Trump reaches career-high approval, yet faces a range of re-election risks: Poll

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44% of Americans approve of Pres. Trump’s job performance, new ABC News/WaPo poll finds, the highest job approval rating of his career. 53% disapprove.

Bolstered by a strong economy, Donald Trump reached the highest job approval rating of his career in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll and runs competitively for re-election against four of five possible Democratic contenders. Yet he remains broadly unpopular across personal and professional measures, marking his vulnerabilities in the 2020 election.

Even while it’s up, Trump’s historically low approval rating makes him vulnerable in the 2020 elections – but hardly a pushover. Among all adults , Joe Biden leads Trump by 14 points. But that narrows among the other four Democrats tested against Trump in this poll – an 8-point lead for Kamala Harris, a slight 7 points for Elizabeth Warren, 6 for Bernie Sanders and 4 for Pete Buttigieg. The latter two don’t reach statistical significance.

Trump's campaign responded to the poll Sunday morning, telling ABC News that the president in a stronger position for his re-election bid than past incumbents, including Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama. The campaign added that Trump will stress the issues, rather than matchups between any of the Democratic candidates.

Among current Trump supporters , 52% call it extremely important to them that he wins a second term. At the same time, among current Democratic supporters , 73% call it extremely important to them that Trump does not win – a wide 21-point intensity gap for the opposition. The question is whether that translates into turnout.

Republicans, for their part, are 24 points more likely to say taxes are a top issue in their vote. They’re also less keyed up about these issues in general, with an average top importance score of 68% , vs. 79% among Democrats. At the same time, underlying concerns are extensive. Seventy-one percent of Americans are very or somewhat worried about being able to afford the cost of their health care . On this, Democrats and independents are aligned, at 79% and 73%, respectively. It’s lower but still a majority among Republicans, 58%. As such, while the GOP appeals to concerns about the potential demise of private insurance, the Democrats may push back with arguments about the high cost of care in the current system.


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Whomever those people. R saying his behavior has been fitting proper seriously need get help asap !he's been nothing but rude arrogant disrespectful cocky from day one !!he's got no manners does not act or talk professional in any way at all !he calls people nasty names disgrace


Follow up question should be, “Is the world flat?”. My prediction is that 28% would say yes.

Some large proportion of voters who acknowledge Trump “has acted in a way that’s unpresidential” will still vote for him for assorted reasons (good & bad). But my God, the 28% who say his behavior has been “fitting and proper” for a president? He's got their votes locked up.

He definitely doesn’t act presidential, but he’s not here to appease people, he’s here to get work done!

Why so low?

How about 100% would support congress actually doing something for the American people What a concept

Unbiased journalistic reporting? And people wonder why we call this the enemy of the people maga trump2020

And then there is what the gop is doing while we are distracted

Fake Poll!

Keep beating that drum though, it's a winner for sure

The 28% does not what’s going on. Wake up 28%.

Could careless about him acting or not acting! Just keep Trumping!

I can’t believe 28 percent thinks he acts presidential. Explains a lot.

If he could read a TelePrompTer as good as Obama, the Democrats would love love love him!

How many times are you going to post this? Trump voters don't care that he can be a jerk. His results for the people is what's important and will get him reelected 2020 because he's doing a hell of a job.

Better 'effective' than 'presidential'.

Clearly, people would rather see Trump tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail. Than impeached (too boring).

Define 'Presidential' 😁 If you mean that realDonaldTrump is not stealing our treasure and making a mess with USA as BillClinton and BarackObama did; you are right. POTUS is MAGA! He is the greatest! And will win KAG2020

So just about 60% of the American people think the Democrats are wasting time and taxpayer money for even attempting this. But you Trump derangement syndrome sufferers in the democrat-controlled news media are wishing that it would happen, aren't you ?

What about the 65%?(including the Media😭)

Many of those 37% of people are either celebrity rich, are A.N.T.F.I.A liberals feminists or on public assistance

A lot of people will ask 'why are these politicians today so spineless compared to the ones during Watergate?' Look no further than these polls that show just how little Americans care anymore.

