What would an Elizabeth Warren presidency mean for the economy and markets?

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The possibility that Elizabeth Warren could win the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination — and perhaps even defeat Donald Trump — is starting to unnerve some. But would a President Warren actually be a bad thing for big business and the stock market?

New York The possibility that Elizabeth Warren could win the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination — and perhaps even defeat Donald Trump — is starting to unnerve some in Silicon Valley and on Wall Street.

But would a President Warren actually be a bad thing for big business and the stock market? Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg told employees this summer that a Warren White House would not be good for the social media networking company, becaue of her calls to break up Facebook and other big tech companies.

Warren: This is what fossil fuel wants us talking about 02:25Warren has also talked tough about China. That actually could be good for the markets, despite current concerns about the trade war. Even though Trump's tactic of imposing more tariffs on China has hurt American companies and consumers — including from China's retaliatory measures — there is support in the business community for Washington to enforce intellectual property rights more forcefully with Beijing.


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Democrat economics, and their pie in the sky bullsh1t would be horrible for America....everyone knows it.


She will destroy our economy.

No. Strong, smart regulation helps business.

The question is wouldn't more regulation on the stock market actually be a good thing for American poor/ middle class investors?

ewarren would put the economy into a depression. She single-handedly in the first day of her presidency the market will bust. You think Americas angry now wait until she TANKS stock market you will witness a Civil War

We’ve been trying the GOP’s trickle-down hogwash since the Reagan years and it’s never worked...

Of course not.

If we are successful in kicking Trump out, who would Elizabeth Warren be running against? Romney?

Not quite. There's a bright side.

Woohoo, socialism will be wonderful !!

Why not ask would President ewarren be good for Americans. Unless we are finally admitting out loud that big business and stocks are the only thing that matters anymore.

A Woman President? I'm all for it, but Not this cheating Warren or crooked Hillary, IMO. I want an Honest, Trustworthy President that puts America First and their Personal ambitions Last! Someone that will work for the people, like President Trump is working for America.

Hard to say since she doesn’t seem to believe a word she says

Bottom line, disaster !

Pocahontas would be bad for Americans and America EVERYWHERE!!!!!!

We want Tulsi. Tulsi2020. Warren won't get anyone excited with her republican past and cronyism.

This is really only bad news for libs because she could never beat President Trump. Her being President is about as likely as CNN airing anything positive about Donald Trump.

One word..socialist..gives Trump all the talking points he needs. Not to mention her far left ideas. She’ll lose!! We need a centrist, and Biden is the only one qualified.

Cut this crap out. Nothing is bad compared to trump. My 7 year old would be a better president.

There goes your civil liberties, guns, freedom restrictions, etc.

A lesbian win elections 2020 What a joke.

Gee an honest politician Who would fight corruption Both political and corporate ewarren would be Great for this country No wonder the Crooks are worried

Please, that nut job will never win! Fauxcohontas!

Only grifters think accountability is bad for business

Yeah, until you see her agenda and that she supports programs that will bankrupt this nation. She’ll never win the Presidency

That possibility of which you write NERVES many of us. A smart, tough, sharp woman in the Oval Office? Sign me up.

No she’s at war with the middle class. She IS big business. Her fight is with the low income taxpayers. Income earners between 20-75K per year are her bullseye. She is trying to eliminate middle class.

😂😂😂😂😂😂yeah right Wall Street would never let her win

No it wouldnt b a bad thing. The only reason they're afraid is because she'll put them in their place...out of our govt & back into the corporate world where they belong.

Trump hit record highs drawing from the federal reserves. He also hit the biggest decline in record time. The only worry I have about her is cleaning up his mess.

I’d say the possibility is around 1 in 2,024. 🤷🏼‍♂️ just sayin.


With these types of tweets you aren’t helping put out these ridiculous attitudes. Why would President Warren be so bad?! How about you counter that crap with a more supportive tweet about the possibility AGAIN of a woman president, who is also QUALIFIED!

An Elizabeth Warren Presidency would mean the end of USA. End of story.

Wen you start talking about just big business and stock markets as points for winning the presidency. That's the beginning of the downslide? Regular everyday struggling people. Do not give a shit about those things. They are not kitchen table worries,fears or concerns.

She would confirm she really does have indian blood in her?

Liz Warren has absolutely 0 chance of winning anything. Believing she does only means that the liberal media and the dem party have successfully infiltrated your brain and have washed it clean of all reason. You are now a mindless drone. Congratulations.

