Penang Gerakan ex-chief withdraws remark against Guan Eng over tunnel project to settle suit | Malay Mail

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Finance Finance Headlines News

Finance Finance Latest News,Finance Finance Headlines

Penang Gerakan ex-chief withdraws remark against Guan Eng over tunnel project to settle suit

Teng Chang Yeow speaks to the media during a press conference in Penang May 7, 2018. — Picture by KE Ooi

Teng read out his statement of retraction for comments he made on January 16 and 18 last year, which were published in the“I hereby unconditionally and unreservedly retract the impugned statements that I made in the press conference convened on January 16 and 18 in 2018 respectively which were later published,” he read out before Justice Datuk Rosilah Yop, Lim and lawyers from both sides.

“After reading out the retraction, both the plaintiff and defendant will not have any other claims against each other in future with regards to this case,” he said.Lim had filed the defamation suit against Teng over the latter’s allegations over the undersea tunnel project.


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