Seeing as elderly people are sitting at home answering phone calls and taking surveys can you show me the data pool and age groupings in which this information was derived from?

Isn’t this the same polling outfit that had HRC winning by 85% up until the moment the first returns came in? Asking for a lot of friends.

Who all this 65% shit , and who is the poll taker , he must be trump itself

What planet are those 28% from?

The 28% must be kin to the people from the movie Wrong Turn.



Blah blah blah. Epstine. Trump is the most honest person to hold the office since Abe.

Sure. Impeach Trump. Based on obstruction of an investigation that he was found innocent of, which was based on faulty information from a foreign source. When he beats it, it'll ensure a 2020 win. Dems are so lucky to have Pelosi leading them.

President Trump is working for Americans the Democratic party is working for illegal immigrants. If you are white, black or a legal brown person the Democratic party has no interest in helping you just dividing you.

RickPetree Nancy may have blown the window unless Mueller/financials blow it open again

I wonder what % of disapproval Bill Clinton would have got?

Did anyone ever read about Andrew Jackson? Teddy roosevelt?

A more accurate representation of the people w/o the gerrymandering of votes.

Never trust the polls. Lesson learned in 2016

Suuuuuure he does. If the election took place today, Trump would win by double digits.

This from the same pollsters who picked Hillary to beat Trump? And by how many points was Hillary predicted to win? So much for the polls. I will wait on the election, and ignore the polls.

Of course it's an ABC poll, remember 2016?

That’s a laugh.

Sounds familiar

LeslieMarshall haventlearnedanythingfrom2016

Well we know who the media wants to run against realDonaldTrump because they would lie. Old touchy feely Joe. lol

Why are all these Polls coming out now. I've been voting since 1974 and I've never been polled, neither has anyone I know.

He has my vote. He's the only one who doesn't need a training course in how to be President.

Biden will never win the primary, Obama will make sure of it. Harris is his girl and he will rig it for her just like with Hillary.

Hahahahaha! You can really bank on those polls!

Do you think that your polls mean anything especially engage in censorship we all know that you're for the Democratic party

Polls certainly had it right in 2016, correct?

Sorry one believes this Bull Shite. Nothing can stop what is coming. Enjoy the Show QAnon

Another fake poll. Who have u polled? I have never received any calls nor do I know any1 that has ever been polled. They talk 2 less than 1 percent of ppl 4 these 'polls'...yet we r supposed 2 believe they r accurate? It's just another biased way 2 skew weak ppls thoughts. Smh.

Keep on promoting these fake news polls, silly lib media. Pretty soon you’ll have another Dimm candidate who forgets polls are propaganda and won’t think they have to campaign in Wisconsin.


Who do you guys poll? My republican friends and myself have never been polled.

Sleepy Joe ahead, really. That's unbelievable, literally it's not believable.

2 words. Electoral College.

Wow. Lol. Biden is a gaffe machine and he’s winning big.

When Hillary Clinton was leading trump it made sense bc trump hasn’t done anything and he has now experience in politics. So this poll doesn’t make sense 😂

Hillary by a landslide....😜


Where was this take? At a rally of TheDemocrats?


You are insane if you think this is even close to true.

ABC poll! We know how those poll questioned were posed and who they were predominantly posed to! FAKE

Yeah, uh huh; sure. 🙄

Another pole, nobody’s ever asked me. Who makes up these numbers? In my 58 years of life I’ve never been polled a single question like this nor has anyone I’ve ever known.

Whatever Millennial came up with this assessment is why Dem's get so frustrated when it doesn't work out like these polls profess. You better get used to the BS your in for till Natl Election over. Then those of you that think Trump is gone can continue with your insanity!

So not close

Yeah, just like 2016, right? Ol' Hillary whipped Donald good, huh? Idiots. FakeNews

What about Russia?

Yeah right. Also, start reporting on his kid’s deals in China and his brother’s deals in Iraq.

Hahaha. The same polls had Clinton beating Trump in a landslide.

Now do a poll with conservatives. Afraid?

Hillary’s up by 19.

Why do they list Sanders, Warren, and then separately, “a socialist”?