She will be bad for the world with her pro lgbthdstd stuff

No. Next question?

Socialism. Plain and simple.

I Doubt that, seriously.

Omg She could never handle the harassment Trump has had to handle because of MSM and Dems They have set a precedent so the same will happen to her and if not there will be proof of the death of unbiased news and rigged elections

Folks create wealth through the market. Earnings drive the market. If your 401K, Roth, Etc earnings don’t increase or the likelihood they will increase, you retire with less. Also, pensions will even have a larger unfunded liability. Socialism is not what the USA is.

Oh please, again. Do your RESEARCH.



PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. I pray she is nominee. TRUMP 2020


In your dreams HAHAHA MAGA


We need to get America back on track. Money is important but, the soul of America has been tarnished. We need to do a lot to get back where we were before the nightmare of Trump. Warren or many of the other Democrats will do a great job!

Might be a buying opportunity after stock market crashes 10,000 pts.

Ummm..... yes

Woman no problem. Warren a big problem.

Doesn’t unnerve me.

No way in hell she will ever be president!

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 This prediction is as true as Warren’s Indian background or her being fired for being pregnant.

be worse defeat for the democrats than last time if they make her the nominee and if they do they deserve it

I like her!


It's down fall

stop the madness... she is not the one we want. SenSanders is to old, JoeBiden weak, the only one with a chance and strong enough is KamalaHarris

Low momentum 💙🏳️‍🌈 WalkAway

No ...but the rich bastards want you to think so. She will do good for Main Street and the whole country. ImpeachTrumpPenceBarrPompeoKavanaugh

Warren has really stood out recently and gaining my respect.

You people must do alot of drugs.


Prop up Warren because you know Biden is in trouble for corruption? Either way ... FakeNews

Without a doubt. Trump will eventually go regardless, but what Warren et al are proposing would tank the entire system

The stock market doesn’t really say that much anymore about how well regular Americans are doing.

Come back, Hillary!


Yes. Act one increase corporate taxes. Act two undo private health system. Act three put in place decent environment rules again. How does Corporate America with snouts at trough benefit from that?

America is not just about WallStreet or $$$ we need regain our identity, respectfully living with unique variety of cultures under one flag 🇺🇸 and care one another no matter what background which are trueness of being an American

When hell freezes over. 😆

'a Warren win could boost some parts of the market and economy [like] clean energy and infrastructure... numerous tech insiders said they liked Warren because of her rigorous approach to coming up with policy ideas. Many viewed...'

Love Warren but some of her proposals for the business community are over the top and would never become law.

Warren lied about her heritage and thereby eliminated the opportunities for legitimate minorities. Where's the outrage from liberals?!!


Would be devistation to US prosperity and result in liberal driven depression!

This question can be asked of any of the candidates. Would it be good under any of the males? The economy is smoke and mirrors because the Fed is doing its best to ward off inflation.

The end

I’d take all my money out of the market the next day. Answer your question

🤣🤣 fake news is at it again 🤣🤣🤣

She can't do much to Wall Street. Everyone's pension funds and 401K's are tied up in the market. But if she does, she'll be 10X worse than Trump.

Total fabrication. Nobody is worried.

Hahahahahaha! Yea right.

She can’t beat trump, and I’m starting to think that’s the point of her. The billionaires need trump. The possibility of Bernie winning is what is really unnerving for them. We see through these lies.

Unnerve some? Who ?


She not gonna beat POTUS

Rebuild the middle class Warren2020

🤞🏻Elizabeth Warren won the dems presidential nomination. She’s the best thing since Obama!

POTUS is dying to run against this moron KAG2020

Not really. FakeNewsMedia

She will be a Great President 💕

Thats hilarious. She cant even tell the truth on small personal matters. Heritage confusion and now amnesia recalling her decision to leave the teaching profession...'when she was pregnant.' Dilusional.

Warren has no chance at all of winning the presidentcy in 2020. None

She’ll win the nomination. Biden’s toast, and the rest are lightweights. It won’t so easy against Trump. He has the economy, and his foreign policy on his side. She’s a socialist fake Native American. People will vote with their jobs & 401ks in mind.


I want to hear her foreign policy. That’s where we’re going to need a big improvement and a huge task to get all of our allies on board again. The rest of her domestic policies will probably never pass Congress.

