Stocks Close Sharply Lower as Yuan Reels and Trump Jabs at China

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Finance Finance Headlines News

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The Dow Jones Industrial Average sank more than 760 points, or 2.9%, in its biggest one-day percentage decline since December

Stocks were pummeled by selling Monday, pushing indexes from New York to Shanghai lower, as the yuan reeled and fresh trade threats between Beijing and Washington raised fears of an economic slowdown.

As of 4 p.m. ET, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 766 points, or 2.9%, to 25718. At their low point, during afternoon trading, the Dow industrials had fallen 961 points. The S&P 500 on the day shed 3% and the Nasdaq Composite declined 3.5%, one of their worst days of the year.


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More winning....

Sounds like winning to me!!!

If the economy is really good, why has Trump imposed tariffs on China? I do understand that China is stealing our intellectual property. But, there are other ways to punish them. The tariffs are killing us. Tariffs are taxes. Trump is too stubborn or too dumb to understand that.

burcham_don Ringraziate Il vostro Trump, incapace è arrogante.

POTUS VP China is also manipulating our stock market-all our markets for their gain. Why are they allowed to 'invest' / gamble in our stock market? Trump2020

We have china BY THE BALLS

2.9% is not much considering how high the market is and has been for more than 2 years

Since...last December. Gee, all the way back then huh?


Can almost taste the sweet victory with winning the trade war. Can't you?

Wow a whole 7 months ago. Fear mongering again.

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