JoeBiden 2020.. If TheDemocrats Have Not Gotten Over A Humiliating Defeat From realDonaldTrump 2016.. How Can They Beat Him 2020🤔Biden2020 BiggBossTamil3 AFCON2019 ChoiceFandom bachelorette LoveIsland 2AShallNotBeInfringed ACA accesscontrol AFCON2019

Don’t make me laugh

The sooner the Dems start to back Biden the greater the chance to beat’s that simple

But he won’t win

Doubt that Biden will be the eventual nominee. He's a great guy and everyone in D.C. seems to like him, but Senator Harris and Mayor Pete got the best of him in the debate, plus he'd turn 80 years old before the end of his first term. How old is 'too old' to be POTUS?

Wow another useless poll.

Maybe a little early for this type of poll maybe a year from now

Hey , wanna bet $100,000.00 that Trump wins the next election?

The problem with USA polls is that they poll people who do not vote. Voting is not compulsory and this skews the figures

Oh those polls again 😂 brings back fond memories of 2016.

These polls had pinpoint accuracy in 2016. Regardless, 45* is an illegitimate president.

Are you still believing polls after 2016? Fake news

Weinsteinlaw WTF is a 'socialist'? These people called Barack Obama and Bill Clinton 'socialist'.

Trump raised $600 million in 2016. He's on pace to raise four times that amount in 2020.

But then there is that poll credibility thing, so.....

Let's hope he's ready for debate number 2. He has to be tough on Kamala. No more Mr. Nice guy.


This is so ridiculous - Twitler will face Impeachment soon.


And if you believe that poll then I have some land in the Florida Everglades I'd like to sell you !!!

So “A Socialist” is +6 but Bernie is -1...whatever.

🤣😂🤣😂🤣Sure he does... they'll magically ratchet up those polls in the final few days. Just like 2016.

Whatever! roflmao!!

Hillary was 'leading' in 2016 🤪

You have an agenda releasing all these polls

Just like the polls said the skank HillaryClinton was going to win

That's a lot closer margin than Hillarys lead.

Only poll that matters is on election day MAGA

Polls? Really?

What is troubling is how much Bernie is falling in head to head matchups. That seemed to be our other candidate that consistently beat him in head to head. The more the better.

But will adults vote in the 2020 election? That’s the real question.

Yeah sure he does lmao

Haha a socialist, what a joke

So now that he knows this he will do something to change it as he will do,say pay whatever it takes to be reelected !then if reelected knows can't run again won't need votes then he'll screw us all over big time !!!

Approval from his goons

I doubt that.

absolutely meaningless fawning tweet. 44% approval and you’re making it sound like this is really fantastic. “Highest job approval” - still abysmal but hey, higher than his usual.

If high, you're not doing your job - you're selling cars.

Oh boy, lefties must be freaking out.

Don’t believe the polls believe that if Trump family was respected EricTrump when got spat on there would uproar but actually no one cares and that’s the real polls. Cause no offence nobody likes trump family even closest workers we all like money tho and that is what’s up

I'd like to know how your polls are conducted. People these days don't answer calls from unknown numbers.

You need to add 10 points to any poll regarding Trump.

If the media actually talked about his crimes. It would be lower. But that's not good TV. 🙄🙄🙄🙄

53% disapprove.

TRUTH Infuriating,disturbing, heartbreaking that 44% of Americans approve of this dangerous psychopath who destroys our democracy. That Trump STILL continues to hold office, shows how deteriorated our values have become...SAD!

So what you're saying is that Trump's peak approval rating is still 4 points lower than Obama's average rating? Excuse me one second...

michellepoe11 44% approve of caging babies? Racist attacks and Rape?

Does anyone really believe these suppression polls? The socialist democrats have no chance to 270. Trump2020LandslideBaby


After how wildly inaccurate the 2016 presidential election polls were how can any rational person put any credibility in a poll that has Trump's name in it? Unless you just blindly accept it because it fits your narrative.