If she wins ewarren would be a good president It's overdue for a woman to be president

She Would be very Good Best and Responsive PRESIDENT OF America

Cmon Clinton news network. The fake Indian is a joke. Sorry. I meant democrat

The socialists at the Fake News Network don’t see a problem with Warren, but thinking Americans do. Warren’s leftist ideas would destroy innovation and the driving elements of America’s success.

Never she’s a lied and against all banking

Dear God, I’m hiding my money if she is elected. She will wreck the economy.

Narrator - redistribution of wealth and socialism are not generally good for business or the stock market when they replace capitalism. Just an FYI.

Complete disaster!!!! Never trust old lieawatha

Unlikely, and yes.

Yes yes it would

🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂I let’s pretend we don’t see what we see right ? President Trump’s rally full of people and Pocahontas with 100 people .

You will lose AGAIN.

DEPRESSION Unemployment Socialism


Everything about this bush bad for everyone. You know what I mean when I say bush, too.

A President Warren would be good for the heart and soul of America. As for the workings of our Republic, she has plans for that. Not to worry. She is more on top, more prepared, more ready than the populous, men especially, are ready to concede. This lady is the real deal.

She’ll never defeat Trump. She lied about her ethnicity for a job and she lied about being fired while pregnant for sympathy votes. She’s a socialist who’s time is over.

Considering she lies about most of the things she talks about, politically and personally, who knows?!? ElizabethTheLiar WarrenLies LiberalHypocrisy 1024NativeAmerican Pocahontas

I love that CNN is predicting Warren’s victory that pretty much assures is that she will loose. Thanks CNN.... Trump in 2020

Literally any warm body would be better than Trump

Who cares if she is bad for business or stock market, she would be great for America and the American people!!! Us little guys that this Criminal administration has walked on and forgotten!!!!


Well since cnn and the left wing lunatics across the country have called trump a liar since day one do they give two shits about all the lies this old biddy keeps telling the media to make her self look like a victim or is that ok?

She would be literal death for this economy☠☠☠

She has 0 chance .

Aint gonna happen. Too many lies. Too many! ewarren

Odds of her winning: 0.000000000000000000000001%

Yes it would be to our economy. Warren would turn our economy towards failure

She will destroy the economy and create millions of unemployment, no 401k, no retirement,.. she would be worse than Trump! At least we have a job now!

No way will Americans put Pocahontas in the Oval Office

Why is the left pushing this LYING, CHEATING, FRAUD so hard?

Wall Street will torpedo her. Big money hates her. And they own everybody.

It would be great for our society and preservation of social order.

It should... she’d be a disaster. She doesn’t know how to lead, she’s weak, she lies, in other words a great politician. We need the Donald four more years!

Not even worried. She's too much of a Socialist.


The Dems put her forward and Trump wins in a landslide. Period

Media translation: 'She might win, it's not a wasted vote' 'Here are some reasons why you should vote for her' There is also a typo in the article on line 6.

Yeah right- not even a snowballs chance- America is awake and done with LIARS

Uhhh, yes. Value creators would leave for countries with less oppressive tax systems.

TALK ABOUT FAKE NEWS! The fake Indian doesn’t have a chance in hell and CNN knows it!

Yes she would.

In your dreams.

Fuck big business and the stock market.

I doubt she will win, but if she does, she will dismantle/break up facebook and google ...so those two companies will try and derail ewarren as they are doin w/trump now....

🥴Shes all you’ve got, Lol

She will win DNC nomination but she will not beat realDonaldTrump

I'd get on the next plane out of US.

Don’t dis a smart woman, we are all humans.

CNN will only show you half of the story because of their incestuous relationship with the Democrats

2020 version of....But but but her emails.

Zero people are unnerved by this. Literally ZERO

Will never vote for ewarren positions.

Is she going to get pregnant? then Quit and say she was fired for being pregnant? Like she been lying about it on the campain trail..

She would ruin the economy worse than Michelle Obama ruined sesame street

Omg! You guys can’t be serious! She doesn’t even stand a chance. 😂

An intelligent women who is a former Harvard Law professor and an experienced Senator unnerves some people, but an insane, corrupt, meglomanic is OK?

Narrator: Yes.

I do not think that I am in Ray if America used America resources spent to finance its armies abroad and use it for the benefit of America's attic will be able to make a flying train

Let’s elect someone who wants to both restrict our right to own weapons and restrict our right to free speech. We see how well that’s working in Venezuela and China.

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