on extras.

It's fun watching Dems trying to spin something bad about the economy

Who took it?

This reeks of desperation.

Where did it go?

We came to America from England in 1620 and landed at Massachusetts and lived at Plymouth untill the War of 1812. I am proud of my American heritage and am a Canadian Patriot as well. I am just wondering watching

Nice try, hacks. You turned a story about the booming economy into a hit/opinion piece. This is why you are last, and will keep falling. It's kind of tragic watching someone (CNN) who thinks they are so smart do something so stupid, to the point of self mutilation. Great Work!🤣

LOL she is still talking

How many Trillion has he added to the national debt exactly? I know the economy is down on what Obama was managing but what about the national debt?

Your Party destroyed the private sector. So, please, tell me more about making health great again.

As a small biz owner like million others, lost Healthcare options and Doctors bc of Obamacare. I want my old healthcare back!

Ppl couldn’t afford Obama Care.......

It really isn't pumping along. If you owe Federal taxes for the first time in decades, it makes sense that there was no tax cut at all.

it is the most sound judgement to decide about the strength of the governance it is the blessings and mercies of the god all the happiness dat mankind is bestowed upon is from the god the prosperitz and abundance is also from the god it is the best judge to fathom the success

Trouble in paradise? Hillary criticizing Obama & Obamacare...

Healthcare is an individual responsibility. Independence is a personal responsibility. Quit trying to socialize and dominate everything. Goods and services that are worth a damn will succeed.

People don't want jobs, they want government handouts. - Hillary Clinton and the DNC

Yea work for your share! You expect free health care without doing anything Do nothing get nothing - pretty simple rules -

isn't that exactly what happened to millions when Obamacare was passed? they couldn't keep their health care, couldn't keep their doctor... all lies right up to the vote and even after the vote. hypocrite

This is a losing argument for the Dems

She just won't go away. She keeps sniffing around like she still has a chance at the white house 🤣🤣🤣

Corrupt Hillary vomits out more bull

Economy so good that even trump's theme parks need to use undocumented workers.

The health of OUR country is a 100 million to 1 times better than if your scumbag a$$ was elected!! Takes time to uncover all the hidden corruption that’s been going on for years !! TICK TOCK..especially when the democrats are STILL obstructing justice ! TICK TOCK...THE HAMMER...

Trump was elected in part to fix what Obama destroyed. If the American people liked Obamacare, you would've been elected.

She obviously is never gonna be President so .....she can go away now

Hillary Clinton in irrelevant. She doesn’t care about healthcare, she cares about being heard at any level. She certainly doesn’t care for anyone but her dwindling bottom line.

More lies from this hag. 10’s of millions? 😂😂🤣BS, stop including those who don’t need or want it and thus don’t have to pay a fine to not have it. It was a choice. Back to the woods HillaryClinton

When à single episode of being sick can bankrupt a family, then the economy doesn't matter. Healthcare is equally important.

MAGA !!!

What happened to: “It’s the economy stupid “?

Someone had work done!!! Her face is obvious different.

10's of millions who can't figure out Obamacare? Sure it's expensive and practically worthless for anything other than something catastrophic, but that's what happens when government gets involved. I'll never forget Barry telling me I could keep my plan and my Dr. Lying POS.

When the booming economy only benefits the already rich, it doesn’t matter.

Health care was gone when they passed Obamacare.

I would think more people having jobs would provide opportunity to obtain health insurance vs. when they were unemployed.

Good ol' HillaryClinton can always find a dark cloud to cover any silver lining.

I thought Obama care was going to fix that....

Look at that punim.

Health care was and is destroyed by Democrats period end of story!

Now people can truly see how horrible & ridiculous these career Washington DC elitists really are. Hillary sounds so pathetic & absurd I pity anyone that couldn’t see this in 2016. It’s negligently embarrassing

Is this your admission that Obamacare is a dismal failure?

Also we work 40 hours and still can’t afford rent. My rent has gone from $900 to $1325. Along with the cost of virtually everything else. We are NOT getting any benefits from this economy.

She forgot that we have more jobs today that provide health care than in the last 10 years. We don't need the gov. screwing up our health care as Obama did.

The Crooked Queen speaks...The ultimate sore loser...CNN's hero

Hill needs to stop worrying about President Trump and focus more on Billy Bob.

You mean Obamacare didn’t work Hmmmmmm 🤔

GOP : Party of Death who thinks they are Pro Life

Because Democrats don’t want to fix it...

Of course that wasn't the case when her husband was running.

I have great health care. But the people who have horrible Obama Care are having a problem. POTUS will fix when Republicans get the House back 2020. People are sick of the do nothing Dems.

Hillary is like a tattoo, it does not go away.

Wow! I hadn’t thought about that. Well stated!

Why in God's great name are you putting this has been on for? Are you that desperate?

“What we’re watching is the Democrat Party commit suicide.” - Rush Limbaugh

Another fabricated lie on people not insured. The reason so many are out is because the ACA wasn’t doable for hard working Americans because it cost to much

Why is health care gone? Because the ACA was a failure! Have the dems offered solutions to fix it! Nope! Lets wait 2 more years!

hahah because of obamacare jeezus

Yes and you still have to live with the filling of losing to Trump. So painful and BTW America is doing grate!

CNN just gonna go down with the Titanic I guess. Propaganda payments too much to resist.

Insurance is not healthcare

Can someone please tell me what Trump did to take away people’s healthcare? Sounds like another CNN lie to me!!

Maybe the economy is pumping along? Does this sorry loser ever look at her own short-comings?

Don't forget the unsustainable $1 Trillion/year borrowing that was required

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