44% is not the majority & 44% is not meant to govern over the majority! Stop acting as if Trump has accomplished a great feat by achieving 44%! 📈PS Sick of having to bail out the GOP every 8 years while they coast on the actions of a Dem predecessor.

Take the South out of it and you’ll see America despises Trump on an unprecedented scale.

Lol your 44% job approval.

59% against impeachment... It will make the difference

Yeah let’s see how he does after his Trumpettes go back to work and life continues to be just as awful. A military parade will only pump up his group so long


ABC News tries to hide Trump’s 5-point surge!

Let’s revisit this survey after MuellerTime

This is such a lie! You don't even try to not be FakeNews

The only poll that matters is November 2020 MAGA KeepAmericaGreat FourMoreYears

MORE: 53% disapprove of the president, keeping him at majority disapproval continuously for his first two and a half years in office, a record for any president in modern polling.

NeverARepublicanPresidentAgain NeverARepublicanPresidentAgain CrimeCorruptionInTheWH

T R U M P 20 20 🎉

I will always be in his disapprove group about everything he says or does!!!! We all should be!!!!

Only 28% think he's presidential. lol. And I bet you: strong approval strong disapproval.

Just nope.

Not looking good for Trump in 2020 election 🤗🤗🤗

This happened because we didn’t impeach him. When you don’t clearly condemn bad behavior, that silence is taken as tacit approval. DonaldTrump is a criminal. That is true today, it was true yesterday, and it will be true tomorrow. ImpeachTheMFTraitor

Hopefully that translates into votes next year.

How does he hold such a steady approval rating? It’s like all of these negative coverage 24/7 isnt working!?!? More negative, bias coverage please! Crank it up fellas!

What do ppl approve of? Why is this number so high? It troubles me. A lot.

I totally agree with that each and every day his ratings goes down because he keeps flapping his gums and it gets him into trouble

And that’s a good thing? Damn the bar is set so low even an ant would lose at this limbo contest, well unless the insect cheated...again!

That's sad, the lawlessness, the cruelty, arrogance, how can anyone approve that? If things aren't reversed this country is doomed.

Why haven’t the rest of us in the Blue States been included in the pole?

Actual headline: Trump approval has never come close to 50%.

what do they approve of? the racism the incompetence the corruption the promoting of fear, hate & division the cozying up to adversaries/authoritarians the emoluments violations the cruel & inhumane treatment of innocent children in detention camps What?

Dems are talking segregation and free healthcare for all illegals. Not surprising

After the 4th of July and they censored Donald Trump and not showing the celebration I believe nothing that comes from the mainstream media they are the part of the democratic liberal party

Just in time to counter balance bad publicity, absolutely no coincidence.

2020 here we come MAGA

After the 2016 election results, why would anyone read this nonsense?

jennablan So does that mean Biden gets to become President now? Because where I live the election is 16 months away.

I stopped taking polls seriously in 2016.

And Hillary maybe is 3 rd


The problem with polling is - as with many antibiotics - their overuse has rendered them ineffective in painting a true picture - and in some cases created self-fulfilling prophecies...

The minute I hear or read the words 'a new poll' in any news story - my mind is simply filled with the words, 'sure, sure, sure' - who believes these anymore? Why do they even exist except to give news outlets a 'source' to refer to?

Uh huh.......

Didn’t these same polls say Clinton in a landslide?

I have seen this movie...There is a HUGE surprise at the end. SpoilerAlert

For Democrats, this is great news. Sounds like 2020 is a done deal.

There are many people talking about Gubbard, but for some reason the media ignores her.....

Joe Biden is arguably the worst candidate to ever run for president. Especially considering his age. His energy level would be a complete joke. The fact he’s even running is comical.

Lmao!! SURE HE DOES!! Where are your stories on Gropin Joe, Clinton and Jeffery Epstein

Go ask Crooked Hillary about polls !!!



really? remember john king, cnn election clown? all polls predicted hillary to win up to election day. enjoy ur polls, but get ready to cry on election night, 2020.

Meanwhile Biden can’t fill a Middle school gymnasium but he’s leading in the polls. When will you Dems/media (same) learn?

You’re lying as usual. You don’t actually believe all that garbage you are fed by your owners, do you?

Democrats have to win by double digits to go to the White House. Republicans don't have to win at all.

We need to factor in the gerrymander this time round

Hahahaha. Does anyone believe lib media propaganda polls anymore? They are so 2015/16.

Substitute Democratic Socialist (or Social Democratic) for Communist and you will understand what these Corporate Socialist mean. (exchange the word negroes for people, if you dare)

new ABC poll - trump 51% to Biden’s 51%. How is that possible?

I think I have heard this bs before.

Did you include the deceased, foreign, and underage voter's ?

The election is 18 months away. 18 months.

Beginning to sound like your Hillary polls. LMAO

MN that sounds familiar, doesnt it HillaryClinton?



Your singling out Biden comes across as you favoring him. Stop it. All the damn Dems are beating Trump. SAY IT.

Voter suppression and fake news

Love your polls! Are they ever correct

Fake news

Nobody believes your polls,not even dopey Democrats.


Hillary was also leading during 2015-2016, prepare for another upset victory from Trump. Sanders2020

Ten Tubmans on Harris for the win! KamalaHarris

What is wrong with us America? Stop voting for these racist old white guys ! Vote choices should be ewarren or KamalaHarris . We want things done we need a WOMAN PRESIDENT

Polling your office staff does not give an accurate representation of the way Americans intend to vote....if it did...we would have Hillary Clinton in the Oval office. Any fool can look at the crowds drawn by these candidates...and see how ridiculous your 'poll' is.

😄🤣😂😄😅🤣 omg ...right. Fake News😂🤣🤐

Didn’t Hillary have the same lead right up until Election Day?

Yet Trump gets about 15,912 more people to his rallies


2016 : Hillary Clinton 99 - D.J Trump 1%... 2019 : Trump est Président.

Please I don't think so... Fake news if I have ever read any. Oh really I read it all the time 😂🙄🤔

Communist polls be like

The Media refusal to hold Congress accountable for the ChildTrafficking humantrafficking drugsmuggling Cartels profiting from Dems paralysis is the big story. When real Journalist step up, Congress is forced to act. Today, fear of DNC has media frozen. CNN nytimes post

The Media ignores the Real Story. Where are all the Journalist? The Issue: HOW MANY CHILDREN ARE BEING EXPLOITED BY SEX TRAFFICKERS AT OUR BORDER? Years ago the Congress would be forced to act because real Journalist would expose the HORROR TAKING PLACE. Drugs, Slavery, Rape.

Who cares what a poll says.

This has got to be the dumbest poll a news organization could initiate. What asshats. Go do some actual reporting. No wonder nobody believes your spew anymore.

METHODOLOGY – This ABC News/Washington Post poll was conducted by landline and cellular telephone June 28-July 1, 2019, in English and Spanish, among a random national sample of 1,008 adults. Results have a margin of sampling error of 3.5 points, including the design effect.

Who the hell are they polling? EVERY SINGLE DAY this a*hole does even worse sh*t than the day before. How could anyone at this point who has heart activity - support this person in the highest level of power in this country?

Just wait until feds flip Epstein. I bet he has some stories to tell about that orange pos

Why does the headline not say 59% of Americans oppose impeachment? It should also say that opposition to impeachment is stronger than the prior poll. Does that not fit your narrative?

Hey where is your coverage of Epstien? Seems like a billionaire child trafficker/pedophile being arrested and that's tied to the Clinton's should be covered no?

You're still using the 'all adults' model instead of the more accurate 'only registered voters' one. His approval among registered voters is 47/50 disapproval. Safe to say that even fewer than 37% in your poll supports impeachment proceedings.

Could that be cuz the left which includes most of its congress and presidential candidates are obviously insane ?

I am invincible! I am Won Dum Fuk!

Trump owns the US. Congress should be ashamed. Assimilating to this new world is going to be so hard for us liberals.

But he's a rapist?

Check again on 7/18

All this talk of impeachment and have yet to hear one valid reason for doing it. Liberals got their feelings hurt. Boo f*cking Woo that isn't a reason to impeach a president.

Can you do the same poll the day after mueller testifies? Thanks in advance

Do You Support ImpeachTrumpNow?

Witch hunt over! No collusion ! No obstruction! No impeachment !

You mean Pres. Clinton in those polls, right?

Gonna be a rough week for you Libbys.

It's over ladies

Helping the rich! I know y'all don't care about the poor... one day you will!

democrats forced obamacare on the people then finds out parts are not legal. There government control healthcare does not work look at Europe there a mess, This country rejects socialism that they keep pushing

we found that these polls do not tell the truth, The numbers are alot higher then this, Try using a honest poll

Seriously? You report that Crazy Joe leads Pres. Trump in a poll? FakeNewsABC

These are statistics of the Fake News media and the super rich ultra-globalists. Trump general approval is well over 50%.

Hell Yeah and it's probably higher!

Come on ABC kick your elite handlers to the curb and conduct an honest poll

But it’s not his economy - kudos to Obama for getting it on track after the GOP wrecked it.

polls abt trump r wrong agn. it should be higher. most ppl play it safe, stay away from polls bc some on the other side will insult or assault u. bc of MEDICARE FOR ILLEGALS; OPEN BORDERS; MORE TAXES; MORE HANDOUTS/WELFARE, dems will lose wh n both houses, bigtime, in 2020.

How many Americans are taking these polls? The legitimacy definitely should be questioned.

Just curious... How are they collecting the data? Are they calling cell phones, or just landlines? I can't find anything about it on their polling page on the website, just says random dialing. I wonder how many of us reject their random calls. I've never been polled.

It’s higher thought you should know hate network.

He hasn't done too much personally but since he's President he gets some credit. The issue is most Americans aren't really feeling the effects of a 'great economy'.....

Also your picture says 53% disapprove !!

I’m just so curious to talk to the voters who keep changing their mind.

So 1) how many people voted? 2) how and where did this voting take place?

We'll see what they'll think of DonaldTrump on July 17th...I'll wait! WaPo Poll

I’m pretty sure people felt the same before Clinton-Bush crashes the economy and put us at war with the wrong people and never-ending war.

We po' folk never get quizzed. I've only been randomly asked for my opinion once and that was for my reaction on a new shampoo which became Selsun Blue.

I stopped answering surveys a while ago. More and more the way the questions are framed, the less you are able to give your honest opinion.

So who’s gonna tell them about the recession bubbling under all of this?

Thanks Obama

Yall’s polls have been way off lately.


The President will be re-elected based on the strong economy. Everything else is background noise.

that’s sad

We have a good economy in spite of trump.

Polls are fake news. Don't believe them.

Funny. Favorable ratings highest ever. Apparently they don’t care if he’s acting “Presidental” our last one did. Hmmm...

So he's still a loooooooser realDonaldTrump

i don’t recall answering that poll. I bet myself and a lot of Americans did not get the opportunity to answer it. 🤔

Well, not me - so only 43% approve...... YogiBerra

Still going to repeat 2020

What is presidential anymore? That ship has sailed. Often the only choice is unpresidential, due to the obvious bias and negativity. Has the press evolved to purposely deceive in order to solicit unpresidential behavior? Only to create a story about unpresidential behavior? Hmmm

Can't see the methodology..only 1k people we don't know how many DemocratsAreDestroyingAmerica or VoteRedToSaveAmerica

More ABC FAKE News!

😼probably one of George’s polls!

He is the only president that has never managed a 50% approval How he polls at 44% is a heartbreaking mystery. He is truly an evil and empty vessel.

Healthcare- Democrats -yes

Add 10% to that since you probably poll more Dems than Republicans.

By that chart its POTUS45 realDonaldTrump that's keeping the numbers down. Guess not everyone thinks his bully tweeting is presidential. He should listen to FLOTUS BeBest

Exactly why he’s making the economy and America better....he’s not the typical swamp politician 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


morgfair Duh....


I wasn’t asked.

44% of unpatriotic Americans approve of Pres. Trump’s job performance. There, I fixed it for you, you’re welcome!

If a Democrat behaved like tRUMP, he would be impeached. If a Democrat initiated a tariff war, the stock market would have tanked. The contrived bullshit living in America.

Hey, is George Stephanopoulos still working for you guys? Good idea? Yes? No?

They say that because it pushes their agenda. Had trump delivered on immigration in his 1st 2 years, his base would have remained energized and he would have held the house. He can thank Ryan and the gop globalists for losing the house.

What 28% consider “fitting and proper”: Taking Putin’s word over US Intelligence Kids in Cages Hiding Taxes Tax Cuts for Wealthy and himself Multiple efforts to Obstruct Mueller Multiple Indictments Ignoring or blocking Subpoenas, multiple Rape “she’s not my type”

47... not 44

So in all reality, 70+% approve and 20+% disapprove

What portion of the people who approve are functionally retired?🤔

Gallup has him at 41%, who does ur polls? BS!

The 44% must be golfers!

Who gives a rats ass how he acts.. making more money in my 401k now than when your Obama was in there...

I’m sure these polls are rigged. America who go around the world,bombing countries who apparently rig their polls.

Yeah, but the candidates keep talking about forgiving college debt. It’s an important issue, but I’d rather not die because I can’t afford health care.


Disapprove here 💯ImpeachTrump

Let's go live to see the people who think Trump is actually doing a good job DumpTrump NotMyPresident

Only the True Racist Haters will support him in the end.

That is because the Democrats are telling them they will get free healthcare, which if you think about it, is a lie. Unaffordable.

Trump is setting the standard for unethical and inappropriate behavior. When future presidents are evaluated for bad behavior, it will be 'that's bad, but it's not Trumpian.' He should be happy, his name will go on like he wants.

Republicans have had over a decade to come up with something. They even had the house, the senate and the presidency. Where’s their healthcare plan?

And yet look how well he has done for it country...😄

Because Democrats care about people....Republicans are busy covering up Trumps blunders.

There's about 3 different states actively suing the federal government to to repeal the mandate for coverage with preexisting conditions. I'm surprised it's only 14 points higher.

This is a good poll for Trump-He didn’t go to the university Jeb Bush,Mitt Romney political correctness!!

But they still have ObamaCare. That solved all the healthcare issues.


Not being politically correct is why he won.

Who cares. Such sensitive people. Trumps a mans man. MAGA

Unpresidential every day! Every hour on the hour! Minute by minute!

Health care top winning issue that they immediately abandoned after the election for green new deal,illegal aliens, Trump investigations and Net Neutrality

I wonder why...ImpeachTheMFTraitor

Anyone who runs for re-election faces risks. Anyone who runs for any election faces risks.

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He is going to be impeached before 2020.

This tweet is a mess

Democrats will desecrate our way of life, foul our beliefs, Trample our freedom. Trump leads by example with the dignity, integrity, & honor that built this country. Trump 2020.

NBCNews CBSNews MSNBC CNN Acosta PropgandaMedia

How about down right traitorous!!!

Job approval is 53%..

Every president has acted in a way that's unpresidential.

That's humorous.. Who set the standard for Presidential behavior?

Yet, a quite large majority also think that impeachment proceedings are total BS. So apparently, American citizens think that rude, obnoxious behavior isn't a reason to remove a President, as opposed to what Democrats seem to think.

No surprised!

So what?

To put it simply Trump's fake presidency is the only thing he knows which is failure BillionDollarLoser

He's just the best

Yes, and thank God for that. We needed a little “unpresidential” behavior.

So, in other words, 28% have some odd standard of presidential. Ok........

Fake news


...but we love it !!!!

fakepolls abc

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Trump reaches career-high approval, yet faces a range of re-election risks: PollBolstered by a strong economy, Donald Trump reached the highest job approval rating of his career in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll and runs competitively for re-election against four of five possible Democratic contenders. Forty-four percent of Americans approve of Trump’s overall job performance Apparently, having 'Raped a screaming 13 year old child' on your resume plays well with the Evangelicals JerryFalwellJr Fake news Americans deserve the it🤮it🤮represents them to the highest
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